Sheng Fu

Chapter 526

Chapter 526

Yu Wenjun opened the black gold scroll, first the list, then the map of the sea area, large and small islands, hidden reefs, all at a glance.

The leader of the spy eyes is named An Yun, he is 42 years old, he is cultivated to return to Yuan, and he is good at using short knives.

The second leader's name is Mu Can, he is 36 years old, his cultivation base is extremely broken, and he is good at using swords.

God's Domain dispatched a total of 72 spies, but the black gold scroll did not record the habits and tricks of the two leaders.

There is no record of where these people were placed.

Yu Yu glanced at the direction of the coast, and a gust of wind came out of the void, heading towards Fucheng fiercely.

The person in charge of the Beihai espionage is the second head, Mu Can, and the top head, An Yun, rarely goes to sea, and seems to be suspected of letting go of the shopkeeper.

Yu Wenjun smiled wistfully and said: "Master Guo Shi is really smart, Xing Luo is not easy to do it, so let me do it."

"This black gold scroll is more like an imperial edict from His Majesty the Emperor."

Everyone in the world thinks that Hengchang and the temple are at odds, and the situation is indeed so. As for the nature, even Yu Wenjun himself can hardly tell.

After a long time, Fucheng arrived against the wind.

Seeing that there were two cups of tea on the tea table with traces, he knew that the tea was not specially prepared for him.

Yu Wenjun handed the black gold scroll to Fucheng, and said softly: "Master Guo Shi came here, the information is estimated to be true, you should investigate it secretly."

Fucheng glanced at the list on the black gold scroll, and Fox questioned: "The fishing boats in the past are the most suitable for hiding filth, and careful investigation can indeed reveal clues."

"But does the Master of the State Teacher have any evil intentions?"

Miaotang and Hengchang are well aware of the current situation, and neither of them wants to pierce the window paper.

Who can tell whether he used the power of God's Domain to suppress Hengchang's heart?

The bigger the trend, the more worth taking advantage of.

Yu Wenjun also had such confusion in his heart, he thought about it and said: "Let's take it as true, even if something bad happens, then adapt to the situation."

"The word of sincerity is too extravagant for politicians. We have to explore the ultimate truth."

"I will travel to Beihai later to find out about Mu Can's whereabouts."

"You can decide this matter at your own discretion, as long as you discover some shocking truths, treat it as normal."

Fu Cheng hummed, and as one of the Eight Gus, Fu Cheng's broad-mindedness was unquestionable.

The defeat of Montenegro cast dust on the whole family.

The northern aristocratic family was restricted by the Six Shu and Nineteen Strategies, whether its heart is still in the human race is a matter of two debates.

It is also reasonable for a family with high morals and high prestige to have contacts with the big bosses of God's Domain in private.

I can only hope that such a bad thing doesn't happen.

However, the family is the most treacherous and cunning.

In the past, Yu Wenjun and Bai Xiaowei teamed up to restrict many aristocratic families in the north and south, and some hidden dangers would always be exposed in the most sensitive period. Yu Wenjun knew this well, and so did Renhuang.

Between the aristocratic family and the Dragon Clan, the Human Emperor undoubtedly chose the Dragon Clan, but this decision also took a lot of risk.

In the final analysis, His Majesty also took a fancy to the pure heart of the leader of this generation of Ba Gu.

In other words, His Majesty never doubted Gu Yong's vision.

The person chosen by the true disposition is naturally also the true disposition.

Thinking of this, Yu Wenjun felt a little guilty towards Xie Yiming, that tall fat man was one of the few honest people among the elders Yu Wenjun knew.

Fucheng left just then, Yu Wenjun got up and stretched his muscles, and then jumped into the sea with a plop.

Under the water surface, there is a vast and magnificent scene, and all kinds of valuable seafood in the world are plentiful here.

After entering the water for about [-] feet, the field of vision dimmed slightly. Yu Wenjun's eyes were like torches. After a long time, a huge and majestic crocodile swam to Yu Wenjun's feet.

The crocodile is more than six feet long, its eyes are dark red, and its head is angular. It is a descendant of the giant crocodile of the Qing Dynasty.

Stepping on the head of the crocodile left the sea in an instant without causing any ripples.

"Travel around, to the unknown reef, or the deserted island."

"Don't make a stopover, it's just a stroll."



In the imperial capital, on the Flying Dragon Stage.

Ren Huang looked down at the current imperial capital, which was as prosperous as ever, but unfortunately the weather was bad, and there was a sad autumn wind.

Fortunately, he just found out that Yue Bo had opened his eyes, his vitality was seriously injured, and his ribs were all broken. It is estimated that he will be able to control the black tiger under his crotch and swing Fang Tian's painted halberd in half a month.

The national teacher approached slowly from behind, and stopped when he was a foot away from His Majesty, lowered his head slightly and said in a deep voice: "I went to the North Sea once, and I got the advice of the head of Ba Gu, and I know that there is an ancient creature lurking in the demon realm, so I can control the real power." .”

"In return, I will give him a black gold scroll, which I have operated in Beihai in recent years, and hand it over together."

The Human Sovereign put one hand behind his back, upon hearing this, Ziwei's true energy surged violently from within his body, almost leaking out and shattering the gloomy sky.

Ancient creatures!

Human Sovereign's pupils alternate light and dark, like a boundless undercurrent that is about to rise into the sky.

"Your Highness, who knew some information in advance and kept it hidden all the time, but now he said it, what does the national teacher think?" Renhuang asked depressingly.

This move was unexpected by His Majesty the Clan.

Xingluo Spynet was defeated by Panlong, which is unbelievable. No matter how good your Majesty is at nourishing Qi, it is hard to hide the disappointment and anger in your heart.

Li Hongshan bowed deeply, and suddenly felt a chill in his spine, as if he had contracted a wind disease.

"The Dragon Clan suppresses the Yao Clan's blood. It's not strange to know the inside story. It is estimated that His Royal Highness didn't know about it at first, and only confirmed the summary after the Battle of Montenegro."

"The current battle of Beihai depends on that Highness."

"Many things in the future will depend on that Highness. Three clans oppress two clans. It is not a joke. It is very likely to happen. The foundation of the monster clan is stronger and deeper than imagined."

"Although I am reluctant to say this, the situation is indeed like this."

Ren Huang restrained his breathing, his mood was in a mess, like catkins flying in the sky in March and April without knowing where to go.

"The national teacher only saw that he still has to rely on that highness?"

Li Hongshan said softly: "Yes, he has a good relationship with the Spirit Race and can be used as a bridge between the Human Race and the Spirit Race. A few days ago, the Spirit Emperor crossed the border and went to Yuxi Town in the east."

Ren Huang closed his eyes, standing still in the wind.

"After losing, there will always be such and such bad things, I lost my temper."

"It's a pity that the national treasury is a little empty at the moment. I want to express my heart, but I have no money. I will talk about it in a few days."

Yu Wenjun may not value the will of the temple, but Hengchang soldiers will naturally value the will of the temple.

Follow the trend, there is nothing you can do.

Li Hongshan said honestly: "It won't be long before you will know the full details of that Highness."

Human Sovereign sighed quietly: "It's best not to know, so you can feel at ease."

The scenery at the end of the fog is worthy of awe!

Li Hongshan hesitated to speak, bowed slightly and retreated slowly.

The wind blows, and the fog covers the imperial capital.

I don't know if there will be a bright moon hanging high in the Mid-Autumn Festival this year.

(End of this chapter)

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