Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 981 Post-war review

Chapter 981 Post-war review
The air shook and the clouds scattered.

The two figures were fighting, and they couldn't get enough of fighting over the city, so they ran to the desolate mountainous area for a long time.

Chen Xinghe and Dugu Jingyao played heartily, making howls and colliding unprecedentedly.

The surrounding mountain peaks suffered from bad luck, collapsed and shattered one after another, and large radial craters appeared on the ground, which was the starting point for the duel.

After looking into the distance, there are more and more such starting points, and they are getting denser.

Within three hundred miles, there were many scars, and they were terribly harmed by these two powerful men.

There was a loud bang, and the two separated, smiling at the same time.

There is no need to continue the competition, it is very difficult to win without killing moves!Even if he used his ultimate move, the result would be the same.

You have a backup, but the other party doesn't?Therefore, the results of the previous competition are still maintained. When you meet your opponent, you will meet a good talent, and the battle will be a draw.

Chen Xinghe took out two jars of fine wine, kept one for himself, and threw another for the other party, while throwing his head back and drinking wildly.

After drinking, laugh, because it is worth congratulating to find a worthy opponent in this life.

"Brother Dugu! Keep moving forward, but don't fall behind!"

"You too, you are only in the early stage of Nascent Soul, run around, be careful of headshots."

"How do you say it? It's me who blows other people's heads, and no one else wants to blow my door! I have benefited a lot from this competition. I didn't expect you to be so accomplished in throwing knives? But I am a little surprised, why don't you Cultivate the flying sword? And cultivate this quack style?"

"There are thousands of paths, and all paths lead to the same goal."

As soon as this remark came out, Dugu Jingyao's level was immediately raised, and Chen Xinghe nodded in praise: "Yes! The words of fellow Taoist are very true!"

At their level, they are no longer bothered by the appearance of external objects, and the key is to directly pursue the true meaning of power. Flying knives and flying swords are only ways to achieve divine power, and they can do whatever they find convenient.

The two exchanged part of their cultivation experience, and Chen Xinghe agreed with him to fight again in a few years, and then left with the gains from this battle.

When there was no one around, suddenly an old man in green clothes appeared, greeted Dugu Jingyao and said, "Young master! He has seen the foundation of Han Tianzong!"

"So what? Can't I see the light?"

"The young master is a potential dragon, you must be careful at this stage."

"Qianlong? Han Tian's struggle is so fierce, when will he be able to go out? Don't wait until that day to perish in this small world."

"Young master, don't be discouraged? Zongmen struggles have always been like this. You must know that he is Han Tian, ​​one of the four giants who will lead Chihuangtian's future direction."

Dugu Jingyao suddenly looked towards the direction Chen Xinghe left and said, "I don't know if it's not the five giants, this young emperor of Qingtianzong found a dragon vein!"

The old man in Tsing Yi said indifferently: "Dragon veins are not rare. He may be able to gain a faster cultivation speed now. After entering the stage of transforming gods, his advantage will decrease immediately. With a young master's foundation, he will only be faster than him, and every step he takes is as stable as it is." Buzhou Mountain, the summit is bound to be achieved in the future.”

"I think that this young emperor Qingtian will break everyone's cognition and create miracles again, so I am looking forward to fighting him. Chihuangtian is only suitable for old age, and it is difficult to produce real fighters. But those places outside Yuwai, because of barrenness The cruelty and cruelty have produced many masters, and the reason why they are wandering outside is because the demon world regards this place as a forbidden zone, preventing outside forces from approaching!"

The old man smiled when he heard this: "Yes! Chi Huangtian would never have imagined that behind this kind of peace is the work of the Demon Realm, but..."

After a pause, the old man said with great ambition: "The demon world is about to harvest a lot of fruits, and the four major sects will inevitably cause waves. Revenge."

Dugu Jingyao looked towards the sky and said: "Heaven will not perish for my Dugu family, blood debts must be paid in blood."

Chen Xinghe didn't know that Dugu Jingyao's life experience was full of twists and turns, and there was someone plotting behind him, plotting against Han Tianzong.

The old man in Tsing Yi was able to hide so that he could not detect it, so one could imagine how powerful his cultivation was.

Not only is he strong in cultivation, but his eyesight and intelligence ability are top-notch in the world, so he can see through this fake monk, the real young emperor.

Dragon veins are nothing in the eyes of these people, let alone the flying sword and other things that Chen Xinghe deliberately concealed.

In addition, Dugu Jingyao will only be stronger than what he has shown now, even outrageously strong. Fighting against Chen Xinghe, the young emperor of the Qingtian Sect, is just a little adjustment for the boring cultivation life, and it cannot generate too much motivation for him.

However, Chen Xinghe was not completely unaware.

At this moment, he had already boarded the merchant ship turning Chihuangtian, and reflected every detail of this battle through memory review time and time again, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that there was a problem.

"Hey, this guy doesn't have big reservations, does he?"

"The eyes are too calm."

"You need to know that the eyes are the windows to the soul. When dealing with different threats, the refracted eyes will have subtle differences. Why is this guy not so different? Is it because he is used to being cold and cold, so he is so calm?"

"No, although it's hard for me to accept, but this may be the truth. The world is so big and there are countless masters. I think I can beat the opponent with all my strength, but the opponent doesn't care."


"Put away your arrogance and contempt, and quickly find a way to improve!"

"Grandma, if there are a few monks like this in each generation of the Hantian Sect, it's no wonder that the Qingtian Sect will decline. It seems that I underestimate the other four sects! It's wrong to think that they are all at the level of the Qingtian Sect Yes, you are watching the sky from the bottom of a well, you are so wrong!"

Chen Xinghe was able to be where he is today, and his post-war recovery ability is extremely strong.

Every detail in the battle will be reflected in his mind. He may not be able to taste it at the time, but he can always taste something after careful consideration. At this moment, he is keenly aware of some signs.

Although the facts made it difficult for him to accept, but driven by the desire to change, he quickly turned his attention to new growth points. Accumulating ingots has become a compulsory homework. On this basis, there are other ways to make him stronger ?

The answer is ready to come out, Xingjun controls the divine watch.

Chen Xinghe has only practiced this magical skill intermittently so far, because the star power has never reached the level of inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

Now that he has realized the artistic conception of Mu Cangtian, his ability to absorb star power has greatly increased.

He made up his mind to make serious preparations on the way back, wait until halfway to build a concave surface to attract stars, and have a feast of swallowing stars to boost his magic.

Every kind of cultivation technique reaches a small or even a great success, and it will turn decay into magic. He can't be looked down upon by a son of a family!Otherwise, where is the dignity?
From this moment on, Chen Xinghe worked even harder, lying on the ground every day to draw and draw, and then exchanged the spoils with merchants for various supplies.

If you want to attract huge star power, you must make sufficient preparations. Only if you are willing to throw money into it and invest some rare treasures can you "shepherd the star".

Not to mention Mu Xing, Chen Xinghe is just collecting wool now, as for how much wool can be gathered, it depends on his dedication.

(End of this chapter)

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