Sheng Fu

Chapter 532

Chapter 532
On the island, the wind is getting colder, and the soldiers have to change their cotton clothes.

There is a thick carpet on the ground. This carpet is about ten feet long and nine feet wide. It came from Fucheng's home and is made of the skins of three extreme-breaking fire wolves. Its value can be used by ordinary people for a lifetime worry free.

Yu Wenjun and Chi Yuan lay sprawled on the carpet, Chi Yuan rubbed his lower abdomen slightly, he didn't have a belly at first, but his abdomen was slightly swollen, and he smiled knowingly: "I originally said with a smile, Your Madam took it seriously."

There are 99 dishes, 69 kinds of soups, [-] kinds of authentic stir-fried dishes, no repetition of the dishes, and the balance of color, fragrance and taste. I really admire Jing Peiyao's craftsmanship.

And it only took half a day to complete these feats.

When eating, Xiao Huangyue continued to eat after she vomited, and Chu Jinyan also stretched her stomach.

Yu Wenjun made a pillow with his arms, looked at the gloomy sky today, and said slowly: "My father-in-law and mother-in-law started their business in the casserole business. It’s just hidden and tucked away on weekdays.”

"It's reasonable for a woman to do something unimaginable once in a while because of one incident."

I thought that the 99 dishes can be regarded as one dish even if it is chopped green onion, but a dish is a dish, and there is no perfunctory intention.

Chi Yuan joked and said, "I'm afraid it's only this time that I know that Mrs. Madam has hidden secrets on weekdays."

Yu Wenjun raised his mouth and said, "It's good to be full. I have always lived a simple life and don't like luxury."

Chi Yuan rolled his eyes, hesitated to speak.

Suddenly, there was a soft wind blowing from the southwest direction, with a vague three-point sword intent in the wind, a black spot appeared in the field of vision, and the black spot gradually expanded.

Bai Xiaowei is dressed in a hat and a sword, although he is not handsome, he has a strong temperament.

Chi Yuan sat up slightly, and said with a smile, "I'm a visitor from afar, but it's a pity that I came a step late."

Bai Xiaowei landed lightly and stood outside the carpet. Hearing the words, he felt a little dazed, and said honestly: "The affairs of the DPRK and China are busy, and I am deeply sorry that I couldn't be there to help in the Battle of Beihai."

After Chi Yuan heard about it, seeing Bai Xiaowei Shenhua restrained, honest and respectful, he couldn't help laughing and said: "You are the prime minister, but I like it."

Bai Xiaowei was in the cloud and mist, he didn't know what it meant, and the cold sea breeze couldn't make Bai Xiaowei open his mind a little.

Yu Wenjun was still lying on the carpet, turned slightly sideways, held his left cheek with one hand, looked at Bai Xiaowei with erratic eyes, and said with a half-smile: "Do you understand that there is something in Chi Yuan's words?"

Bai Xiaowei was slightly confused, nodded slightly and said: "I understand."

Yu Wenjun and Chi Yuan looked at each other and laughed loudly.

The laughter floated to the distant sea and lingered for a long time, leaving a scripture on the wall of time.

Chi Yuan rubbed his stomach again, stood up and said, "You talk, I'll take a step first."

Bai Xiaowei took a step back slightly, and made way sideways.

Chi Yuan disappeared into the sky with a light leap.

Yu Wenjun sat up slightly, opened the Wujiang bracelet and took out the tea set, made tea on the spot, and said softly: "Don't be cautious, just come in and talk, this carpet is worthless."

Bai Xiaowei hummed, took a step forward, stepped on the carpet and walked slowly to the tea table and sat down cross-legged.

Yu Wenjun poured Bai Xiaowei a cup of tea with his own hands, and it was still Longquan water. After careful calculation, the tea flavor of this cup of tea was not good, and the heat of the brewing was not enough, but he tasted tea like this on an isolated island in the North Sea. However, the tea rhyme adds a sense of vastness and wildness, at least Yu Wenjun thinks so in his heart.

