Chapter 985 Magical
Chen Xinghe had a strange feeling. He teleported himself to a void of gravel. It was his first time, but it seemed like he had been there thousands of times.

It's too familiar, so you don't need to explore, as if you are born to know where to hide, where there are unique ores, and where there are high-quality spiritual objects.

"This is the realm where the Tianji Star Temple is flourishing?"

"It's unbelievable. You even know what kind of spirits are hiding in the dark? And you can see what kind of spirits they are in a single thought."

"You have to know that this is not really entering the temple, it can only be counted as half entering the temple. If you meet the requirements for entering the temple, how strange will it evolve? It is really exciting."

He escaped into the crevice in one step, and settled down to prepare for the second teleportation.

Why did you choose this place as a hiding place?Because there is a konjac plant growing next to it.

This kind of konjac is both a monster and a spirit. It is best at manipulating yin and yang, hiding and invisible.

Hide within its shielding range and instantly blend in with its surroundings, minimizing the risk of exposure.

The book of life and death did not reveal any warning signs, so Chen Xinghe was safe, but out of caution, he hid within the konjac cover.

He had just prepared thirty breaths here, and the book of life and death suddenly produced ripples, but fortunately it did not become blurred, which made Chen Xinghe feel at ease.

Continue to make preparations. This area of ​​rubble is very vast, and it will take a few days to search it all. By then, he would have already run back to the sect.


"You must hide here..."

A glare of light lit up in the distance, and then countless boulders collapsed.

Chen Xinghe was delighted to see it. No matter how high his cultivation base was, he would not be able to hit the entire gravel area. In terms of range, this area was equivalent to half a piece of land. If he hadn't been working with the star force, he could feel the abnormal movement all the time. I was afraid that I could not perceive the scene in the distance before.

The two sides are far apart, and the book of life and death only produces a slight ripple, which is far from the threat of life and death.

However, half a quarter of an hour later, the book of life and death showed ripples again, and the chugs became heavier and heavier.

As soon as Chen Xinghe saw this situation, he immediately knew that the other party had a treasure index, so he could follow the clues to find it bit by bit.

I don't know if he can last another quarter of an hour. He is actively mobilizing dragon energy here, preparing for a longer distance transmission.

Time passed bit by bit, and the trip was not far away.

Suddenly, the vibration accelerated, and the visitor actually found this place accurately.

The huge consciousness swept over, and if it wasn't for the existence of konjac, the exact location would have been revealed on the spot.

At critical moments, Chen Xinghe was very calm, this was the experience he had accumulated from escaping in front of masters time and time again.

What are you panicking about?After finding him, I just feel a little strange, how is the other party positioned?

Soon, he knew the answer.

Because I feel that there is something in the opponent's hand, I am plucking the star power like plucking the strings all the time.

"A skull?"

"The skulls of those Xingjun in front?"

"What is this breath?"

"That's right, the natal star should be the Seven Killing Star, what a huge murderous aura! It's a pity that the skull is in the hands of this person and cannot be collected."

A circle of faint light appeared at Chen Xinghe's feet, and a large number of runes spread outward in an instant, and a ring of teleportation bull's-eyes in units of [-] miles was immediately drawn in his mind.

This situation is amazing!There is an intuition in my heart that the teleportation with the help of the city teleportation array can also anchor the exact point, and the teleportation coordinates can be changed with a thought, and I can reach all the places I want to reach.

If you use the extremely powerful teleportation array of Qingtianzong, is there a chance to directly enter some secret realms?The more Chen Xinghe thought about it, the more excited he became.

What kind of front is this going to?
First sweep out the hidden caves within the Qingtianzong range, and then use the Zongmen teleportation array to ram them in directly, maybe you can accumulate a large family business in a short period of time.

The crisis is right in front of us, but feeling the bright future, our mind keeps going astray.

At this moment, Chen Xinghe felt like returning home.

The Qingtian Sect is so vast, enough for him to toss about for a few years. After tossing his own sect and gaining some confidence, maybe he can consider going to the other four sects to "drop in"?
"I found you!" The big man who looked like a blind man slammed into him fiercely, Chen Xinghe tapped his foot lightly, and his figure faded away in an instant.

"Hmph, the same trick can't be performed twice in front of me." The big bear stared slightly, and grabbed it with his big hands, apparently leaving no way for Chen Xinghe to survive.

"Prajna!" Chen Xinghe roared, and a large number of strange runes appeared on his right arm, and the energy of a Qi refiner spread thousands of miles, in exchange for an extraordinary power.

In a trance, his right arm has reached the state of body refining in the stage of transforming gods, and his strength is ten times and a hundred times stronger than before. Shattering the void is just a breeze.

"Boom..." The visitor was taken aback this time, and shouted, "No, there is something weird about this kid."

At the same time when he noticed the difference, Chen Xinghe had completely faded away, and forcibly wiped away all his aura with destructive power.

The main purpose is to block the star power and create a star power vacuum.

This really worked, the big man was so angry that he stomped his feet, he could no longer feel the position of the skull in his hand, and asked himself if this trip was a capsize in the gutter?
"Ahhh, I'm so mad! Just wait, no matter where you are, as long as you absorb the star power, I will arrive as soon as possible."

The voice echoed, but Chen Xinghe couldn't hear it for a long time.

As soon as Emperor Qingtianzong stepped into the city, he raised his foot and walked towards the teleportation formation.

It was Si o'clock in the morning, and he wanted to see if he could return to the sect within half an hour.

The Yingluo pattern is the passport, and the disciples of the Qingtian Sect still have some specifications outside, and one of the benefits is that they can use the teleportation array at any time.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Chen Xinghe had stepped into the teleportation array with the longest teleportation distance and the strongest teleportation power in this city.

Unexpectedly, the map suddenly expands in all directions in his mind. The expansion range seems to be infinitely extendable, but it requires a lot of mental energy. At present, he can extend 7 million miles in units of [-] miles.

This distance is not too short, it can cover almost the entire Xiaoqian world, but it needs to be further strengthened in Chihuangtian.

With the city at the foot as the center, it can just lock the edge towns of the Qingtian Sect.

The coordinates are generated immediately when the mind moves.

When the teleportation aura rose, there was a large deviation from the previous teleportation direction, and the monk in charge of teleportation was so frightened that he hurried forward to investigate.

Naturally, the investigation was fruitless, and Chen Xinghe returned to the range of the Qingtian Sect one step at a time, so happy that he wanted to scream into the air.

"Hahaha, that's great! In this way, with the help of those large teleportation arrays, you can go to any coordinate within 7 million miles, covering the entire Qingtian Sect. That's no problem at all. By the way, the area in my territory It's time to fix this shipwreck."

Chen Xinghe couldn't trace the core of the sunken ship before, but now he can search the sunken ship most thoroughly by finding a teleportation array.

After scanning like this, there will be no mistakes inside and out, and you can use the teleportation array to hit Huanglong directly.

Who cares how many Yaozu circles set up flags on the boat?It will fall overnight, lose the protection of the shipwreck within the scope of Qingtianzong, and the monster race in the transformation stage must be honest, otherwise wait to become a magic weapon spirit!
(End of this chapter)

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