Chapter 982
Chen Xinghe jumped off the boat.

For this moment, he prepared for 39 days.

I don't know how the battle is going on on the battlefield, but he wants to run back to slay demons with all his heart, and he can't find many "just" monks like him with lanterns.

It was already very close to Chihuangtian port, and any closer would cause detection, so I had to jump off the ship today.

If you want to attract star power, the void is naturally stronger than the ground, and the next step is to look at the power of the animal husbandry thaumaturgy.

How much ability has been comprehended from the three characters of Mu Cangtian, the following is the moment of witness.

There is a saying that a thousand words and ten thousand are useless, and it is a mule or a horse that leads it out for a walk.

Chen Xinghe combined what he had learned all over the body to draw a large number of talismans, and even made many talisman treasures similar to soul-calling banners.

Naturally, these guys are not used to summon souls, but to summon the star power of the heavens.

Some of these powerful talismans have a special locking ability, and are most sensitive to the power of the secret star.

The star power floating in the range of thousands of miles can be wiped out in just a moment, and the real absorption range will be in this vast star universe.Especially in the vicinity of Chihuangtian, it is expected that there will be no Xingjun in these years, as if the reservoir has long been full, so much star power is enough to supply Xingjun to rule the gods, and the tide will rise and reach the realm of Xiaocheng as soon as possible.

Now everything is just speculation, when the merchant ship disappeared, Chen Xinghe first took out three formation disks, and arranged a large defensive formation in the void.

I don't know if it is still a taboo to absorb star power in these days?In short, you have to be careful, because Qingtianzong's face is so big.

The five major sects are about to become the four major sects, and many monks are not a fan of the Tianzong now, thinking that this building may collapse at any time.

Now he has suffered heavy losses in order to defend against the Demon Sect, so his strength is obviously getting weaker and weaker. Naturally, his reputation as the young emperor of the Qingtian Sect is not so good. Disciples are shoulder to shoulder, so don't feel good about yourself, especially outside the sect, you should be careful if you can, and stick to your little life.

After arranging for two full hours, it's done.

Next came the highlight. Chen Xinghe sat on a white jade formation pillar, took out all the spirit stones he got during this trip, and took out ten ingots with a heartbroken face, and pushed them into the formation with [-] talismans. central.

The void trembled slightly, and beautiful ripples appeared.

After that, the number of ripples increased, beyond imagination, and then the vision disappeared.

Chen Xinghe let out a sigh of relief, the cunning rabbit is still in the three caves, he absorbs star power here, maybe there is nothing at first, but after a long time, it will definitely attract attention, so it is necessary to spread doubts a lot, so that when there is a problem, the soles of the feet will be wiped with oil. slip.

Do everything to leave a way out for yourself, this is the only way to make a living in the world of cultivation.

Two quarters of an hour later, the starry sky suddenly darkened, and the lights of the stars gathered to form a tsunami.

"Oh my God!" Chen Xinghe almost died of fright, he really didn't expect such a miracle to appear, so the three big characters Mu Cangtian are too easy to use, right?
Is it not only useful?It is simply unrivaled, rare in the world!

It turned out that if those Xingjun knew Mu Cangtian's peerless method, they would wake up with excitement every day when they slept, and Chen Xinghe was ignorant and mistaken, and they still don't know what this scene means.




He has always suffered from insufficient star power, now that thousands of fragments of light are rushing forward, so why be polite?
At this moment, the star-leading concave surface built by the talisman is only [-]% open.

Since the effect is too good, quickly freeze it, and wait until it adapts to the current strength of star power before deciding whether to continue to relax.

"Boom..." The star power gathered too much, like ten thousand horses galloping.

Chen Xinghe only felt extremely happy. One must know that cultivating the Xingjun God Watch on weekdays is really unshakable, and the progress is so slow that he doubts his life.

Now that the star power is so abundant, I finally feel the possibility of hitting the bottleneck!


"Boom boom boom..."

"Boom boom boom boom..."

Chen Xinghe's jaw almost dropped in shock, is this pass so sad now?It didn't shake after thirteen shocks.

It doesn't matter, the nearby star power has gathered, he is now a rich landlord, not to mention spending money like water, and it is almost the same.Blindly rush forward!Fuck his grandma.

Suddenly, the whole body trembled, and the star power consumption rate was faster than once.

After 49 shocks like this, a bright light in my mind rapidly expanded, and finally stabilized, shining forever in the dark.

"It's done?"

"Hahaha, I have finally broken through the bottleneck, and I can grow my natal star."

Chen Xinghe hurriedly practiced, feeling as if he had a water reservoir in his mind.Of course, what is stored is not water, but special star power.

Star power is heterogeneous and impure, some star power is distinct from each other, and some star power is mixed together, which must be distinguished.

At this time, the talisman carefully drawn in the previous thirty days came out with strong light to interfere.

This method is extremely ingenious, Chen Xinghe has already tried it, and under all kinds of disturbances, only the power of the stars can move forward without hindrance.

It's not how powerful the Tianji star is, but that the means that can interfere with the power of the Tianji star are artificially excluded, so after complex interference, only the power of the Tianji star can sink into the center of the formation.

The star power is still vast and boundless, Chen Xinghe absorbs the star power of the secret first, and those excluded from the extraterrestrial power are also useful, but they are not used now.

In this way, he made up his mind to push the Xingjun God Table little by little, draining one or two of the star power floating around Chi Huangtian within two days.

The entry is naturally extremely fast. With the strengthening of the devouring ability, the concave surface of attracting stars has been fully developed, and the attracted star power is even stronger. I believe that it only takes two more days to break through.

Chen Xinghe felt the joy of improving every moment, if it were normal practice speed, he might not be able to reach this level in 500 years.

Xingjun's governing divine table is divided into Temple, Wang, De, Li, Ping, Luo, and Sinking. He is now only a very short distance away from the word Wang.

Due to the rapid breakthrough, there is currently no time to explore how far the ability has evolved.

On the fifth day, the book of life and death suddenly became blurred.

Although it quickly returned to normal, it made Chen Xinghe realize that someone had noticed a phenomenon in the starry sky and would come to investigate soon.

"Hurry up, hurry up, break through to the word Wang!"

"It doesn't matter, first use other star power to purify the star power of Tianji."

It was too late to say, but in an instant, Chen Xinghe activated the star power of Tianliang in a moment of thought.

This is the star of medicine, and it is also the star of turning bad luck into good fortune. It is perfect for refining the star of secrets.

The big formation was full of light, Chen Xinghe didn't expect that many thoughts would flood in, making his understanding of alchemy and alchemy soar.

In a daze, it was as if thousands of ancients were standing in front of them practicing alchemy. Although only a few scales and claws could be seen, their figures and movements were extremely vague, but with Chen Xinghe's attainments, many wonderful things could be seen, and little by little accumulated experience By learning from each other's strengths, he has already risen to a new height above alchemy.

(End of this chapter)

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