Sheng Fu

Chapter 517 is just the icing on the cake

Chapter 517 is just the icing on the cake
The evil beast is approaching, and its arrogance is fierce.

Chengcai's eyes are very steady, like a ten thousand year rock.

The hand holding the sword is also very steady, as if an iron hook is embedded in flesh and blood.

A slight sword cry came out, and the thin sword light gushed out, drawing a crescent arc in front of my eyes.

Wherever the arc passes, there is nothing continuous, and the two evil beasts split into two in an instant, spraying a large amount of blood.

The beast's head pierced the ground, and it slid forward slightly for more than three feet, its fangs slightly touched the edge of Chengcai's calf, and an inch further forward, Chengcai's leg was gone.

woohoo hoo...

Chengcai's eyes didn't slacken in the slightest, but lost some luster.

His chest rose and fell, and his heavy breathing resonated with the harsh wind around him.

Suddenly, there was a sound of soft footsteps, followed by a gentle voice: "It's a good sword."

Cheng Cai turned his head in shock, Zhang Benchu ​​had arrived with Po Huang in his hand, and Ming Chao was not far behind him.

Zhang Benchu's eyes were soft, as if he was looking at his younger brother, or at his future son, his heart was filled with warmth, this sword was better than Zhang Benchu's back then.

Cheng Cai smiled, and then collapsed to the ground with a plop.

"Fortunately, I have witnesses for this sword. If there are no witnesses, I will always feel weak." Cheng Cai smiled.

There is no achievement in his heart, no ecstasy, only the peace of mind after experiencing the storm and huge waves. When the sword is pierced, this step will be taken naturally. From now on, he can call himself a swordsman with the cheek.

Zhang Benchu ​​looked forward and said softly to Chengcai: "Thirty miles behind me, there is a towering ancient tree with a triangular umbrella-shaped crown and a tree hole in the trunk. Some fruits will come to the battlefield after you recover."

During the speech, a stream of warm and nourishing essence poured into the talent, combing the internal organs, six internal organs, and eight meridians, and gradually a little vitality emerged from the originally sleepy body.

Chengcai didn't hesitate, the two brothers nodded to each other and separated briefly.

Those who want to fight, Zhang Benchu ​​can't stop him. Many things in the world can be reversed, but the original heart can't.

Then, in front of Zhang Benchu's vision, a wave of black beasts came

This time it was the Violent Bear who launched the beast horde, and the number was no less than two thousand at a glance. If the beast horde could spread to this place, it meant that most of the soldiers in front had died in battle, and those who survived were probably dying.

Turbulent and mighty, like the water of the Black River pouring backwards.

The leader, Xiong Wang, was at the peak of the Great Yellow Court, and he was one step away from breaking the pole, but this is no longer important.

Even though the two thousand violent bears are good and bad, the beast tide is the beast tide.

Zhang Benchu ​​frowned, he had to do it all in one go, he had to go straight forward, he couldn't take a breath in the middle, and he couldn't get distracted.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Zhang Benchu ​​rushed up to Lei with one step.

The dust was flying, and the gravel shot across the four directions, stirring up a frenzy in the sky.

In an instant, Zhang Benchu ​​got close to the Bear King, and Po Huang was used to piercing the Bear King. With one step, he pulled Po Huang out of the Bear King's body. Blade Qi.

tick tick tick tick...

There was a majestic blood rain in the beast tide, and this blood rain became more and more powerful, and then the blood flowed a long river, faintly revealing the sound of tao tao.

After a long time, the place returned to calm.

Zhang Benchu ​​was in an uphill area, leaning on a wasteland, and adjusted his breathing extremely carefully. Although the material of the golden armor on his body was extraordinary, it was also stained with blood after the First World War, and it smelled fishy.

Guo Shenghe, Gao Zhi, Xu Huanshan, and Xiao Chu couldn't do it alone to pick a round of beasts.

Zhang Benchu ​​felt a little lost in his heart, he was the enemy of ten thousand people, but he knew very well that he would not be able to break through this round of beast tide without breaking wasteland in his hand, once any creature rushed desperately, its killing power could not be measured by the realm.