"I remember when I went to your mansion in the past, you always drank a piece of red tea. Although black tea can nourish the stomach, clear tea can also nourish the heart. You need to have both, so that you can feel harmonious." Yu Wenjun said slowly.

Bai Xiaowei raised his teacup, breathed a little, pouted and asked, "Why did you suddenly think of the tea ceremony? At this age, you shouldn't be obsessed with this way."

Yu Wenjun shrugged slightly, and said: "The root cause of the temporary idea is that you are full."

Cough cough cough...

Bai Xiaowei tried his best to control his breath, for fear that a sip of tea would be sprayed on Yu Wenjun's face, and he only took a small sip just now.

Yu Wenjun continued: "To celebrate the First Battle of Beihai, Madam cooked 99 dishes, and every dish shows its meticulous craftsmanship. This is why Chi Yuan said that you came a step late."

Bai Xiaowei put down the teacup slowly, and said with a long sigh, "That may be more than one step late."

Yuwen Jundao: "Well, I have been eating leftovers for the past two days. When there is a big fight, you should lead by example and don't bluff and waste. Even if no one in Mingyue Mountain knows the news, you should abide by your heart."

Bai Xiaowei snorted and said, "I thought you were in Mingyue Mountain."

Bai Xiaowei has never been to Mingyue Mountain, and no one in the world has ever been to Mingyue Mountain. The Prime Minister came this time, and he wanted to see how the scenery in the mountain is. It can be seen that Yu Wenjun is lying here, and Bai Xiaowei knows the truth. this trip.

After all, the natal family belongs to the natal family, how can Yu Wenjun use Mingyue Mountain as a private residence for the administration of the government.

Of course, just daily living is still possible.

Yu Wenjun is very self-conscious, and Bai Xiaowei sees Yu Wenjun's self-consciousness, so he also becomes self-conscious.

Bai Xiaowei said: "Don't you ask me why I came here?"

Yu Wenjun smiled softly and said: "The emperor must have some rewards, maybe Xu Huanshan led the euphorbia warriors to clear the way and escort the baggage vehicles from the imperial capital to Beihai."

"However, I didn't travel through mountains and rivers, but came across the void."

Bai Xiaowei nodded slightly and said: "That's right, Mr. Dean personally built a void channel and sent us here."

There are three Bagu in White Deer Academy, the dean's heart is almost hanging above his head.

Yu Wenjun asked curiously: "What are the specific rewards?"

Bai Xiaowei said implicitly: "The cotton-padded clothes for the winter, as well as a large amount of military equipment and many fruits from the Spirit Race, although simple, are very practical, but Xu Huanshan's scene is very skillful, people who don't know think it is sent Mountains of gold and silver.”

Yu Wenjun was stunned for a moment, and said: "At any rate, killing the five Wuji powerhouses, Human Sovereign must be too petty."

Bai Xiaowei refills the tea by himself, the tea is slowly poured into the cup, the sound of grunting can be heard.

"Your Majesty asked me to decide according to the circumstances, and I will decide according to the circumstances. Although the national treasury is not empty now, it is not too far from the road to emptiness. Moreover, the matter of rewarding many things seems to be a big fanfare, and it may not be miraculous. There are also overtones."

After Yu Wenjun heard it, he clapped his hands slowly. Although the applause was ups and downs, it meant that heaven and earth were closing together.

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, is worthy of being a national warrior!" Yu Wenjun said sincerely.

Bai Xiaowei pursed his lips and said with a smile: "It's serious, even scholars who have a little bit of thick ink in their stomachs can see the clues at a glance."

Yu Wenjun hesitated to speak, feeling himself, the head of the eight Gu, the ink in his stomach is not thick enough?
Bai Xiaowei said again: "Your Majesty gave you an oral order, and the oral order is yes, you have done a good job."

Yu Wenjun poured a cup of tea by himself, took a sip, and asked curiously: "What does Fucheng say, you should have met."

Three days have passed, more or less clues can be found in Fucheng, if they can't be found out, they will be one of the Eight Gus and the current patriarch of the Helian family.

Bai Xiaowei rubbed his knees slightly with his hands, and said: "Yes, I already know that the Ji family is suspected of betraying, but there is no evidence. In addition to the Ji family, there are some big and small families who also have opportunistic intentions to stabilize the foundation. meaning."

