Sheng Fu

Chapter 518

Chapter 518
The human race, the imperial capital.

At night, in the imperial study room, the lights are bright and there is a little darkness, just like His Majesty's current mood.

Li Hongshan kowtowed under the desk, his nose was slightly pressed against the ground, his eyes were red, and turbid old tears slowly overflowed, as if he had been spared a couple of heartaches.

Human Sovereign propped his chin with one hand, and placed the other hand casually on the desk, his eyes flashed with infinite sentimentality.

"Half an hour ago, the memorials piled up here like a mountain. Half an hour later, you knelt in front of me. I really wanted to make you get up, but there was no reason, no excuse."

"National teacher, you have become a sinner of the human race."

Li Hongshan's nose twitched, it was rare for Wuji masters to have a runny nose, and it was summer, so it was even more difficult to runny nose. Li Hongshan's nose was clear, and it touched his lips. His lips were dry, but they couldn't moisten them.

Everything is empty, the plan is empty, and so is the human heart.

Li Hongshan thinks that everything is perfect, as the master of Xingluo, he never misses.

However, this time, everything is under the control of the demon boss.

In the original blueprint, the Battle of Montenegro would be a transitional battle, advancing vigorously into the hinterland of the Demon Realm.

This time, it became an evenly matched decisive battle.

I don't want to be a fan!
In a head-on decisive battle with the monster race, the human race undoubtedly has the upper hand.

Li Hongshan thought of Jiuyouque, and felt very depressed. It turned out that at the beginning, Jiuyouque not only listened to the tune but not the announcement, but listened to both, even the Golden Lion did not know about it.

His Majesty the Emperor said melancholy: "This battle has already begun, I hope Yue Bo can defeat Jiuyouque, even if both sides suffer, he can win a good fortune."

In recent days, the burial industry can earn a lot of money.

It seems that the taxation of this industry must be increased.

Li Hongshan bowed his head and said nothing, showing no face.

Human Sovereign glanced at Li Hongshan again, and sighed with emotion: "Could it be that after your death, I noticed that your mood was slightly disturbed, but this matter is not your fault, it exceeded your expectations, and it also exceeded my expectations." .”

The failure of Li Hongshan indirectly proves that the Tianhu clan is still the king of the demon realm.

The lineage of the Golden Lion is just a clown.

In Yaoyu's disorganized political system, a pillar with a solid texture comparable to the spine of a famous sword emerged.

This pillar has always been there, the clouds and mists are too deep, and the true face has never been seen.

Li Hongshan still didn't speak, not only the eye sockets, but also the pupils were blood red.

Human Sovereign sat up slightly, leaned on the throne, his chest was not smooth, breathed slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Use any means, use all the power of the stars to find out who is in charge of the demon realm."

"It's so deep to cover people's eyes and ears, that person hasn't surfaced for at least a hundred years or even a thousand years."

Li Hongshan kowtowed heavily, and the crisp sound echoed in the imperial study room for a long time.

"According to the order!"

The emperor waved his hand slightly, and the national teacher crawled away from the imperial study room.

"Hey, what's the trouble? I think the Protoss must have laughed out my big teeth!" Human Sovereign rubbed the corners of his eyes, two tears of sentimentality dripping down.

After a long time, the two prime ministers arrived.

Qiuqing appeared in a special python robe, and Bai Xiaowei came in a purple unicorn official uniform.

Human Sovereign wiped away tears, looked at Qiuqing's python robe, and suddenly smiled: "I remember, this python robe was given to you 20 years ago, and I have never seen you wear it. Today you came wearing a python robe, I am very relieved."

Qiu Qing looked solemn, like a warrior who was about to die.

"The taxes on burials and timber industries have been increased, and pensions have been prepared. After this incident, the treasury will be more than half empty."

"All kinds of policies have been formulated, please look over them, Your Majesty."

Qiuqing took out a thick booklet from his cuff, stepped forward three steps, bowed deeply and offered the booklet with both hands.

When His Majesty the Emperor saw this, he didn't take over, and lay down on the throne by himself, resting his head on his head with one hand, and said weakly: "The strategy of loving you has never disappointed me."

"Aiqing, you can do everything in your power."

After saying that, a gold and jade token on the desk flew to Qiuqing's chest and floated motionless.

This is the order of the emperor, and the rank is higher than the order of the emperor. Seeing this token is like knocking on your majesty.

Qiu Qing bowed, took the token with both hands, and said with tears in his eyes, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

As the prime minister, it is a blessing to be absolutely relied on by the master in times of crisis...

Bai Xiaowei stepped forward and bowed deeply, clasped his hands together and said: "I also have a plan to make the cake even better, please take a look at it, Your Majesty."

It was also a thick book, Renhuang stretched out his hand and bent his fingers slightly when he saw it, and the book spread across the sky above Renhuang's head in an instant. , and it fits perfectly, without any mysterious meaning of silver hook and iron painting.

Human Sovereign frowned slightly, and said: "Except for borrowing Hengchang's power, everything else is fine."

Bai Xiaowei was slightly taken aback, and said hesitantly, "Henglong Mountain is a sacred place for the human race, so it's only natural to make some efforts."

The Emperor laughed lightly and said: "Zhang Benchu ​​has already swung the wilderness, desperately fighting in the Black Mountain, and put aside the old grudge with Xiao Chu, and saved the life of General Weiyuan's son."

"Hengchang Ruishi are all in the land of Montenegro at this moment, and the casualties have exceeded [-]."

"Uncomfortable is uncomfortable, but you can't take medicine indiscriminately."

Bai Xiaowei bowed his head and remained silent, not knowing where to start.

The Emperor glanced at Bai Xiaowei, and asked curiously: "Where did Jun Yuwen go, do you know?"

Bai Xiaowei shook his head slightly, and replied softly: "I don't know, maybe something unexpected will happen."

The emperor laughed angrily and said: "I think it is the same. In recent days, I need all my lovers to light lamps and cook oil. I thank you all!"

The two prime ministers hurriedly bowed deeply, not daring to get up.

"Go back."

The two walked out of the imperial study room slowly. In the palace, the lights were as gorgeous as ever, and the starry sky tonight was so bright that it permeated people. Remembering the starry sky in the midsummer of previous years, there were always some beautiful feelings floating in the world.

On the road, the footsteps were very light, and the sound was ear-piercing.

Occasionally, the evening wind passed by my ears, but it failed to make the two prime ministers relax.

"Does Mr. Yuwen know the essence of Yaodu?" Bai Xiaowei asked suddenly.

He probably knows that when he travels to the Demon Realm, is it just for sightseeing? How can a politician travel so easily.

With such drastic changes, the two prime ministers have already guessed that someone else is in charge of Yaodu.

Qiu Qing caressed his beard with a sad face. In the past, when he thought of Yu Wenjun's young face, he would feel a little comforted and happy, but tonight, there was only heaviness.

"Maybe you know it, maybe you don't know it, the dragon race and the human race are always different."

"Perhaps, Hengchang soldiers are nothing more than pawns in his eyes."

Bai Xiaowei paused for a moment, then asked again: "Although Yue Bo is not an enemy of Gu Yong's one move, there is still a possibility of winning against Jiu Youque."

Qiu Qing smiled wryly, and said: "It's a blessing to win miserably, it may be evenly divided, and the loss is [-]%."

Hurt morale, hurt morale!

Qiu Qing said again: "The human race is also very strong!"

On the battlefield, not only will there be two Wuji fighting each other, but there may also be many who will appear on the stage in full bloom, writing a glorious history together!

(End of this chapter)

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