Sheng Fu

Chapter 521 It hurts a bit

Chapter 521 It hurts a bit

Pu Weiqing said angrily: "Believe it or not, I will let Peiyao take care of you?"

Outside the hall, Jing Peiyao came slowly with dumplings, her eyebrows were like knives, and she slashed Yu Wenjun hard.

Yu Wenjun pretended to turn a blind eye, and took a sip of tea with a reserved posture.

Pu Weiqing said implicitly: "The dumplings should taste good."

Yu Wenjun said politely: "Well, not bad."

Jing Peiyao put down the dumplings and went back to the small kitchen to fetch bowls, chopsticks and dipping sauce. The three of them sat around a table. Pu Weiqing moved the chopsticks first, followed by Peiyao, and finally Yu Wenjun.

There are still rules, Jing Peiyao regards Pu Weiqing as a father, and does not ask Yu Wenjun to be like this, but as a junior, he must behave like a junior. As for others, such as the two prime ministers, Yu Wenjun can naturally be more casual. Peiyao doesn't care.

After eating about six dumplings, Jing Peiyao asked softly: "Master, don't work too hard these days. The Academy is busy with everything. Human race political affairs, Master can decide according to the circumstances and do what you can. It doesn't hurt to slack off a bit now and then."

Warmth flowed in Pu Weiqing's heart, the little girl was the same as before, usually indifferent, but always warm in critical moments.

"Understood, the taste is really good." Pu Weiqing smiled lovingly.

Jing Peiyao nodded obediently, looking like a little girl.

Yu Wenjun only ate dumplings from the beginning to the end without talking. In terms of taste alone, it was really good, after all, it was his wife's handicraft.

After the meal, Yu Wenjun sorted out a box of Wanshan bitter tea for Pu Weiqing, and offered it with both hands: "This is a farewell, I guess we will meet after the spring of next year, and I feel very reluctant."

Pu Weiqing took the tea box, glanced at Yu Wenjun lightly, and said, "She has gone to the kitchen, so you don't need to be hypocritical."

Yuwenjun: "..."

In the kitchen, Jing Peiyao began to clean the bowls and chopsticks very quickly. She did three times, five times and two divisions. She didn't know if it was cleaned. At least we will have a chance to meet each other after the spring of next year.

Pu Weiqing came to the courtyard slowly, staring at the magnificent scenery of Henglong with vicissitudes of life, and the two juniors bowed deeply behind him and bowed their hands together.


When the young couple looked up, the people in front of them were gone.

Jing Peiyao then stretched out her hand, secretly circulated Ziwei's true essence, and pinched Yu Wenjun's back with all her might.

Yu Wenjun grinned his teeth and begged for mercy; "Madam let go, I feel blood is oozing out of my waist."

Jing Peiyao pinched again suddenly, causing someone to let out a deep breath of depression.

After letting go, Yu Wenjun supported his waist with one hand, and said: "In general, the government affairs have been completed, and there is no need to pay attention to specific practical matters. Let's go to Beihai to meet Fucheng first, and their morale may feel high."

After the disastrous defeat in the land of Montenegro, the people in Beihai were undoubtedly panicked.

It is rare for Fucheng and the several elders of the Guo family to work together to appease the general public. In recent days, they have been so busy that the several elders of the Guo family have been haggard.

Jing Peiyao thought for a while, and said: "What about Chuyu, I thought I would take advantage of this short time to give some advice to Chuyu, and then go to Beihai, and take care of Hengchang's government affairs by the way."

Yu Wenjun sighed and said: "Forget it, Chu Yu's mind is clear, and he hangs out with Feng Yuanqiu all day long, so he can't go wrong. The old and the young can be considered lively. Now you and I are in a bit of a mess, and it's better to point Chu Yu. Not beautiful."

Jing Peiyao nodded secretly, sighing secretly that it is not easy to be the master of the house.

"Go back to Yuxi Town first, and we will leave after saying goodbye to our parents. We will definitely not be able to go back at this year's end, and the elderly are easy to miss, and we may be overworked."

