Sheng Fu

Chapter 531 Only one sword shines

Chapter 531

Ying Long opened his mouth and shot out a purple thunder light, interrupting Ji Nan's sword momentum, forcing him to face the front and retreat more than thirty feet.

Xiang Hao attacked Ying Long with all his strength, Ying Long did not get entangled, and quickly retreated ten miles away with fluttering wings. The real essence of the dragon's horn boiled, and two beams of light shot directly at Xiang Hao and Ji Nan with a bang.

Yu Wenjun took advantage of the situation to be reborn from a drop of blood, his right leg and right arm grew out, he wanted to make a move, but in the battle field of Wuji strong, the coercion was like a mountain, just as Yu Wenjun was about to form a seal, the dantian was full of energy and blood, Can't stop.

Ji Nan laughed loudly and said, "Yes, this battle is beyond my expectation, come again."

Chi Yuan teleported to Ying Long's side, waiting in full force, Ji Nan's momentum was rising, and he was about to break through the sea.

"Withdraw!" Yu Wenjun said softly.

Upon hearing the news, Ying Long immediately changed direction, Chi Yuan was a little confused, and immediately followed Ying Long.

He looked back from time to time, for fear that Ji Nan would rush over again.

When Xiang Hao saw this, his heart was burning with anger, and the void behind him was even more blazing. The anger had materialized, and just about to catch up, Ji Nan revealed a breath, interrupting Xiang Hao's momentum.

"Fuyao will definitely leave a ban on Mingyue Mountain. Although the man in red is not strong, the power of Yinglong is enough to hold you and me back. Don't chase after us." Ji Nan gritted his teeth.

After hearing this, Xiang Hao sighed heavily.

The five Wuji were killed in battle. This battle was very aggrieved.

Below, seeing this, Ji Tong's eyes wandered, thinking of the messy and wild autumn rain season last year.

This battle seems to be a child's play, but it is not a child's play...

On the sea area, Lord Yuwen ordered Yinglong to walk slowly, Chi Yuan still looked back in fear, the style of Ji Nan's sword was comparable to Pu Weiqing's three swords in one.

"Why did you withdraw suddenly?" Chi Yuan asked in a low voice.

After careful perception, Ying Long is still at the peak, Yu Wenjun's face is pale, but there is a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"This battle is just to get to the bottom of it. At least the enemy of the North Sea is not as strong as you and I imagined. This rumor will spread across the ocean in half an hour, to the imperial capital of the human race, and to Yujing of the god race. .”

"People's hearts are at ease, and the general situation is stable."

Chi Yuan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said with a long sigh of relief: "Perhaps I was really frightened by that sword, and I didn't understand such a shallow truth."

Yu Wenjun smiled and said: "Actually, I just realized that Ji Nan doesn't chase, but is just worried about ambush."

"Those three giant beasts are still waiting for the gods at the bottom of the sea. Their failure to show up in this battle is Ji Nan's biggest taboo."

"After today, the Protoss will be stable until next spring at least. In the short term, they will definitely not act rashly. And you and I must always guard Beihai and be prepared."

Cold sweat dripped down Chi Yuan's forehead, he didn't speak, just nodded with a smile, like an old man in the mountains who has made a fortune.

On Mingyue Mountain, on top of the nine-story tower, Jing Peiyao was wearing a dark green dress, standing in the wind, her eyes were radiant, and she looked at the returning warrior in a strange mood.

Ying Long fluttered his wings and flew high, heading for a nearby island.

Yu Wenjun and Chi Yuan arrived lightly, and saw that his father's right arm and right leg were quite radiant, Jing Peiyao said with lingering fear: "Why didn't you tell us in advance about such an important decision?"

Jing Peiyao looked at Yu Wenjun squarely, but in fact, there were fine beads of sweat oozing from her back.

Yu Wenjun smiled slowly: "It's just a temporary idea, you have to know how much the strongest opponent is."

"Then I'll trouble my wife to cook for me and come with 99 dishes."

"It's not my intention, it's just Uncle Chi Yuan's wish before he left. He was worried that he wouldn't be able to come back, and he was also worried that he wouldn't treat him with kindness when he came back."

