Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 988 Selling On The Spot

Chapter 988 Selling On The Spot
"Failed?" Chen Xinghe regretted for a while.

Just as the saying goes that arrogant soldiers are bound to be defeated, Mo Li was too confident in his promotion as a magic weapon. He couldn't wait to subdue it without finding out the origin of the gem ox. He really took it for granted.

This is often the case with people, who only see the benefits but not the risks, so they rush forward, and the result is that they lose everything, which is embarrassing.

Just when the air mechanism of heaven and earth was about to explode Mo Li, something suddenly spread out its tentacles like an octopus.

I saw the two yin-yang fishes in the center, one yin and one yang, swimming away quickly, and they actually swallowed the mystery of the world and began to transform, coating the ash net with a layer of brilliance, getting brighter and stronger, breaking through the rising barrier in an instant. A magic weapon.

Chen Xinghe was slightly taken aback when he saw this scene!
Immediately realized that this net of ashes was not simple, it was a remnant treasure that he could not destroy no matter how he destroyed it in the past, and his right hand could not wipe it out, it was already unimaginably tough. Don't make a big net.

With a soft "buzz", Dawang successfully stepped into the ranks of the magic weapon, and quickly devoured the mystery. On the road to achieving the magic weapon, he was promoted to the middle-grade magic weapon in a blink of an eye, and then moved towards the top-grade magic weapon.

This is really unexpected and amazing!

Chen Xinghe was overjoyed, he had to know that although he had never sacrificed this great net of ashes, he had a deep connection with it, and there was some kind of induction in the dark, the big net was a little at a loss and needed external guidance.

"Catch that jeweled cow and bring Mo Li and Daniel back together." A thought was sent, and Ashes Dawang executed it reflexively.

"Boom..." The huge heaven and earth qi fluctuated.

Gemstone Bull was stunned, these heaven and earth qi machines that had exploded ten spiritual weapons were slamming into him, it was really annoying, it was unreasonable!
At this time, the big net in front of him was opened, encircling him and the oil lamp, and suddenly a huge traction force was generated.

It happened that he used all his strength to push back the catastrophe before, but now that the old power is gone and the new power is not born, it is in the weak stage.

"Buzz buzz..." The land of splendor and splendor soars up, and the great net of ashes has become a top-grade magic weapon, and its background is getting stronger and stronger.

At the same time, Mo Li's oil lamp was recast and climbed up, and he gradually became a magic weapon, but the destruction of ten spiritual weapons caused him indelible pain, his heart was haggard, and he no longer had any determination.

Chen Xinghe greeted it with extremely fast movement, and grabbed the big net with his right hand with a "bang". Originally, he thought that the big net would become extremely heavy when enclosing the jeweled bull, but who would have thought that the big net would be very light, and it would cancel out all the weight? weight.

"Okay, what a treasure!" While admiring in his heart, faint ripples appeared under his feet, and before the arrival of several breaths of shock and anger, the aura of body transmission disappeared.

"Roar..." There was complete chaos on the sunken ship, and several balls of monster light rose from the ground, chasing frantically towards the direction where the teleportation light left.

Chen Xinghe only teleported away from the sinking ship this time. Due to the sudden incident and no preparations, he could only teleport this far. The powerful monsters on the ship soon caught up to him.

Instead of running away, he stood in the air and waited.

I saw a blue-headed demon bird arriving first, and it was about to collide with me. Suddenly I heard the other side say: "Believe it or not, you will die a miserable death? Killing the young emperor on the Qingtianzong site is equivalent to killing the prince in the mortal kingdom. This place will be completely wiped out, and my subordinates and friends will persevere in hunting and killing, and will never let any monster escape."

"You..." The demon bird froze, its eyes flickering.

Chen Xinghe laughed heartily, and then threatened: "Today is a foregone conclusion. The core of the sunken ship fell into my palm. If you want to take him back and maintain the status quo, you need to spend a huge amount of money to buy it! I lack everything but ingots , Those minerals that can be exchanged for ingots are naturally as much as you want, and in a few years, there will be a demon disaster, you must at least suppress it for a hundred years, and come here to ask for money, and you don't want to fight and kill."

"Hmph?" The monster bird shook its body, and just about to charge forward, it saw the other party stretched out his right hand and plunged into the big net. Immediately, the sky shook, and the boat spirit mooed in pain.

"Moo..." There was shock and panic in the cry, and he was suppressed just as he wanted to resist. After that, there was only panic in the cry, and he didn't dare to be angry.

What's happening here?
Soon, another powerful monster incarnation arrived.

When they figured out the specific situation, even though they were extremely annoyed, their weaknesses were in the hands of others, and they could only be fat on the chopping board.

Chen Xinghe originally wanted to sell the gem bull to the sect, but when he thought about how "skeletal" the Qingtian sect was, how many ingots could he come up with?
I'm afraid that when the upper lip touches the lower lip, those high-ranking people will have nothing, and make a lot of verbal agreements to requisition this gem bull.

Who will he turn to for reasoning?

You must know that your cheap teacher is not in the door, and he has dragged his family and his family to guard abroad, just like him now, let him go to the border area of ​​​​the sect to fend for himself, there is no way!

The Qingtian Sect is already so rotten, and they are still playing the trick of suppressing each other. If they can't be strong, it will be over sooner or later!
So Chen Xinghe changed his mind and "sold" the gemstone cow on the spot.

His idea is very simple, this shipwreck has been here for thousands of years, and it is hidden by millions of mountains, so it is not very poor, right?
As long as he suppresses the demon for a hundred years, it is a span of several thousand years of cultivation for him. This big bull can't escape, and this sunken ship can't escape either. Maybe he can develop a one-shot deal into a "long-term" business .

Good guy, I started doing business with these monsters who eat people and don't spit out their bones, and they are still buying and selling by force, as expected of the young emperor of Qingtianzong!
Chen Xinghe smiled, but his right hand was not idle, he continued to attack the gemstone cow, and grabbed balls of halos, his body training skills improved again, his right arm made a "crack bang bang bang" sound, and every inch of his skin was broken Stand up and create another mystery.


"Stop, we can satisfy you..." With just one sentence, it can be regarded as the end of today's battle, and it also means that the shipwreck monsters have become the objects of Chen Xinghe.

Three days later, the gemstone bull escaped from the catastrophe, and its body size shrunk by four or five circles. After regaining its freedom, it felt like the rest of its life after the catastrophe.

Don't talk about how Bao Bao Niu swore to take revenge after returning, but just talk about Chen Xinghe, wandering around the territory, gathering with a group of friends, taking out a large number of rare treasures and preparing to sell them off.

Xiao Shen became interested, and said with a smile: "It's not easy for you to go out. I have an intuition that someone must be unlucky."

"Haha! Those monsters on the shipwreck are depressed right now! I'm afraid the monsters won't appear in the short term, at least it will drag on for a hundred years."

"Oh? There is such a good thing?"

"By the way, I have a magical oil lamp here. Something went wrong during the promotion. I will give it to you to grind it slowly and see if it can help Mo Li rebuild his confidence."

"A magic weapon?" Xiao Shen thought he had heard it wrong, but when Chen Xinghe really took out the oil lamp, he realized that his old friend was serious.

(End of this chapter)

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