The waist, abdomen, and thighs all have different dark wounds, which can only be resolved after at least a stick of incense.

But he knew that he didn't have the time to burn incense.

Zhang Benchu ​​didn't dare to imagine how tragic it would be ahead, but he would definitely see the human corpses everywhere.

Then he got on his horse, harnessed the chaos, and rushed forward with the momentum of thunder, and behind him, two thousand heavy cavalry rode silver wolves and ferocious beasts to follow.

This road was chosen by Zhang Benchu ​​himself, not because of the success here, but because there are countless powerful enemies ahead, and the human army is already declining, he has to add firewood and fire, and he has to support the collapse of the building.

Guo Shenghe, Gao Zhi, Suo Chengguo, Yan Zhao and others have all opened up their own battlefields. Like Zhang Benchu, they are unable to enter the main battlefield and become a pillar. military.

On a high ground, Wu Mi stood alone on a bluestone with a bloody spear in his hand, looking at the sky in the distance.

The two fought against each other, and it was impossible to tell the winner at the moment.

Wu Mi knew this truth very well, but she didn't intend to make a move, she just wanted to put on her black gold armor and watch the excitement with an extremely solemn posture.

But no matter how exciting it is, if you keep staring at it, you will gradually lose interest. She has seen Wuji strongmen fighting for the front. The moves of these two are simple and practical, and they are all killer moves. There is nothing to scrutinize. Also less temperament.

The dragon's eyes were like torches, and on the distant battlefield, Wu Mi saw Gu Qinghao holding a heavy saber and crossing through the group of monsters with his whole body. Every time he swung the sword, some monsters fell to the ground and bled profusely.

There are also human rangers around who watch the fierce battle between the two infinite powerhouses from time to time.

Occasionally, the aftermath of the battle released by the two is even more unbearable for the soldiers on both sides. It is common to kill one's own people by mistake. If Chi Yuan is still at the peak, in fact, he will not fight against Jiu Youque, and he can't take away the human army. Wu's limelight and majesty.

Wu Mi said to himself: "You are good. You and your wife went to the God Realm to visit the mountains and rivers, but we are here to work hard. I hope you can get some useful information from the God Realm."

Then a burly white lion rushed towards Wu Mi with boundless wind and thunder.

The White Lion, the successor of the Golden Lion lineage, has impure blood, barely comparable to the Yunlei Leopard in combat power, likes to live alone, likes to hunt and kill, belongs to the pangolin on the battlefield, and is hard to guard against.

This white lion was cultivated in the early Yuan Dynasty, and it is so powerful that it can swallow the great mountains.

Wu Mi just glanced at it indifferently, then gathered energy on his wrist, and threw the blood spear in his hand casually, only to see the slightest cracks in the void rubbing against the void on both sides during the flying of the blood spear.

When the blood spear arrives, if a comet from outside the sky hits the earth, the white lion will explode and die in an instant before it can let out a violent roar, and its flesh and internal organs will fly all over the field.

Wu Mi stretched out with one hand, the bloody spear returned to the jade hand in an instant, and looked into the distance, Dugu Li and Liu Qinghua were quite chic and freehand, with Qingming sword energy like majestic and heavy rain, suppressing a small battlefield.

Dugu Li's four-square world paled, and Jian Guang was as freehand as the brush and ink in the hands of calligraphy masters. The place where the pen was written first broke the formation, and then broke the city, and the mellow and wishful true essence flowed out the long rhyme.

He took another look at the battlefield where Yan Zhao and Suo Chengguo were. These two were slightly weaker than the rest of them, but they met the Ben Lei Beast who was good at forming an array, which made the scene ugly for a while. Yan Zhao His chest was almost shattered by a bolt of lightning.

Wu Mi thought to himself: "Brother Benchu, if you don't do well in this battle, you won't have a chance to do well in the future."

Then, with one spear and one spear, Wu Mi entered an extremely chaotic and complicated battlefield...

(End of this chapter)

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