Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 987 Failure!driven to distraction

Chapter 987 Failure!driven to distraction

"Boom..." The sound finally spread, and the terrifying power broke through the cave, causing the land above to sink, disintegrate, and disappear.

After two breaths, a huge crater with a width of [-] miles appeared out of thin air on the ground of the sunken ship.

Immediately, a bolt of lightning struck down, followed by the second, and the third, more and more, brighter and brighter.

"Roar..." Accompanied by the roar, all directions were startled and furious.

Chen Xinghe ran away a long time ago, Mo Li was too ambitious, he wanted to take twelve spiritual weapons with him to cross the catastrophe.

Indeed, the Nine Tribulations of the Underworld Jue repairs the tribulation power, and it is a good thing to encounter a spiritual weapon to cross the tribulation, but don't look at where this is, there are many powerful monsters staring at it, if you stay there, you will go off-line.

Mo Li asked Chen Xinghe to go first, Baodeng had a strong background, he was very confident in crossing the catastrophe, and with such a strong bull cheering him on, the winning rate was originally only [-]%, but now it can reach [-]%.

Chen Xinghe didn't know how this guy calculated, forty to seventy percent?is it possible?
However, there was no time to delve into it, and many terrifying auras appeared, the only thing he could do now was to leave as soon as possible.

Mo Li started to cross the catastrophe!It is a spectacular sight to carry eleven spiritual weapons and cross the catastrophe together with the eight intangible gem cows.

There was a big demon who didn't care about such a thunderous scene, and stretched out his big hand to save the gem cow, but there was a chaotic sound in the air, and there was a layer of magic calamity, which shocked the heart and soul, and wiped out the aura, which is very amazing.

"Magic Tribulation?"

"Magic Weapon Transcending Tribulation?"

"What the hell is going on here?"

All the big monsters went crazy, they don't know why there is a calamity in the evil way.

Chen Xinghe stood watching from a distance. As for the inside story, he was probably the only one who knew a thing or two, but not completely.

Mo Li was originally a magic treasure, but crossing him to become a Buddha treasure stopped halfway and turned to a more difficult path.

He wants to become a spiritual treasure or even an innate spiritual treasure, and then give up his body and reincarnate in reincarnation.

"I don't know how much confidence Moli's demon cultivator father gave him? He is so confident in the achievement of the magic weapon through the tribulation, and the achievement of the magic weapon by himself is not counted, and he has to bring a group of younger brothers."

"Looking at it this way, I must have something to rely on to be so reckless, otherwise I would not be allowed to leave first. You must know that since ancient times, this pass has killed countless spirit weapons, and let them be wiped out in the catastrophe, so Magical treasures are precious."

The sky and the earth are shining brightly, and the gemstone cow is also drunk at the moment, what does it mean to say that you will bring me when you cross the catastrophe?It seems that Lao Tzu and you are a family, what can I do if a mere Cheng Bao Tian Tribulation?
It is true that there is nothing to be done about this gem bull, but the breath has already become one.

Gem Cow couldn't figure it out either, how could he combine the cards with this set of cards?It seems that there is some kind of terrible thing locked in the dark.

Mo Li showed a triumphant smile. The reason why he created this set of cards was to "capture the bull".

In fact, the position of Cancer was originally prepared for "catching the bull", so no matter which spiritual weapon Chen Xinghe placed, it was not suitable.

The so-called catching a bull means catching a powerful treasure, capturing it, grabbing it, and becoming a stepping stone for Mo Li to take off.

Now that he saw the target, the position of Cancer immediately became dispensable, and he randomly chose a pair of scissors from Chen Xinghe's collection to make up the number.

is this OK?
Of course, everything can be led by him, Mo Li.The key is that there is a treasure hidden inside the magic lamp, which has the ability to lock anything in the three realms. Regardless of whether the gem bull in front of him agrees or nods, as long as the breath is connected, he will be regarded as one of the twelve guardians. a member of



"Rumble rumble..."

"Moo..." The gem cow growled loudly after being shocked.

Although these shocks are nothing to him, but after being woken up by someone, pinch him here and there, twist him here and there, how about you try it?
The anger was rushing to the top beam gate, and the gemstone cow had begun to erupt in an all-round way. It would have waited a few years before it would erupt. Today, it has forced him to this level, and it is not enough to vent his anger.

The earth "buzzed" and the mountains sounded.

As the saying goes, there are still three catties of nails in a broken ship, let alone such an unprecedented cultivation warship that has sunk in the Qingtian Sect for so many years and cannot be cleared?
He is so powerful!
It's too powerful!
Any leak of arrogance would not be able to be resisted by an ordinary cultivator at the transformation stage.

The vast catastrophe suddenly collapsed, making Mo Li a little dumbfounded.

His treasure set plan was aimed at the level of magic weapons. He didn't expect this cow to be so powerful. Once it showed its true power, it would be ridiculously strong.

Immediately, Mo Li was overjoyed and shouted to the sky: "Come on! I have escorts, and I will be promoted to Lingbao today."

This is nonsense, but it turned out that the magic lamp was indeed weird. Cheng Bao Tianjie, who was about to be shaken away, trembled heavily, and then gathered in a more powerful posture.

The gem cow is angry, these offal are endless, it makes no sense!

"Moo..." The mountains and rivers resonated, and the demonic aura surged to the sky.

Chen Xinghe took a look from afar and was so shocked that he couldn't be more shocked. He immediately understood that this jeweled ox was not weak and ill-fated, but had gone through a way of raising monsters and borrowing strength. He has been practicing for a long time and laid an unimaginable foundation. .

"Boom..." The Heavenly Tribulation was shaken away again, it was so awesome, so fierce, Mo Li had no chance of being washed away by the Thunder Tribulation.

Since it is a tribulation crossing, it is okay to reduce the power, but it cannot be completely shielded. That kind of tribulation crossing is not recognized by heaven.

I think that when Guizang Sword crossed the catastrophe, he had to be tempered by thunder and lightning. If he lacked this link, something would happen.

"Come again..." Mo Li gritted his teeth!
He originally wanted to catch a big fish, but he wanted to play it off and catch a whale. Right now, there was no other way but to put all his eggs in one basket.

Heavenly Tribulation gathered again.

This is a catastrophe for the achievement of a high-grade magic weapon, and it is the thirteen spiritual weapons that together make a high-grade magic weapon. Even though the gem bull is so arrogant in this world, it can't help but tremble, and its eyes reveal a dignified meaning.

"Buzz buzz..." The sinking ship shook violently, many mountains and rivers collapsed in an instant, and countless little monsters died unexpectedly.

More and more demonic aura rushed to the sky, and the gem bull let out a loud cry, and the demons in all directions obeyed the order and set off a shock together.


The sky fell, the ground sank, Mo Li couldn't believe it, such a tyrannical catastrophe was also knocked back, and it would kill him in the next moment.

The aura surged wildly, and the profound energy of the heavens and the earth co-cast magic weapons.

This is a good thing, but the Twelve Constellation Cards have not even endured a single thunderbolt, they have not been tempered, their bodies are not strong enough, their mysteries have not been generated, and their emptiness cannot be replenished.

A good thing is instantly turned into a bad thing, and it is irreversible.

Mo Li could only watch helplessly as one spirit weapon after another was exploded, and when the spirit weapon died, he felt a great resentment, like whipping, lashing in his heart again and again.

This is an indelible scar! ! !
Failed, he failed, the long-cherished wish of many years was liquidated in one breath, and there was only a blank space in his mind and soul, and he had lost his soul to the extreme, waiting for the moment of extinction.

(End of this chapter)

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