Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 983 Temple Prosperity

Chapter 983 Temple Prosperity
"It's great, so much information is contained in the star power." Chen Xinghe was a little obsessed and immersed in it.

The power of Tianji Xingxing became more and more condensed in the process of refining, just like removing a layer of burden, it became lighter and smoother.

"Next, use Tiantongxing to refine."

Tiantong is the star of good fortune, and sometimes it also means sitting back and reaping the rewards. It can be said that the number of luck is the most prosperous.

Chen Xinghe faintly saw some images of extravagance and lust.

Some people have a good life, and they seem to fall into a nest of blessings when they are born, but they continue to waste their blessings, and few of them can die well in the end.

A good life is only one aspect, one is not to toss around, and the other is to have a sense of crisis, as the saying goes, be prepared for danger in times of peace, which is the eternal truth.

As the saying goes, if you suffer from a trap, you will gain wisdom, Chen Xinghe nodded and said: "I have been taught."

After the Tiantong star, it attracts the Tianfu star, which is the star of the treasury and the star of abundance.

Chen Xinghe carefully comprehended the mysteries of wealth, and found that since ancient times, wealth is like flowing water, and only by finding a stable source of wealth can we continue to be rich.

Of course, there is another way, which is to rob houses and accumulate capital quickly, but there are too many causes and effects involved in it, so that few can get good rewards.

As a result, Chen Xinghe paid more and more attention to the sect war.

In normal times, it was called robbing the house, but now it was defending the family, defending the land and the country, so the battlefield would always be a good place for a small person like him to counterattack in an all-round way, and it has been the same since ancient times!

Then release the star power of Tianxiang star, Tianwu star, Tiangui star, and Tiande star, just like sharpening a knife to make the natal Tianji star extremely pure and strong, which is convenient for advancing to a higher level.

Another day and night, and now a critical juncture has been reached.

Chen Xinghe mobilized the star power of Jumen, this star is the star of tongue-in-cheek, meanings such as spitting blood, innuendo, etc. are related to this star.

A secret door appeared in the dark, and it was also the dragon gate for the carp to jump over the dragon gate.

If you jump over this pass, you will be able to skyrocket, but if you can't, it will be like this in this life, and the star king's dominance watch will never improve again.

This practice was all for this moment, Chen Xinghe didn't dare to delay, and immediately made a bold move forward.

"Fast!" The magic talisman started to burn, and the concave surface of the star was enlarged ten times in an instant, and began to attract the star power regardless of the cost.

Now that the stars are gathering, they can no longer hide them, and they can be seen from far away.

Chen Xinghe no longer cared so much, it would not be an easy task to jump over this threshold, it would require a lot of star power, even if this was not enough, he had to further hone his natal star.

"Come on! Seven Killing Stars, Army Breaking Stars, Greedy Wolf Stars..." Chen Xinghe mobilized these three star powers to talk about killing, promoting military power, and controlling greed.

He put his mind into it as if he was going through battle after battle, and his battle experience accumulated little by little, and his strength improved slightly.

All kinds of enlightenment seems to be a compulsory course before becoming a star king. It is precisely to wear the crown that one must bear its weight.

The position of Xingjun is not something that can be taken casually, it needs huge experience to support it, so that you can walk fast and sit firmly.

Tianji star is the third star of the Southern Dipper, the five elements belong to Yimu, it is green, it prolongs life, it is the master of brothers, it is the star of wisdom, benevolence and counting.

This is also the place of running, the star of benevolence and kindness, the heart is soft and afraid of evil stars, easy to go through hardships, suitable for religion.

Why isn't Chen Xinghe's natal star the most precious Ziwei star?Is it not to sit back and enjoy the same star all day long?In fact, there are arrangements somewhere.

He has been running around all these years, how can he have time to stop?In order to make a living, he worked tirelessly and worked hard to accumulate knowledge, but he also had a pure heart, which just matched the star of Tianji.

Therefore, if he is not the master of secrets, who will be the star king of secrets?But it is very important right now, once it stops, it will be tantamount to losing the secret, and its true star nature will inevitably be scattered and scattered.

Chen Xinghe's pinching formula inspired Zhao Xingfan, and used the most radical way to arouse the star power, because he knew that the time left for him was running out.

The power of the star turns into a rolling river, and all rivers and rivers rush to the sea.

At the same time, several figures flew from the direction of the Scarlet Emperor's Sky Port. Seeing the place where the star power gathered, they immediately accelerated, and it was estimated that they would arrive in a quarter of an hour.

As the star power advanced layer by layer, Chen Xinghe finally broke through the huge obstacle, and a roar erupted in his mind, forming a brilliant star.

However, this is not enough. If you want the Xingjun to have a small success in controlling the gods, the worst thing is to have your natal star enter the temple, so that you can truly enter the realm of dominance later on. To put it bluntly, it is all about hard work and foundation building.

"Ahh! The star power of the heavens is here to help, and the star animal husbandry is chasing the sea." Behind Chen Xinghe, a god ape suddenly stood up, looked up at Xinghai, raised his right hand with a loud roar to order the heavens, and Mu Cangtian three faintly swayed beside him. Character.

This is the real shepherd guarding the heavens, chasing the stars and chasing the moon, in which the transcendent artistic conception is fully erupted, and the starry sky is quickly dimmed with the help of recruiting star banners.

For Chi Huangtian, this moment was the darkest!
Even Chihuangtian's own light and color were suppressed, and the side of the night was even darker and the wind was high, and the stars had disappeared.

"Who is doing such taboo things?"

There was a roar from a distance, and there was a figure coming from a distance, looking particularly eager.

Naturally, Chen Xinghe is not the only one in the world to induce star power to cultivate, but everyone dare not touch the red line, and there is no one who has the ability to touch the red line. A monk who can absorb massive star power suddenly appears, which is both enviable , and arouses jealousy!
You sucked away all the star power, how can we practice in the future?How did those ancient star kings die?All because they eat alone.

If you want to eat alone, you will be damned.

It is precisely because of these reasons that those monks who know how to practice star power are even more eager, wishing to step over and beat them hard to see if they can snatch the star power.

The prosperity of the world is all for Lilai.The world is full of hustle and bustle, all for profit!

As long as there is interest, these monks will come to shout and kill without shouting.

Chen Xinghe lamented that Mu Cangtian's effect was good, but he also knew that doing so would inevitably cause public outrage, so he took advantage of it and quickly retreated, the longer he stayed, the more dangerous it would be.

Fortunately, the natal star has already entered the prosperity, but there is still entry into the temple. If you miss today, you don’t know how long it will take to meet the conditions to receive the star power again. Therefore, this opportunity is not to be missed. If you can persist for a while, you can persist for a while, and you can’t give up easily.

"Boom..." There are thousands of horses galloping everywhere, and the more it is like this, the more people hate it.

With a loud roar, Chen Xinghe started the most important part of training, that is to induce Ziwei star power, sun star power, and lunar star power to hone the natal star.

Ziwei star turns gas into respect, the five elements belong to its own land, and even the star of respect, representing kindness, auspiciousness and blessing.Symbol of supremacy, also known as Emperor Star.

Think about ordinary courtiers accepting the emperor's test, what kind of state is that?This is much more powerful than the insinuations and hidden thresholds of the giants.

However, at this moment, No. 1 powerful monk had already approached, and opened his forehead to spy on the depth.

(End of this chapter)

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