Chapter 991
The two corpses were picked up by Chen Xinghe, and he became cautious.

The two guys in front of me probably have the mid-stage cultivation of Nascent Soul, and various traces indicate that one of them has escaped from Nascent Soul, and there is a high probability that he will be reborn.

The other person was deeply poisoned, and the wound was right between the eyebrows. The Nascent Soul was broken, and the mind was traumatized. After so many years, he had not recovered, and his resurrection was hopeless.

Chen Xinghe punched suddenly, dozens of golden talismans and a bowl-shaped talisman immediately appeared, like grimaces opening their mouths wide, trying to see which bastard came to make trouble.

However, with extraordinary strength, he tore up the talisman and gathered the talisman in an instant, exposing the two corpses to the air.

Immediately afterwards, there was only a soft "buzz", and the two men had magic weapons hidden in their bodies. After losing the lock of the small bowl of talismans, they began to actively operate.


The sound of the order came out, and some large formations and restrictions in the treasure house were activated to suppress the abnormal situation with all their strength.

Chen Xinghe chuckled, it is very convenient to use local forces to suppress the magic weapon, but the speed must be fast, the magic weapon is calling for its master, and one of the two corpses is not dead.

The right hand struck continuously, and what shocked him was that he actually grabbed five magic weapons, one of which was extremely precious, and it was the top magic weapon that produced a faint aura.

"With so much protection, how did these two people die?"

He didn't have time to investigate, so he quickly took out the small bowl of talisman treasures he had collected earlier to suppress it.

This small bowl can suppress the magic weapon, which is also extraordinary!

It has to be said that the things used by the monks of the Qingtianzong are higher than those of the Qingtianzong. With the addition of the five magic weapons and this small bowl, the net worth of the Qingtianzong has already surpassed that of most monks of the Qingtianzong. Chen Xinghe will also have one Than, so I am more interested in the net worth of these two people.

Soon, three storage rings and a storage bracelet were in hand, as well as a bottle of poison.

Chen Xinghe guessed that these two guys may be in a hostile relationship, one killed the other, poisoning and obliterating the Nascent Soul, it was ruthless enough.

When the victim was about to die, he burned everything together, which made the other person very uncomfortable. At this time, a third-party force intervened, so that the poisoner fled without even taking away the magic weapon and storage ring on his body.

This third party is probably related to the bank. As for the specific connection, Chen Xinghe didn't have the heart to explore, forcing the storage ring and the storage bracelet to yield, the storage bracelet resisted vigorously, and was immediately pinched into a ball of light by him.

"Boom..." The sound spread out, Chen Xinghe stretched out his right arm and entered the light group, violently harvesting the items stored in the bracelet.

There will definitely be losses with such brutality, but there are many restrictions in the bracelet, and he doesn't have the patience to break them one by one.

With the current ability of the right hand, it is not a problem to take away [-]% to [-]% of the items, especially those cute ingots, there must be a lot of them.

"Oh my god! 560 ingots, well developed!"

Chen Xinghe exclaimed, this storage bracelet is worth a lot of money, it opened his eyes, other items are equally precious, and all of them are exquisite.

"It's not in vain, hahaha, catch two big fish."

The excitement at this moment was palpable.

The other two storage rings immediately surrendered. They didn't want to be treated with such violence, so they quickly opened the restriction and fully opened it.

Chen Xinghe knew that the ownerless storage ring is not static, and there is a possibility of coercion, as long as they see a miserable end.

Obviously, killing the chicken to show the monkey is very useful. The third storage ring cannot be compromised because the owner is still alive, so he can only hold his neck.

These two storage rings brought another surprise to Chen Xinghe. A total of more than [-] ingots have been stored, and other belongings are not small. Looking for an opportunity to exchange for ingots is by no means a small amount.

"I don't know the names of these two dear friends, they are really kind people! Help me take a firm step towards the ten thousand ingot mark."

Chen Xinghe sent the ingot into the dragon's veins, feeling the steady increase in the speed of cultivation in the Nascent Soul stage, the little dragon cheered and spewed out a big mouthful of dragon energy to add to his foundation.

However, an accident broke out in an instant. Among the two corpses, the fallen monk showed taotie patterns on his forehead, and faintly heard the roar of ten thousand dragons.

"not good!"

Immeasurable spiritual thoughts are coming.

How dare Chen Xinghe stay longer?There were faint ripples under his feet, and he escaped from the treasure house at the fastest speed.

There was a loud noise behind him, and the treasury array and the barrier were hit by a super force. The aftermath alone made him terrified. God knows what background the deceased had, and the bank was in chaos all of a sudden.

It's good to be messy, the more messy the better it is for fishing in troubled waters.

Chen Xinghe slashed his sword towards the back, cutting off all breath connections.The body array was sent out with a "duh", and after leaving the bank, he slashed with his sword again, cutting off the breath more thoroughly.

Then find a place to hide and see if there is any further chaos in the bank. If it is not easy to start, he will leave immediately.

Many powerful monks greeted the huge spiritual sense, not knowing what they were talking about.

Chen Xinghe sighed slightly, the matter did not develop in the expected direction, and there was a hint of resolution.

That being the case, he must leave immediately, so as not to get smelly all over his body.

Soon, the teleportation array in the city was activated, from one city to another, a total of 23 monks participated in the teleportation, and Chen Xinghe stood in it impressively.

The moment he just completed the teleportation, he only felt a shock in his waist. It was three of the five magic weapons that were induced to break through the suppression.

How can the duck in hand watch it fly away?Chen Xinghe hastily stretched out his right hand to suppress it!

If there is no such heaven-defying opportunity as the right hand, the magic weapon will swing the small bowl of the talisman, as for now!Just stay put!
New city, new starting point!
This time Chen Xinghe decided to honestly search for a cave, and send him directly to retreat for half a month, so as not to bother his upper body.

He was right to think so, if he dared to commit crimes against the wind, next year the grass on the grave would grow to be three feet high.

Is the bank a good stubble?Invite six powerful warlocks to deduce the secret.

Even though the sorcerers suffered backlash and said that the strange number of heaven and earth had come before, they also cleared up the suspicion for Qian Zhuang, only saying that someone was framed.

At this moment, the Jintianzong passed down a decree, saying that the young emperor of the Qingtianzong came across the sect. Is there no one in the Jintianzong?

Once the decree was spread, it immediately caused an uproar.

The young emperor of Qingtianzong?
Are you kidding me, one of the five sects has been in decline for many years, yet they have the guts to come to provoke them?

Who gave him the guts?

Who gave him the spirit?

Chen Xinghe is very innocent, he doesn't want to be exposed at all!However, the spirit of the Jingtian mirror is damaged, and it is idle even if it is idle, so it has to do something.

As a result, Chen Xinghe became a public figure unknowingly, and someone came to him on the seventh day of the closed door.

The sky collapsed outside the cave, and he didn't know about the decree at this time, and he was still wondering, there was thunder outside?Could it be that the owners of these five magic weapons have found them?
"I'm so careful, how can I still lock the specific position? How high is his cultivation and skills?" Chen Xinghe was so frightened that he hurriedly made preparations.

However, the visitors underestimated this cave, the big formation was opened, the ban was activated, and the visitors fell into the formation and began to deal with it desperately.

(End of this chapter)

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