Sheng Fu

Chapter 534 One person's moonlight

Chapter 534 Moonlight Alone

Among the mountains and rivers, the ancient road is rugged, and there is a young man in a light silk dress, with a blue-black donkey slightly sandwiched between his legs, coming unhurriedly in the direction pointed by the senior master.

Xingguang didn't ask passers-by, at first Gu Yu went into battle lightly, only carrying a two-foot-eight scimitar.

Wearing a green shirt and holding a sword, traveling far and silently, it is said that human swordsmen like this way the most.

Gu Yu is not a swordsman, he just thinks that walking with a sword can also make his mind more free and peaceful.

After walking all the way for about seven days, Gu Yu got tired of the feeling of walking with a sword in his green shirt. He was not a lonely person at the end of the world, nor was he a heartbroken man standing by the river. He was just a young man looking for fate.

This donkey was bought from a farmer in a village on the road. It is said that the literati of the human race also like to ride donkeys the most.

Gu Yu also likes to ride a donkey. This donkey is nice, gentle and patient. Gu Yu also cherishes this donkey very much. Although he is on the road, he is not in a hurry to get close to the place that the senior expert said.

He knew that as long as he walked forward slowly, he would always get there.

Three days ago, he had already heard the sound of the tide. At that time, he was in a bad mood, a little bit distracted, and he didn't know why.

Now, the sound of the tide is becoming clearer and clearer in the ears, the waves are surging, and the ups and downs of the years have passed, but Gu Yu has gradually entered the tide, and is no longer as fluctuating as before.

On the way to adulthood, I am always lonely.

Gu Yu stroked the donkey's forehead, smiled softly and said, "It's not lonely, and you are with me."

The donkey slightly raised its head and rubbed against Gu Yu's palm, then continued on its way.

The sun was setting, and at dusk, a man and a donkey saw a big dog.

Although there are waves, there is no violence in the waters. If there is a calm sea, Gu Yu's eyes are slightly fascinated, indulged in it, and he smiled freely: "This is so wonderful!"

So, I used local materials, flew into the water, caught a few fish like a falcon, collected dry branches nearby, and lit a bonfire. Thinking about it, the taste of fish and shrimp in this Dadu is naturally better than that of the restaurants and inns in Bowang City. The fish and shrimp in it are more high-quality and authentic.

The night is coming from all directions, the bright moon is hanging high, the bright moon of Dadu is not inferior to the bright moon on the sea.

The bonfire was bright, and the young man's face was quite handsome. After eating a mouthful of grilled fish, Gu Yu showed a numb expression on his face, and said to himself: "Life is like this, what can I ask for?"

"But if this is the case in life, wouldn't it be a waste of life for a young man?"

The feeling of this made Gu Yu have mixed feelings, from his hometown to Bowang City, and from Bowang City to Qingming Dadu, along the way, the weathered look on his face is not heavy, but it is still some weathered weather.

I'm really afraid that when the color of wind and frost is thick and deep, I still have nothing to do.

In the night tide, the mist is hazy, and there is a young woman in black satin, standing in the tide mist, looking at the bright candlelight on the shore.

The girl looks beautiful, tall and slender, but she is proud in the wind.

Gu Yu's eyebrows, eyes, posture, all come into view.

For a long time, I have never seen such a clear-eyed man.

The girl's figure flashed, and she exited the scene from the tide.

In the mountain of Minghun, deep in the attic, in the study, the luminous stone sets off the surroundings quite conspicuously and exquisitely. This is the study of Huo Mu, one of the three giants.

There was news from the capital that there will be a big or small battle between the demons and the gods in the near future, all because of the battle in the North Sea. , Therefore, the Protoss is in a dilemma at the moment, after much deliberation, it is better to return to defense and deal with the demon wolf cavalry.

The general trend of the world, sometimes if the woman is right and wrong in her mouth, she keeps cutting and making chaos.

