Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 990 Stealing into the Treasure

Chapter 990 Stealing into the Treasure
"Why do fellow Taoists block the way down?" A monk in blue on the opposite side stared at him, feeling rather displeased.

The road is facing the sky, and each side walks halfway. The Nascent Soul stage monks have a safe distance, and they usually have to be alert when they are within a hundred feet. He is naturally ready and ready to strike at any time.

Suddenly, a palm shadow approached, and the Nascent Soul of Jintian Zong was shocked: "It's so fast!"

The thought stopped abruptly, and the dignified Nascent Soul stage monk was stunned by the huge force, and the defensive spiritual weapons on his body couldn't react at all.

It was Chen Xinghe who looted his house, and he decided to try a thing or two on the way to see if he was suitable for taking the looting route when he entered the Jintian Sect.

After searching on this unlucky bastard, he crushed the storage ring with a "crack bang bang bang", but the result left Chen Xinghe quite speechless.

"Why are you so poor? There are only two ingots in total, how dare you come out and hang out?"

Other things are even more disrespectful!

Chen Xinghe sighed and headed towards the city. The road of knocking on the sap is obviously not feasible. No matter how good the star power is, it cannot lock the ingots in the storage ring. What can be done has to be discussed in the long run.

He fled into the city in one step, gathered star power to search everywhere, and felt a headache.

Before coming here, he thought things were simple!

The more ingots there are, the tighter the defense. How many nails can he, a monk in the early stage of Yuanying, be able to crush even if he is full of guts?

What can I do?He's already here, so why not go back after a stroll?

"No, I have to be a big vote for everything. Horses have no night grass and no fat, people have no external wealth and no wealth, I must save enough ten thousand ingots!"

"Yes, [-] pieces at worst, this is the bottom line!"

If someone knew what he was thinking, he would have to slap him with a big ear, what was in his head?It will be wishful thinking.

Chen Xinghe didn't just think about it. He had already reached three fifths of the way on this road, and he was still two fifths away. If Jin Tianzong couldn't meet his needs, he might have to go to the front line to fight and kill.

The battle on the front line has developed into a fierce situation, he, the young emperor, will definitely go back, but before that, he needs to gain more background, so that he can be sure when he returns to the front line.

Who does the wool come from?
He looked good at the Heavenly Sect today. Losing thousands of ingots in such a huge world shouldn't be a big deal, right?

Chen Xinghe really dared to think, after wandering around, he basically touched the nooks and corners of the city and the shops of the Chamber of Commerce.

The next step is a bit difficult, which one is better to choose?
You can use the teleportation array in the city to directly break into the treasure house, but the real good things are stored by powerful monks, and the warehouse is usually the place to store bulky items.

After thinking about it and thinking about it, it seems that there is only one place to take advantage of, and that is Qianzhuang.

There are a total of three banks in the city, the largest of which has the word "Jin" in its name, called Jin Yuan Baojian.

This bank seems to have opened appraisal and pawn business, and the appetite is very large at first glance.

There is absolutely no shortage of masters in a place like Qianzhuang. Chen Xinghe is just a small shrimp in front of such a behemoth. If he wants to rush in and catch the good one, he must first weigh whether he is qualified enough.

Apart from being fast enough and accurate enough to lock the position, he has no advantage in front of the masters of the bank, but these two points alone are enough.

Chen Xinghe has always believed that speed is everything, as long as he is on the front line in everything, it will be a huge advantage if he accumulates it, and no one can do anything to him.

"The money bank controls the lifeline of the economy, and there are naturally countless money coming and going. People who eat and drink from the Heavenly Sect can feel at ease. If I achieve something in the future, I will definitely suppress this sect with all my strength." Chen Xinghe said to the Heavenly Sect. I don't have any good feelings, and I actually don't have good feelings for the other four sects. If you rank the dislikes, then the Jintian Sect must be ranked first.

After anchoring the specific location, he walked towards the teleportation array in the city.

If you want to use public facilities in Jintianzong, the Yingluo pattern of Qingtianzong is not easy to use.

Not only does it not work, but it also triggers an alarm.

Chen Xinghe naturally had a way to make the teleportation formation honestly work for him, otherwise he would be courting death if he stepped on the teleportation formation.

Sure enough, with the faint light shining, there was a soft "click" sound from the identification symbol of the teleportation array, and the vigilance that had just arisen dissipated.

The next step is to be powerful, directly teleporting into the treasure house of the bank.

Because the teleportation aura has super power to break through the air, it can break in without disturbing the formation and the restriction.

The difficulty lies in how to establish the coordinates in an instant, and the error cannot exceed five feet, otherwise it will cause spatial turmoil, where can I hide my whereabouts?Can only run away immediately.

The buzzing sound bloomed softly, and the moment the teleportation array opened, Chen Xinghe was already in the treasure house of the bank.

Whether there are ingots stored in this treasury, the star power can't find out through the big array, so it's mostly luck.

The warehouse area is not small, two hundred feet long and one hundred feet wide, belonging to a semi-underground building.

There are organs and prohibitions all around, and the area of ​​the formation eyes does not exceed five feet square.

Before Chen Xinghe came in, he could only roughly estimate the position of the formation eye, and there was a slight error in it, so the teleportation must be accurate, even if the toes were off by a foot.

Great, the first step was successful.

Chen Xinghe immediately mobilized star power to conduct all-round detection inside the treasure house, and went back in time to watch the monks who entered the treasure house before, to see what treasures they stored, how to close the mechanism, and how to avoid the restriction.

This kind of starlight viewing ability is really against the sky, especially under the condition of sufficient star power, the time that can be traced back is even further.

The more he watched, the more frightened he became, and he thought to himself: "What are you doing? So many corpses were obtained, soaked in corpse oil to refine special zombies. Jin Tianzong really does everything in private, instead of depositing ingots in the bank, he went to the bank Saving zombies? Damn, are you sorry for me coming all the way?"

Chen Xinghe was so distressed, isn't it just four thousand ingots short?You put a bunch of them in the warehouse, and I take them away. This is the correct style of painting. Make a lot of zombies lie in the treasure house of the bank. Is it disgusting?

"Huh?" He saw a picture, two corpses were hurriedly brought over by someone, and they looked like they were not ordinary monks. The two were pale and muttered, pointing to the coffin where the zombies were stored.

Finally, they took away the zombie being refined in the coffin and put the two corpses in it.

Obviously, this was done to seal off the air mechanism and prevent outsiders from knowing where the corpses were. Even the items on the two people's bodies were sealed so that they would not dare to move rashly.

Chen Xinghe is not afraid of big troubles, he now hopes that the bank will become chaotic, so that he can fish in troubled waters.

Furthermore, these two corpses are either rich or expensive, so there should be no shortage of ingots, right?There is no oil and water to fish in the treasure house, so it is natural to find a way to make up for it.

Watching the lights and shadows of the monks, those restrictions naturally did not bother him, he gained partial control in three strokes, and moved forward to open the coffin and touch the corpse in one step.

The coffin boards were lifted little by little, and the smell of corpse oil was really bad.

Chen Xinghe thought for a moment and began to prepare. He has always been cautious at critical moments and never careless.

(End of this chapter)

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