"I will tell His Majesty the truth about this matter."

Although the first battle stabilized the hearts of the people, they should not launch an attack on the northern family at the moment. That would not only chill the hearts of the people, but also mess up the government and lead to a shocking change in the human race.

After all, the south is better. At least one leader tried his best to level the big bowl of water. Occasionally, water droplets spilled out of the bowl, but not a lot.

In the past, the persecution of aristocratic families was for the sake of Hengchang Academy and the poor people.

The suppression of the aristocratic family this time is purely an official business of the temple, and has nothing to do with Yu Wenjun. Your Highness the Dragon Clan, please don't stretch your hands too far.

It is estimated that it will take several years to settle the account after Qiuhou.

Maybe at that time, a small mountain can be piled up with just ledgers.

Yuwen Jundao: "There is something I need to let you know. In fact, I didn't know it, so you did it for me. But when you come, I just let you know."

Bai Xiaowei wasn't sitting cross-legged either, his body was leaning back and lying flat, the carpet was still very comfortable.

He opened the mouth and said: "The Guo family has a solid rear. There are many taboos and many barriers. I will try my best to make it as smooth as possible, and I will also inform the prime minister."

"The grievances and grievances between the temple and Hengchang, we should try our best to mediate."

Beheading five Protoss Promise Generals, some old people in the temple will not appreciate it, and they should not appreciate it. The Dragon Clan occupies Beihai, so they have to take care of it, and some old accounts will not be overturned.

Sooner or later, those old people will vomit this breath between Yu Wenjun's brows, but that will be a matter for the future. As for whether there is such a chance, it is also a matter of two debates.

Yu Wenjun took a closer look at Bai Xiaowei's lying posture, and he really had a bit of a relaxed demeanor, wondering: "Is your strength alone, is it a little weaker?"

"Your sword is very sharp, but you can't kill some of your own family members who have a bad relationship."

Bai Xiaowei closed his eyes and listened to the sound of the sea breeze. It has been a long time, and he has never been so carefree.

"When I entered Wuji, I became a majestic mountain." Bai Xiaowei said.

Yu Wenjun laughed and said: "At that time, the first sword of the human race may be you, but you two have to fight it out to avoid disputes."

The first sword of the human race is the life-long dream of many human swordsmen.

Whether Zhou Tianhai of the older generation had this idea is an unsolved mystery. Among the younger generation, Fu Cheng, Guo Shenghe, Gao Zhi, and even Jing Peiyao had this idea.

Relatively speaking, Jing Peiyao has a high probability of succeeding.

A few years later, the leader of swordsmanship will be a woman, and I don't know how many men and women will be unhappy.

Bai Xiaowei opened his eyes slightly, and said with a subtle smile: "Don't talk nonsense, my relationship with the dean has always been very good."

Yu Wenjun asked curiously: "How much free time do you have here this time? If you have nothing to do, you might as well stay with me for a few more days. You and I have never been so happy for a long time."

After hearing this, Bai Xiaowei sat up slightly, rubbed his eyes, and said: "The current government affairs are complicated, I'm afraid if I don't have this leisure, even if I have this leisure, I can't spend time with you on this isolated island. seat."

"It's disrespectful to spread the word."

Yu Wenjun slightly apologized: "The former residence of the Empress, I can't be desecrated at will. Forgive me, Mr. Prime Minister. There is a water pavilion on the bank. I am there on weekdays. But in the past few days, Fucheng is busy with government affairs. If I go, I will inevitably disturb him." His state of mind is fine, but the rest of the Helian family may feel a little cramped."

Bai Xiaowei stood up slowly, stretched his waist, looked at the blue sea outside the island, and said, "Actually, Xu Huanshan wants to have a few drinks with you. He told me this before he left. I wonder what you think?"

"Perhaps the dean is also happy to see this in his heart."

Yu Wenjun shook his head and said with a meaningful smile: "Farewell, although there is no grudge in my heart, but I drank the wine immediately, and the news spread to the temple. I don't know how many old guys don't like Xu Huanshan."