Huo Mu suddenly laughed. Although the lord's sharpness has not been revealed, Huo Mu is from the demon race, and he was naturally very proud when he learned that five Wuji powerhouses were killed by the god race.

Strategizing, secretly dancing the world, although it is the director of the soul artist, but if you want to raise your eyebrows, it is natural that the victory after the frontal battle is more exciting.

Tuk Tuk Tuk…

There was a knock on the door, and Huo Mu responded softly, "Come in."

A young girl came in, bowed deeply and said: "My lord, there is a guest on the shore. He is a young man, probably from traveling, and he is also a practitioner of soul art. His foundation is only vain, but he has a child heart of."

"That person's eyes are clearer than Qingming Dadu's water."

Huo Mu was slightly surprised: "Just one person?"

The young girl hummed, and the study room was quiet, as if the state of mind of the two of them.

Huo Mu raised his chin. Mo Yi and Tong Wu, who were far away in the capital, had not made any arrangements. For many years, no one had traveled here, and no one gave advice. I'm afraid it was impossible.

"I'll go and have a look." Huo Mu said.

A man and a woman left the study, and in a flash, they came to the tide fog and looked at the bonfire on the shore.

Gu Yu finished eating the fish and shrimp, and was sitting cross-legged at this moment, the real energy in his body was like the water of a mountain stream, the momentum was fierce, but the foundation was too thin.

Huo Mu looked carefully, the young man was well-proportioned, with a neutral appearance, and he was definitely not someone with evil intentions.

While thinking about it, the other two giants also arrived.

Nan Zhuo and An He appeared around Huo Mu at the same time, and the three giants walked side by side, looking at the opposite bank from afar.

"In terms of talent and state of mind, it is a piece of jade in the rough, which is worth refining." Nan Zhuo said slowly.

Soul practitioners are unique in the matter of seeing right from wrong, right from wrong, and evil with just one glance. They can know what kind of equipment and strength the opponent has, otherwise, how can they be known as the aides of the demon clan.

A look of worry appeared on An He's face, and he said, "The lord once said that everything is as usual at the moment, and you should not recruit people without authorization."

"Unfortunately, he's here again."

Nan Zhuo's eyes became more and more determined, and he said: "This kind of equipment is naturally not to be missed. If the Lord comes up, he will also meet Lie Xinxi and recruit him into the court."

As the mist surged, Huo Mu smiled slightly and said, "Thinking about what you want, it can be a death sentence or an innocent one."

Nan Zhuo said: "Although Qingming Dadu is always quiet, there are occasional torrents roaring for nine days. It is also common sense. Just accept it. If the Lord asks responsibility at that time, I will bear it alone."

Uncut jade, no one wants to miss it.

If Gu Yong didn't want to miss Yu Wenjun at the beginning, it's a pity that Yu Wenjun at that time had been sculpted by the person in Yuxi Town, and this was also a pain in Gu Yong's heart. Haven't spoken to anyone.

Nan Zhuo went, and immediately stood by the fire.

Gu Yu suddenly felt the soft wind coming, and opened his eyes in an instant, and a middle-aged man with a dignified appearance stood in front of him.

"If we meet at night, it will surprise me." Gu Yu got up and saluted.

Nan Zhuo said with a smile: "The nature of soul art is yin, and the moon is yin. It is normal to meet under the moon, so there is no need to make a fuss."

After hearing this, Gu Yu felt a slight ripple in his heart, and said calmly: "This statement coincides with the Dao of Soul Art, which has benefited me a lot."

But Gu Yu did not show the slightest sense of need. The senior said that some things are fate. Go one step further in luxury.

In the words of the human race, it would look good to eat well.

When Nan Zhuo saw this, he was quite happy in his heart. This person's roots are pierced, which is really uncommon.

"Having traveled so far, do you feel any emotion?" Nan Zhuo asked softly.

Gu Yu thought for a while and said: "Without the storm and waves, I dare not say the word emotion."

Nan Zhuo became more and more happy to see the hunter...

(End of this chapter)

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