Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 980 Fighting Dugu Again

Chapter 980 Fighting Dugu Again
Chen Xinghe reached out to pick up the clothes, threw them to Yang Qianchan, and at the same time sealed the maid's mouth, what is it called?Isn't it just taking a bath?

"Brother Li." Yang Qianchan moved swiftly, dressed neatly and walked forward. Her black hair was moist and soft, and her skin gave her the most points. It was really white, and anyone standing with her would look dark.

"Where is your husband? I have learned a lot, so come and compete with him."

When the servant girl heard this, she completely relaxed.

Just now I was really worried that this guy was planning to do something wrong, but when the other party mentioned the son of the family, Daoming came to compete with his friends, so he immediately stopped treating him as a normal man.

Look, without squinting, I regard such a beautiful woman as master as air.

It's true that birds of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups. The young master himself is a freak, and the people who come and go are also wooden people.

"This..." Yang Qianchan was really defeated, isn't she beautiful?Why do you have the same eyes as that wooden man?
No, slightly different.

Dugu Jingyao always keeps people away thousands of miles away, without saying a word all day long, and is cold.

This guy looks easy-going, but his eyes are full of fighting spirit, which shows that easy-going is only on the surface, and he is a fighting lunatic like Dugu Jingyao on the inside.

"Okay! I'll inform my husband." Yang Qianchan has always been decisive in her work. To be honest, it is enough to make some gossip, so that outsiders will think that she is superior, but it is men who are competing for sweets, which makes Xiao Xiao stop thinking. It's also a joy to be quiet!

Not much time passed, Chen Xinghe had a feeling in his heart that the terrifying Buddha power was spreading between heaven and earth.

"I don't know which Buddhist monk is so protective of his shortcomings, and actually chases after him to find a place! Fortunately, I have the identity of Li Qinyuan to use."

Chen Xinghe really wanted to compete with Dugu, his killing intent was very interesting, he could use it to sharpen himself and strengthen the foundation of Yuanying's early stage.

This is the way to practice, one step at a time, only if you stand firmly enough can you not be afraid of the wind and snow, and finally reach the peak.

Foli played it three times, but after all, he didn't find any abnormality, so he retreated slowly.

The Dugu family is very powerful, and some advanced monks have already felt the Buddha's power.

If it wasn't for the fact that Foli didn't target any one, but swept across a wide range, he had already deployed a large formation for many years to prevent it.

Chen Xinghe breathed a sigh of relief, how many living beings are there?No wonder you can find it!It is estimated that the monk did not go far, maybe he would hide and observe in secret.

who cares!In the battle against Dugu Jingyao, flying swords were not used, but body training and the abilities of ancient Qi refiners were used.

Unexpectedly, the waiting time lasted for two days and two nights, Yang Qianchan entertained her with good tea and meals, and there were gossips outside, but she couldn't do whatever she wanted in Dugu's house, she had to keep reserved and called a few Dugu men to accompany her.

As a monk, Chen Xinghe doesn't care if he sits for two years, let alone two days!

Two days is not a long time, Dugu Jingyao often retreats, and sometimes he will leave the closed door after a month or two after sending out a message.

Suddenly, the ground shook.

With a "bang" tremor, the silver left foot stepped on the courtyard, spreading killing intent around this big foot.

"Hahaha, Brother Dugu is out of customs, do you want to rest for a few days before competing?"

"No need..." The icy voice turned into a saber qi, slashing the sky and the earth, beating all living beings, this is the purest killing state.

"Huh? Improved? The killing environment before was a bit hypocritical, and I forced to kill for the sake of killing."

"It's different now. It's true that there is no taboo, and killing is common."

Chen Xinghe raised his right arm and slammed forward forcefully.

"Boom boom boom..." The sound shook hundreds of miles, and all the saber energy was shattered.

Although the saber energy is broken, the killing environment is not broken.

Dugu Jingyao suddenly stopped and looked at Chen Xinghe for ten breaths, then stepped back solemnly and said: "You are different, completely changed, what have you experienced?"

"Did you notice it?" Chen Xinghe praised, this guy is so sensitive, he didn't show too many extraordinary things, but he was still noticed by the other party.

"Tell me to see your elevation." Dugu Jingyao said solemnly.

Yang Qianchan was watching the battle standing on the attic far away. She also has good cultivation, and her hearing is naturally not bad, so she rolled her eyes at this moment.

My husband usually doesn't have a word with her wife, but what he said to this Li Qinyuan, who doesn't know the truth, has surpassed all the conversations after marriage. I'm really jealous!

As a careful woman, Li Qinyuan has such a big difference before and after, how can she be regarded as the same person, naturally there are many guesses.

And Chen Xinghe felt that he was Li Qinyuan, because he had these Buddha eyes, and the two of them met through this, it was an arrangement of fate.

The strong wind came out with the fist, smashing through the space with a "bang".

Dugu Jingyao widened his eyes, and defended with his sword at the fastest speed.

"Dang..." The fist pounded on the knife, and the extraordinary strength came out of nowhere, causing Dugu Jingyao to "thump, thud, thump" backwards, unable to stabilize his figure within ten steps.

When he stood firm on his feet, he nodded and said: "It has become stronger, and the strength has been superimposed to such a level. Very good, you can shoot as much as you want."

Chen Xinghe raised his forehead, does this guy need to be so cool?He spoke in a serious manner, so serious that he was too embarrassed to make a move.

"Ding..." Dugu Jingyao actually smashed the long knife, causing layers of flames to burst out.

It's not an ordinary flame, but a silver-white ice flame.

When Chen Xinghe saw this method, he immediately thought of certain ice-attribute techniques of the Moon Moth Sect, and then thought of the Hantian Sect of the five major sects.

It is said that the Cold Sky Sect suppresses the real purgatory, so fire and water are equally important. Most of the exercises use frost to suppress the flames. It seems that Dugu can't hide his old background.

"Photograph!" It was just one word, and after it was uttered, it echoed in the sky and the earth, creating a terrifying feeling like the sky is collapsing and the earth is falling. Suddenly, many phantoms appeared in the mind, silver-white ice flames were everywhere, and the whole body was freezing.

With Chen Xinghe's spiritual cultivation, even though he could distinguish reality from illusion, he still couldn't help shivering.

It was precisely this trembling that made Dugu Jingyao seize the opportunity, and stretched out his hand to release an Ice Soul Throwing Knife.

"You?" Only then did Chen Xinghe know that his real specialty was throwing knives.

This throwing knife was too fast, and he couldn't even react with his speed.

"Dang..." It was a true example, he raised his hand to resist, and a trace of blood appeared on his finger, which made Chen Xinghe feel a little tingling pain.

The cold air was spreading along the fingers. If it wasn't for the right hand, which was so strange beyond imagination, he would probably freeze on the spot and let the other party attack and kill him, right?
Dugu Jingyao was very surprised that someone had cultivated his body to such a terrifying level that he forcibly blocked his cold throwing knife.

Chen Xinghe was equally astonished, and thought to himself: "Is this guy really a son of a family? It's nothing more than his combat power is against the sky, but his reaction speed is actually..."

Dugu Jingyao's reaction speed was really super fast, he was surprised and at the same time did not delay his shot at all, and threw out twelve ice soul throwing knives.

Chen Xinghe really wanted to study how the speed of these throwing knives could be so fast.

"Dang, dang, dang..." The right hand was firmly received, and this time it was his turn, the body cultivator, to back up, one step, two steps, three steps, until ten steps.

The two actually fought evenly again, but this battle has only just begun, and it cannot be used in the courtyard. Next, they will fight in the air to see who is better.

(End of this chapter)

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