Sheng Fu

Chapter 522 The Last Lesson

Chapter 522 The Last Lesson

Yuxi Town.

In the evening, the night breeze was slightly cool, just enough to blow away the heat in the heart.

In the manor at the foot of the mountain, the land at the foot of the wall is mostly green plants, and the fireflies are looming, adding a bit of summer fun.

In the house, there were only Yu Wenjun and Yang Ju. His wife and father-in-law and mother-in-law were busy in the kitchen. The old couple was warm-hearted and looked forward to the return of the second daughter almost every day. Now that it finally came, it is natural to show off their cooking skills.

On the table is a white crystal lamp with soft light, illuminating every corner of the room.

Compared with the past, Yang Ju's face is more or less sluggish, maybe it's because his ambition can't be extended, maybe it's because it's hard to improve his knowledge and principles.

In this Yuxi town, I have trained students of all ages, and during the time I get along day and night, I have also been contaminated with the dragon spirit of Yuxi town. Now my face is radiant, a little more relaxed, and my complexion is a little fairer and tender.

The two sat across from each other, Yang Ju was still a little cautious, the tea in the teacup at hand hadn't faded at all, Yu Wenjun had already drank half a cup, and more than [-] soldiers of Hengchang were killed in battle. After Yang Ju found out, his heart was heavy too. long days.

I don't know if there are any old friends or sons of friends among the more than [-] people.

In short, it's not a good feeling in my heart.

Once upon a time, I thought scholars were great, but now, I think scholars are just scholars.

Yu Wenjun slowly put down the teacup in his hand, and said softly: "How about the knowledge of the two of you?"

After hearing this, Yang Ju lowered his head slightly and replied: "Barely adopting the main idea, you can communicate with the suzerain normally, but the old man is senior and careful, so I guess he won't speak deeply to you."

"But I also know it in my heart, a little bit like a cardinal."

Yu Wenjun nodded in relief and said, "It's okay, there are some things that can only end here, what do you want to do next, sir?"

Yang Ju's heart trembled.

Although the water and soil in Yuxi Town support people, Yang Ju will inevitably feel exhausted after a long time.

It is difficult for him to confirm his level of knowledge, but in general, he still wants to go away and do something useful. As for being a teacher in the Hengchang Sect, Yang Ju has no such ambition. No, I just don't think I'm a good fit.

Out of the corner of Yu Wenjun's eyes, he kept searching for the subtle expressions on Yang Ju's face.

No greed, no obsession, very happy.

After a long time, Yang Ju said solemnly: "I want to go around. Although Hengchang Academy has accommodated many children from poor families, there are still a large number of children from poor families who have nowhere to stay. .”

"It's not bad to be a teacher who wanders the world, but I hope you can feel at ease."

Yu Wenjun thought for a while, and Fox asked: "Do you really plan to travel all over the world to teach scriptures and karma?"

Yang Ju nodded firmly, for politics, he is not that material.

Yu Wenjun wanted to wait for Yang Ju to open his mouth to ask for a place of convenience that was not light or heavy, but he never thought it would be like this.

After the calculation failed, Yu Wenjun was not in a hurry, and said: "I will give you a sum of money. If you want to go back to the sect to ask for an errand, or if you want to get an official blessing in the human world, just ask." .”

Yang raised his body and bowed deeply: "Thank you, suzerain, for your kindness."

Thank you, thank you, Yang Ju doesn't know where the road ahead is.

In the world of great strife, selfishness is the main thing. Yang Ju doesn't ask the official body to bless the drought and flood to ensure the harvest, but only asks for peace in the years, and does more useful things to see if his heart can reach the state where a gentleman can't use it.

Yang Ju looked outside the main hall and said, "I want to take a step first."

Yu Wenjun's heart sank, and he pondered: "The meal is almost ready, you still haven't eaten dinner, besides, the old couple valued their friendship and said goodbye silently, isn't it a bit sloppy?"

Yang Ju smiled freely and straightened up in front of Yu Wenjun for the first time.

