Sheng Fu

Chapter 527

Chapter 527
The next morning, Mingyue Mountain.

In the courtyard, the little guy Huangyue hugged Yuan Shouyi in the center, with his arms intertwined, reaching the sky.

Jing Peiyao was sitting on a wooden chair beside her, watching quietly, Huangyue's understanding was almost psychic, although this posture was a bit weird, upon closer inspection, the Ziwei's true energy in her body was slowly swimming, pouring into the main meridians and meridians.

Cultivating Taoism or practicing martial arts does not necessarily require a boy's skills, but because the child's small Zhou Tian naturally opens up, so he is full of energy and will not be tired, and he can maintain a full state all day long, which is the most suitable for practice.

After about eleven or twelve years old, due to the need to grow the body, the little Zhou Tian will naturally close.

After this age, if you want to step into the path of cultivation again, you have to reopen Xiao Zhoutian.

Either through the hard work of meditation for three to five years to open the small Zhoutian naturally, or the strong use the real energy to forcibly penetrate the small Zhoutian.

Tongzigong generally refers to the state of mind and spirituality when you are young. When you grow up, you have a lot of things on your mind. The original intention of many things is not pure.

When she was an apprentice in the past, Jing Peiyao never cared about these things. Now that she wants to teach her little junior sister, she can only pick up the many methods of cultivation, for fear that she will mislead her disciples by not giving proper instructions.

When the soft wind came, Yu Wenjun floated to Jing Peiyao's side.

He poured himself a cup of scented tea with a light technique. In all honesty, Yu Wenjun didn't like scented tea, but at the moment he only had scented tea.

Glancing at Xiao Huangyue's strange posture, he secretly transmitted a voice: "She has settled down and her mind is united. Let's go to the main hall. If you don't care, it will cause chaos."

Jing Peiyao's expression was serious, like a lion fighting a rabbit.

Hearing her husband's words, she was a little dissatisfied, but she followed Yu Wenjun into the main hall.

Yu Wenjun leaned lazily on the chair, and said softly: "Is there a fragrance from the snowy land?"

Jing Peiyao immediately showed displeasure on her face, she just took the trouble to give advice to her junior sister, and now she has to wait on her husband who has returned, she felt too busy for a while, and said in a deep voice, "What else do you want?"

Yu Wenjun didn't understand what he meant, and said casually: "For breakfast, seafood is not necessary, it is best to have some home-cooked dishes."

After Jing Peiyao heard about it, she didn't leave.

Only then did Yu Wenjun come to his senses, looking at the madam with beautiful eyes, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he said with a little guilty conscience: "I have just traveled around the North Sea, and now I feel heavy in the air, I hope madam understands."

"If Madam is inconvenient, I'll take a step first."

Jing Peiyao's eyes gradually calmed down, and she asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

Yu Wenjun said: "Political affairs, madam has been in a troubled mood these days, so there is no need to ask about it."

After saying that, Yu Wenjun stood up and wanted to cross the void and leave this place.

After wandering around in all directions under the sea, Yu Wenjun felt a little tired. Maybe it was because the will of the empress really merged into the sea water, which made Yu Wenjun feel uncomfortable.

Before Jing Peiyao could elaborate, Yu Wenjun went across the void.

"Forget it, I don't care about your daily life for the time being." Jing Peiyao sighed quietly.

She is happy that her junior sister has grown up, but she is also worried that her junior sister will grow up too soon.

Today's Huangyue has reached the peak of the true spirit, and it is only one step away from Suiguang. This step will probably be passed within one or two days.

According to the common sense, Jing Peiyao should at least take Xiao Huangyue on a little tour to sharpen her mood, or practice some hard work.

But the little junior sister had already experienced many changes in human relationships, and she had no time for it. This progress was too fast, and Jing Peiyao didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse.

Inheriting the holy realm, it is best to break through the barrier of life and death.

With the current progress, at most one year can enter Chengsheng.

Jing Peiyao and Xiao Huangyue have been working hard on teaching knowledge and principles. Patience, creed, and time make Jing Peiyao feel a little flustered at the moment.

It is said that she is a junior sister, but she is like a daughter, which makes Jing Peiyao dumbfounded. In any case, she has to be patient and meticulous.

In a waterside pavilion on the coast, accompanied by Fucheng, Yu Wenjun took the lead in using chopsticks, bun wontons, and three or five seasonal side dishes. For Ba Gu Zhishou, such a breakfast is a bit simple.

"My wife is now teaching children, so she has no skills at all. The politics of the North Sea are all in your hands."

"From yesterday to now, I have wandered aimlessly across the whole of Beihai. I haven't found any spies, but the spies must have spotted me. In your opinion, are my traces a bit heavy?"

Fucheng took a mouthful of side dishes, chewed them three or five times, and then responded softly: "You just came here, and you may have traveled to the North Sea out of curiosity, but no matter what, after this move, the spies in the North Sea will no doubt be even more excited. cautious."

"But the timing is the best. If you do this again in the future, the marks will be really heavy."

Yu Wenjun nodded silently, and asked back: "How long do you expect to have the result here?"

"Once the spies on the opposite side are cautious, they will show their feet because they are too cautious."

"I hope you can seize the opportunity soon."

Fu Cheng smiled wryly and said again and again: "It's not such a strong method that is difficult for a strong man. It will take seven days at my place at the fastest, and it is very likely that I will only investigate insignificant minor characters."

"You have to wait."

Yu Wenjun picked up the bowl and began to gulp down the wonton soup.

After putting down the bowl, Yu Wenjun stretched his waist, and said solemnly: "I have no suspects right now. To be honest, the spy war is not my specialty. Wu Mi has to be in charge of Panlong's affairs in the Hengchang Sect."

"I'm really leaning on you, no kidding."

Fucheng's heart sank, it turned out that the head of Bagu also had things he was not good at, and war was no joke.

But Yu Wenjun said again: "Don't you ask me what I have seen?"

Fucheng asked in surprise, "What have you seen?"

Yu Wenjun said solemnly: "In the sea area, there are many corpses of fishermen, and all of them are highly poisonous, you don't know?"

Fu Cheng's face changed slightly, he really didn't know the real situation of Yuan Hai.

Ashamedly said: "The fishermen did not suffer any casualties. Every time we return, we will check the number of people. Those corpses may come from other places. In short, I was negligent."

Yu Wenjun didn't blame Fucheng either, and said: "Those have all been dealt with by the Qingming giant crocodile, but there may be fish that slip through the net. Recently, we have strictly inspected our seafood, and you don't know about it. Obviously, the other party has already taken the upper hand. "

"I am most worried that a large number of people will die from poisoning after eating our seafood."

Yu Wenjun also pointed to stabbing Fucheng with the sword, injecting a stream of pure dragon energy, and said: "In the future, you can plunge yourself into the water, and there will be descendants of Qingming giant crocodiles to guide you."

"The seafood issue probably won't be an accident, and we still need to be cautious."

Fucheng nodded heavily and said: "Thank you for your enlightenment. You have been recharging your energy in Mingyue Mountain in recent days. I will handle all matters big and small. When the war starts, you will have to take the lead."

Yu Wenjun smiled sadly and said: "No need, I will live here, I can eat a good meal, and it will not make my wife lose my mind. Teaching children is the easiest thing to make a woman angry."

Fu Cheng was stunned for a moment, and asked implicitly: "Will this appear irresponsible?"

Yu Wenjun looked up to the sky and sighed: "She is Fuyao's family, how can I get involved."

Fucheng suddenly realized, grief rose in his heart, and he accepted apprentices on behalf of his master. It seemed that the mighty empress would never return together.

(End of this chapter)

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