Chapter 986

Chen Xinghe didn't go back home, but ran directly to the sunken ship with the help of the teleportation array in the city.

"Bang..." His feet landed on the ground, as if he had been in and out of this place often, and he knew every path clearly.

There are glowing mushrooms on the left and right. This is a very inconspicuous passage in the underground cave. Who would have thought that the core of the sunken ship is hidden here.

On the surface, there is nothing abnormal here, but Chen Xinghe is determined, and the core hides himself in the left stone wall.

"The fetish is self-deprecating! Dormant for a long time, it's a smart way to treat yourself as dead."

As he said that, he stretched out his right hand, and at the same time made out more than 30 talismans.

There was nothing wrong with it at first, but when the right hand faintly grasped a heavy object, the stone wall suddenly swelled, and a large number of golden lumps appeared on the rock.

Obviously, for the sake of safety, the core has long been prepared.

Chen Xinghe was also prepared, the talisman floating near his body suddenly burned, creating a huge traction force, preventing this guy from escaping.

"Moo..." With a yelp, the core of the sunken ship revealed light and shadow.

This guy has hooves and horns, which is easily reminiscent of a farming ox, but his back is covered with fist-sized gemstones, which is different. It is definitely not a "cow" in common cognition, and it feels a bit like a spirit.

"Good baby, I'll accept you. I don't know how many ingots I can sell?" Chen Xinghe is still far away from ten thousand ingots. In his opinion, the grand slam of 81 times the cultivation speed in the Nascent Soul stage is just the foundation, and he must do everything as soon as possible. achieve.

Letting the transformation speed reach 81 times the cultivation speed is called bullishness, but there is no [-] ingots that can't be played, so I'm just thinking about it now.

The bull's hoof set off a hurricane, trying to shake Chen Xinghe, but he punched it, directly breaking all the wind power.

After breaking the wind, the fist didn't stop, but hit the bull's nose with extraordinary force.

"Moo..." The ship spirit retreated step by step after being hit, his eyes were a little unbelievable, and then he opened his mouth wide and was about to howl.

Chen Xinghe has rich experience in fighting, and he knew from his posture that he was calling for helpers.

There are so many powerful monsters on board, if this guy called them over for a while, they would not be able to get their wish today, so they should be blocked immediately, and no news should be spread, the consequences would not be a crime.

It was too late to say, but in an instant, a sword light clicked out.

This sword light came too timely, it just hit the gemstone cow's throat, causing a crack the size of a fingernail.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Gemstone Bull was extremely indignant. He changed from roaring with mouth open to coughing dryly with mouth open. His voice was not conveyed, and his heart sank suddenly. He knew that those who came were not good, and those who were kind would not come. The monk in front of him had a strong adaptability, Very difficult to deal with.

Chen Xinghe unleashed 27 flying swords and began to attack with his will. He manifested dragon veins behind his back. Under the crazy blessing of dragon energy, his arms made rattling noises, like tens of thousands of cables churning together. It's too big.

Then there was a shocking punch.

He knew in his heart that he must deal with this gem cow quickly, because there are too many powerful monsters and too many variables on the sunken ship, if a few powerful guys come here, they will definitely have the ability to make him unable to eat.

In order to obtain this shipwreck, and for a better future, he had to go all out and do his best to subdue the gem bull.

However, this jeweled cow is extremely stubborn, how could he put a Nascent Soul cultivator in his eyes?

At this time, Baoshi Niu let out a low growl, bursting out with mad cow arrogance, relying on his physical strength, he collided with Chen Xinghe's right arm.

This blow should have caused a roar, but Chen Xinghe's control and control of strength far surpassed the mad cow's imagination, and there was no force spreading, but concentrated and concentrated again, causing the bull's nose to collapse inward.

Even though the nose collapsed in a small piece and could be recovered in an instant, it still made the bull's head dangle uncomfortable.

Chen Xinghe grimaced, this bull is too tough, it's too much to bear head-to-head, it must be blocked in another way, and it must not be delayed, because it will change if it is delayed.

Thinking of this, he patted the human race bag and released a treasure, and a small fire shot out from the center, which was a precious lamp.

Surrounded by twelve constellation cards, the Pisces card releases a large net of yin and yang to envelop the precious bull, and the other cards use their own skills to lock the divine bull.

Now this set of cards is complete without two spirit weapons, and the two missing pieces correspond to Taurus and Cancer respectively.

Suddenly a voice came out: "Brother Xinghe, is this the Taurus spiritual weapon you found for me? It's too much, it's too much, this big guy's level is terribly high."

"Ahem..." Chen Xinghe couldn't catch his breath for a long time, this clever Mo Lizhen used himself as a dish.

"Mo Li, are you awake?"

"Yes! Thank you for collecting so many powerful spiritual weapons. The most important thing is that you have artificially created a divine dragon vein because it is contaminated with dragon energy."

"I have dragon energy, come and help contain this big bull." Chen Xinghe hastily opened the dragon's veins to Mo Li, and the [-] constellation cards were colored layer by layer, and immediately became quite extraordinary.

"Okay!" Mo Li hurriedly responded, he found that Chen Xinghe had become so much stronger during the years he had been sleeping, and his aura was so mysterious and powerful that if it wasn't for the connection between them, they would hardly dare to recognize each other just by induction.

The lights bloomed, Chen Xinghe finally got over his breath, and stepped forward.

With the help of Dragon Qi, Mo Li began to fully recover, and he became very interested in this jeweled cow.

The Twelve Constellation cards are missing two cards. Seeing the bullish look of this big guy in front of him, I really like it. I can't wait to dig it out and sacrifice it to the Taurus card to increase its power.

Chen Xinghe got so many trophies, half of which were spirit artifacts. After careful selection, he helped Mo Li make up ten cards. However, it is really difficult to make up the two cards of Taurus and Cancer.

Originally, he just wanted to use the spirit weapon's net, but he didn't expect that Mo Li would wake up early after being infected by the dragon energy.

This is a great thing. The birth of this lamp is equivalent to controlling eleven spiritual weapons at the same time. With the help of so many spiritual weapons, it can be more or less effective.

Sure enough, Mo Li helped a lot, the help of Dragon Qi was no less than a magic weapon, and the Guizang Sword was strictly guarded against him, so the Gemstone Bull soon became passive.

Chen Xinghe saw it, maybe the shipwreck was about to set off a demon tide, so the strength was weak, if this cow was in full power, it might be difficult to even get close.

It is just seeing that you are sick and killing you, the opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will never come again.

"Moo..." The gemstone cow suddenly burst into precious light, and Mo Li shouted: "This guy has incredible power in his body, and it will explode soon. You stand back and call me...I...I will trigger a catastrophe of becoming a treasure , survive the tribulation with so many spirit weapons."

"What? Aren't there two cards missing from the lamp?"

"This cow is the Taurus card. As for the Cancer card, do you still have a spiritual weapon? Just take one and count."

"Is this all right?" Chen Xinghe patted his forehead straight, but he couldn't allow him to think too much, a monster light rose in front of his eyes, and Daniel was on the verge of erupting.

(End of this chapter)

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