He said cheerfully: "It's probably the last lesson. Some people will appear in a certain period of time, and then they will leave. Whether we meet again in the future is a matter for the future, but this lesson has to be taught."

Yu Wenjun rested his chin with one hand, and said with a little melancholy: "Is it necessary to take this lesson?"

Yang Ju didn't answer either, and walked straight out of the house, his steps were calm and light, his shoulders loose and agile, and he no longer looked like a lethargic teacher.

Classes still have to be attended.

In the kitchen, Jing's father who was cooking the spoon and Jing's mother who was chopping vegetables suddenly felt uneasy, and sweat dripped from their chins at the same time. The two quickly put down what they were doing, and ran out of the house as if they were wading through mountains and rivers for the first time as teenagers.

In the main hall, there was no one there, and in the courtyard, there were occasional sounds of frogs croaking.

Mr. is gone.

Mother Jing's complexion was as usual, and for the first time, there was some profound meaning in her eyes.

Father Jing on the side beat his chest and said, "Oh."

The old couple had a tacit understanding, facing the door, bowed deeply at the same time and bowed their hands together, unable to get up for a long time.

In the kitchen, Jing Peiyao was in charge of the overall situation. Through the window, she also saw the reluctance of her parents to bid farewell for the first time. She felt a little sad, but everyone will experience this kind of sadness.

In the last class, sir, he taught very chicly.

ceremony?How can there be so many rituals in the world, many things are just tossed in the heart.

After a long time, Jing's father and Jing's mother returned to the kitchen. Looking around, the daughter had already done all the practical work for them.

"It's the same with one of my masters. Later, I was lucky enough to meet her in Hengchangzong. I think you will also be lucky enough to meet that gentleman in the future." Jing Peiyao said softly while arranging the dishes.

Mother Jing came to her daughter and held hands with her daughter, and said softly, "Actually, I wanted to cook a decent meal for him."

Father Jing began to serve the dishes and went to the main hall. Men like to be silent, and all their feelings are in their hearts.

In the main hall, Yu Wenjun was still sitting in his original position, with his eyes slightly closed and his chin propped up with one hand, as if he was about to fall asleep.

The aroma of vegetables did not disturb Yu Wenjun's nose either.

Father Jing was about to turn around and go back to the kitchen to help the mother and daughter, when Yu Wenjun closed his eyes and said slowly: "He will be a wandering teacher who wants nothing but benefits, and only wants to be a gentleman. .”

"You can rest assured."

Father Jing nodded heavily, glanced at Yu Wenjun's lazy appearance at the moment, and said with a little worry: "Are you tired?"

Yu Wenjun sat up slightly, turned his neck, and said, "It's not really tired, it's just inexplicably dull."

"Don't worry about me, you just sit here and don't need to go to the kitchen."

Stretching out his hand, a green dragon flew out of his palm, pouring into the kitchen at an extremely fast speed, rolling all the dishes and soups onto the main table, and placing them neatly.

Seeing this, Father Jing said, "Should I call your mother again?"

Yu Wenjun thought for a while, and said casually: "When Peiyao and I came back, my mother must have noticed it. She hasn't come yet, or she is practicing, or she went to the master's place. I will go to the halfway up the mountain tomorrow for a gathering. gone."

"There is no need to take this matter to heart."

Father Jing took his seat safely, and after a while, the mother and daughter also came.

This return, in general, is not very festive.

Mother Jing glanced at Si Ye, and said again: "I wonder if I will say something? Why don't I go to the middle of the mountain now, I remember that we also had a good gathering with Wu Mi a few days ago."

Yu Wenjun began to place chopsticks for the three of them, and said softly: "No need, I hope you can feel at ease this time. If you don't ask for her, she will not come. Naturally, there is her reason in it."

Jing's father and Jing's mother suddenly realized that perhaps, that person had long predicted that they would be taught the last lesson by their husband tonight.

Without Yuxiu, the lesson was more complete.

"Let's eat."

(End of this chapter)

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