Bai Xiaowei thought about it: "That's right, the prejudices in people's hearts are more vast and boundless than this North Sea."

"However, Xie Yiming should send a capable general to congratulate you."

Yu Wenjun said suspiciously: "Chen Xuan is the number one general in the south, he will never come here."

"My face should not be that big. Xie Yiming should also understand this truth."

Chen Xuan is here, is this to help out?
What do the world think, and what do the princes of the temple think?
Bai Xiaowei said truthfully: "It's hard to talk about this matter. After the big dispute started, the south didn't do much. On the contrary, Wang Changsheng died. As a leader, Xie Yiming couldn't hold back his face. He had the heart to make contributions, which is also reasonable. among."

"Chen Xuanruo is here, the burden on your shoulders will be lighter."

"Xie Yiming is the elder, and the elder will never let the younger generation fight everything alone."

Yu Wenjun is almost in a mess in the wind, how can this song come out.

"Could it be that the army is already on the way?" Yu Wenjun asked curiously.

Bai Xiaowei replied: "Maybe it's still in the process of rectification, maybe tomorrow morning, we will cross the void and reach the coast."

"Anyway, you have to be prepared."

"I have to go back, come back next time, the seventh floor of Hongyan Building, I invite you."

The prime minister just left.



In the south, Langfeng Prefecture.

Inside the Xie Family Manor.

Although autumn is approaching, the southern land is still scorching summer, and you will sweat profusely after a little work on weekdays.

Inside the fence, Xie Yiming dug the ground with a hoe in his hand, and had to plant some winter vegetables. A few days ago, some rapeseeds came from the Spirit Race. They were said to be winter vegetables, but they were not really winter vegetables. Finally, several new dishes can be placed on the table.

Chen Shouxin stood outside the fence. As an aristocratic family, although Chen Shouxin was old, he was unwilling to do farming or chores such as farming by himself. A scholar must have the nobility of a scholar.

"If you really want to send troops to the North Sea, it's really unimaginable to kill five Wutai generals this time, but the water in the North Sea is very deep, deeper than the Ruiyuan River, and there may be some harsh words in the temple."

"Even if we send troops, it shouldn't be now. At least we have to wait until Lord Yuwen needs us before sending Chen Xuan over."

Xie Yiming dug the ground with his back facing Chen Shouxin. He tried his best to have enough hoes and good steel fire. Every time the hoe went down, there would be a large wet clod. If every clod of soil could be counted as a good martial art, that would be great.

"Going when we are needed is indeed sending charcoal in a timely manner, but going now can warm people's hearts and give charcoal in a timely manner. After the southern army arrives, the north and south will be in harmony, which will also help the morale of the human race to rise."

"I've made up my mind, don't bring this up again."

Chen Shouxin lowered his head sadly, and said helplessly, "When are you leaving?"

"You must choose a good day and auspicious day."

Xie Yiming landed with a hoe, with one hand on his waist, looking at the top of Linghua Mountain. The sun is shining today, and there is a faint rosy glow in the sky, and then he said: "Chen Xuan can order troops, draw half of the southern army's elite, and set off immediately .”

"There is no need to cross the void, take the land route, all the way to the north, do not disturb the people on the way, and do everything consciously."

Chen Shouxin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I don't even know how to say this to Chen Xuan."

Xie Yiming started to dig the ground again, and said in a full of spirit: "To tell the truth, you can go back and spread the word first, and after half an hour, you can come over to have a meal, and the half-moon wine in Yuliu Tan, I guarantee you enough."

Chen Shouxin's whole body was soft, and the leader was like this, so he had no choice but to follow suit.

Xie Yiming was very happy to have killed the five Infinity Generals.

Before being the leader, he was a well-known talent and a wild crane. As a man, he naturally wanted to do a big thing that swallowed mountains and rivers, but Xie Yiming never had such an opportunity.

Yu Wenjun's move really ignited the enthusiasm of Xie Yiming's youth.

But he didn't know that this battle, Yu Wenjun was just a temporary idea, self-defeating...

(End of this chapter)

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