Jing Pei laughed, and landed a soft fist on Yu Wenjun's shoulder, smiling like a spring breeze swaying towards the valley and river, and said softly: "Okay, there are only 99 dishes, and a big table is needed, and there is no such a huge table for the time being." , when the time comes, the true essence will be used as the table above the sea."

Yu Wenjun nodded again and again, and smiled knowingly: "If there is a painter with extraordinary skills by his side, it would be great to leave a picture scroll handed down from generation to generation."

Jing Peiyao grinned and grinned, and landed a slight punch on Yu Wenjun's shoulder again, and said with a smirk, "Don't be beautiful, I'll go to the kitchen to do some work first, the tea is ready, just sit down and relax for the time being."

On the tea table, there is Longquan clear water, and the tea mist is thick, confusing people's eyes.

Looking at Jing Peiyao's leaving back, Chi Yuan smiled strangely at Yu Wenjun: "Did the delicate little punch just hit your heart?"

Yu Wenjun sat down slowly, his legs were still weak, but how could he be weak in front of his wife.

He pretended to raise his teacup and said, "It's just ordinary."

Chi Yuan looked at Yu Wenjun with disdain, and began to serve tea. His fingers were numb and trembling slightly. Seeing this, Yu Wenjun frowned slightly and emphasized: "You are a powerhouse of Wuji after all, don't disturb my mood."

"In this battle, you're really stretching your hips. I really overestimated you."

Chi Yuan smiled helplessly and said: "I have been out of battle for a long time, and my hands and feet are not good. I hope His Highness will understand."

Yu Wenjun was speechless for a moment, even if Chi Yuan was like this, the three giant beasts in the sea would probably not be able to withstand Ji Nan's ultimate move. In terms of killing power, Ji Nan must be above the Nine Nether Birds.

Except for Ying Long, no one can stop the god beast.

"Why don't you go back to the carbine after drinking the tea?" Yu Wenjun said abruptly.

Chi Yuan sprayed the tea on Yu Wenjun's face with a puff, which caught the latter off guard.

Yuwenjun is in a mess in the wind...

After a while, he quickly raised his left arm, wiped the water stains on his face with his sleeve, rolled his eyes at Chi Yuan, and pretended to be angry: "It's really insulting to be so panicked!"

Chi Yuan smiled embarrassingly, but hesitated to speak for a moment.



In the Imperial Capital, in the Royal Study Room.

Bai Xiaowei slowly told the truth, I don't know if it was intentional, or he just spoke slowly. At the beginning, Renhuang listened attentively, his complexion was heavy, but in recent days, he was busy with everything, and his mind was tired. In the end, his chest was heaving and unsteady, and his expression gradually returned to its former glory.

"It's not right to block this news, and it's not true if it's not blocked. In Aiqing's opinion, what should I do?" Human Sovereign said with a sad face.

Spreading the word on the human race can refresh the mind and boost morale, but it will inevitably arouse the anger of the god race and lead to even greater fierce battles.

Although this time there is suspicion of child's play, it is a real bright sword, which makes the Protoss dare not act rashly in the near future.

But if it is not spread, it will inevitably increase the morale of others and destroy one's own prestige.

Bai Xiaowei clasped his hands together and bowed slightly, and said slowly: "Let it be, the internal affairs of the human race are all as usual, if you don't want to be strong, it's a bluff, but it's better than a coward."

"It is difficult for the human race to gain a real advantage at the moment."

Human Sovereign first raised his eyebrows, then leaned back, raised his arms, laughed and said: "I'm sure."

Laughter echoed in the imperial study room, I don't know if it was bitterness or joy, in short, there were mixed feelings.

Who would have expected that Yu Wenjun would come out so suddenly?
"Decree, three days after Xu Huanshan, lead two thousand euphorbia men to open the way and go to the North Sea. The rewards, Aiqing can decide according to the situation, and you can privately pass on my oral order to Yu Wenjun, and say that you have done a good job!"

Bai Xiaowei responded softly: "Observe the order."


(End of this chapter)

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