Chapter 989
In Chen Xinghe's territory, a trading market quietly appeared.

At first, this market was not eye-catching, but with the appearance of a batch of precious minerals, it attracted the attention of some merchants.

In the next month, there will be a lot of noise and excitement.

This bazaar has amazing charm!In other words, amazing wealth, there are big transactions coming in and out every day, and more and more merchants come to look for opportunities.

At this moment, Chen Xinghe is in a former cave, accompanied by a few pug-like pangolins, and is moving the Lingzhi Garden as a whole.

"Master, our work is coming to an end, next time there is such a good thing, don't forget to call us."

"Haha, don't worry, you probably won't be free for the next few years." Chen Xinghe smiled.

In the past month or so alone, he has cleaned up all these former caves on the territory, and brought countless belongings home.

The backlog of things in the warehouse is increasing, which is enough to support the needs of the trading center for 30 years. Xiao Shen and Shisan Niang set up a market with a big wave of their hands. It is only in the warm-up stage. When attention is paid, they will move quickly to exchange Ingots.

However, ingots are precious, so the non-stop plundering will only reach the number of six thousand.

This also includes the income he earned from going to the city and selling a batch of precious treasures, otherwise the income in a month will not exceed [-].

But then again, it is really easy to use the ability of the natal star to enter the temple and control the power of the little star king.

No matter how powerful the restrictions are in the cave, find a teleportation array in a nearby city and you can teleport in directly.

Today, there are no ownerless caves in the territory anymore, but unfortunately the level is not very good, the highest is only in the middle stage of transformation of gods, and even half of the caves left by monks in the late stage of transformation of gods have not been seen, which can be seen as "barren".

There is no way to do this, after all, Chen Xinghe's territory is plagued by monsters, and it is a barren land where birds don't shit.Even if the mountains are rich in minerals, no merchant has the guts to mine them.

Powerful monks would not come here to open up caves. Could it be that they sit in one side of the sect for free?Where in the world is there such a good thing?

Over time, there were few monks in such a large area. If Chen Xinghe hadn't been able to conduct an overview of the mountains and rivers, these caves would not have been discovered even if they were rotten.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat. After this rehearsal, Chen Xinghe has more confidence in digging out the "foundation" of the sect.

The building is about to collapse, so keep these caves to give benefits to other families?

Next, move the position and go wandering around in the neighboring territory.

This is what he planned and did. The next day, he bid farewell to Xiao Shen and others, and came to a magnificent city called Sleeping Moon City.

"The largest city to the south of the sect."

"Hey, it's really bustling, monks come and go, spirit beasts and chariots are constantly flowing!"

"Good place, really good place."

Chen Xinghe walked around to have a look, and stopped to watch when he felt something novel.

The dignified young emperor, is he so ignorant?
Not also!

Others look at the scenery, he is there to explore the hidden treasure house.You must know that many aristocratic families like to dig holes around to leave escape routes. These escape routes may be forgotten as the family rises and falls. Wouldn't it be beautiful if a few ingots were stored among them?

This is not a daydream, but a real operation process. Although the harvest was not much before, it also brought dozens of ingots.

"Eh?" Chen Xinghe saw a strange place, full of restrictions and traps, it was hidden in a magnificent mansion, and it was arranged under the courtyard by using the position between the buildings as a cover.

However, no rare treasures were seen, and all the arrangements were to protect a teleportation array.

"Teleportation Array?"

"It's interesting, the coordinates turned out to be..."

Chen Xinghe didn't know much about the teleportation array, so he easily obtained the coordinates under the prying eyes of the stars, and calculated according to the teleportation distance, it actually led to the territory where the Jintianzong was located.

"Okay! Do all the tricks in the dark and come to the southern city of Qingtianzong. I saw a wall ladder in front of me. Do you think I should climb over the wall? Or climb over the wall?"

Muttering a few words in his mouth, the astonishingly courageous young emperor of Qingtianzong had made up his mind to go to Jintianzong.

"At the beginning, he was often made things difficult by the cultivators of Zhongtian, and the cultivators of Zhongtian looked up to the Tianzong to be arrogant. The Tianzong actually repaired the teleportation array to the Qingtian sect. As a member of the Qingtian sect, he is also the leader of contemporary disciples , If you don’t do something, I’m sorry Shimen Cultivation.”

"Ahem, as the Young Emperor, you have to do something. As for taking the ingots, it's just a matter of convenience..." Chen Xinghe felt that he stood above the righteousness, and it was his own fault for seeing the monks of the sect lose a little money.

Therefore, he positioned the coordinates on this teleportation array, and used the body array to send him into the soul without disturbing the restraints and organs.

"Bang..." The moment his feet landed on the ground, Chen Xinghe mobilized his star power to suppress the teleportation array inside and out, and spread his spiritual consciousness thousands of miles away, radiating the entire area of ​​Sleeping Moon City.

I have to admit that the Jintianzong has two brushes. Not only did it build a teleportation array under the eyes of the monks of the Qingtianzong, but also its functions are quite amazing. Not to mention the high concealment, it can also meet the ultra-long-distance teleportation.

Chen Xinghe chuckled, and slowly changed the teleportation array.

Half an hour later, this teleportation array was named Chen from then on, and the organization and restrictions changed accordingly.

However, this is just the beginning, the teleportation array is running, and the coordinates have deviated by nearly ten thousand miles.

Although Chen Xinghe didn't know exactly where the other party was arriving at, it didn't matter, he could make some corrections during the transmission, this was the preferential treatment bestowed by the heavens on Xingjun.

This teleportation array was activated silently, without any roar, it was really the best way to sneak attack on Qingtianzong.

However, a star king and young emperor came out, and he liked to spy on other people's homes to see if there was a hidden treasure house, so the teleportation array quietly changed hands.

Chen Xinghe was overjoyed, the value of this teleportation array alone was worth a hundred ingots.

Tired of wandering in Jintianzong, as long as you find a teleportation array, you can use the teleportation array under your feet to fetch you back at any time. It is a must-have treasure for home travel.

With a soft sound of "Bo", Chen Xinghe disappeared, no one in the mansion knew that he had been here, dozens of monks up and down were still carrying out the undercover plan of Jin Tianzong, and in fact they had become watchdogs.

This time the teleportation was really far away, Chen Xinghe swung ten punches to speed up, and he managed to complete the journey in half an hour. It would not be a day or a night if he was in a normal teleportation.


There was a teleportation light on the majestic Jundang Mountain under the heavy rain, and the Jintian Sect was larger than the Qingtian Sect. Naturally, it would not be so unlucky. When I came out, I met a group of monks.

The star power map unfolded in an instant, and Chen Xinghe's eyes lit up. There was a bustling city about [-] miles away. Let's give him a vote first?
However, he forgot that he crossed sects like this. The Jintian sect has a precious mirror, which once led the trials in the world of the underworld, and he is very familiar with the aura he left behind.

"Huh? There's a little guy who actually came to Lao Tzu's place."

(End of this chapter)

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