"Wu Mi is in charge of Panlong for the time being. This time it's just you and me. If she wants to go back, she can go back anytime."

Jing Peiyao thought for a while, looked at the blue sky, and said: "We just finished eating the dumplings, and now we're going back, I'm afraid they will have another big banquet, why don't we go back after a short rest?"

Yu Wenjun took his wife's slender hand and said: "Yes, let's go to Linghua Mountain first."

"I don't know if the anger has subsided."

The void surged, and after a while, the young couple arrived at the top of Linghua Mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, everything in the Xie family's mansion was as usual, and there were no new objects added or missing in the courtyard.

In the study room, Xie Yiming wrote at his desk, the government affairs in the south were stable, but these days, Xie Yiming tried every means to provide various resources to the north, whether it was books, or food and oil, in short, they were all practical objects.

But this matter also has to pay attention to propriety, giving too much will appear to be too heavy, and too little will be impure.

Xie Yiming wanted to donate more, so it took a lot of effort, for example, to let the southern merchants suffer a little overtly and covertly in the northern boundary, or for example, when the northern merchants arrived in the south, they took advantage of it overtly and secretly.

Therefore, the matter offended some big businessmen, Xie Yiming put down his airs and drank with those businessmen one by one to make amends. Although it was a bit cumbersome and humble, it also made this tall fat man feel real.


The door of the study room was slowly pushed open, and the well-educated wife stood outside the door and whispered softly: "The young couple is here, and they seem a little embarrassed to come home, so they are waiting on the mountain."

"Why don't I let you know?"

Xie Yiming put down the pen in his hand, stood up slightly, stretched his body, and said: "Come to look for me, but you don't want to enter the door, I still have to go out to serve, otherwise it will appear that I, an elder, is narrow-minded and doesn't know how to praise."

Madam bowed her head slightly and said nothing, thinking that it would be better to tell the young couple face to face.

On the top of the mountain, the wind was quite soothing, but after Xie Yiming arrived, the wind became a little bit fierce, causing the sea of ​​clouds in the field of vision to roll, as if it was about to breed thunder.

Yu Wenjun's eyes were calm, he thought about his words slightly, and said: "I'm ashamed to say that I came here empty-handed this time, and I hope my uncle will forgive me. I wanted to send something, but I was worried that my uncle would be too mean."

Jing Peiyao also nodded slowly at the side.

Xie Yiming's breath became heavier, and he didn't look at these two people. He looked ahead, dressed in plain clothes, and looked upright.

"I wonder if Duan Nian and Liu Xue are with them?" Xie Yiming asked softly.

A sword on the back, a knife on the shoulder, the sword and the sword sounded harmoniously, and the coordination was seamless.

At the same time, Xie Yiming should be the first human celebrity who was severely injured by Liuxue's renunciation, but the matter has not been expanded to the outside world, otherwise it can be regarded as a good talking point if it is spread out.

Yu Wenjun paused, touched his nose, his eyes were erratic, and said: "Recently, the human race is resting and recuperating, and swords and soldiers rarely happen."

"The original intention is to stop fighting this month, and cultivate a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere."

Xie Yiming snorted and said with a smile: "Young master is indeed of high realm. At my age, if I can have half of my life's cultivation, that would be great."

Jing Peiyao looked at Yu Wenjun with weird eyes, as if asking how to answer again.

Yu Wenjun responded to his wife with his eyes, and then walked slowly to Xie Yiming to watch the magnificent sea of ​​clouds together.

"It just so happens that I'm free today, and when we meet again, it should be next year, or the year after."

"If uncle has free time, you can also go to Beihai to find me to drink tea and talk about Taoism."

"At that time, you can entertain uncle at Mingyue Mountain."

Only then did Xie Yiming look at Yu Wenjun, his eyes were slightly shocked and worried, and he said, "How sure are you?"

Yu Wenjun didn't answer, Xie Yiming hesitated to speak.

"Okay, if I have free time, I will naturally look for you, and I won't do so empty-handed."

The two generations looked at each other and smiled, and the wind on the top of the mountain gradually stopped...

(End of this chapter)

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