Sheng Fu

Chapter 535 1 cup of tea, 1 city

Chapter 535 A Cup of Tea, a City
On the third day after autumn, Henglong Mountain still has a bit of midsummer heat, with lush trees, humid air, and occasional mountain winds, which can hardly shake the romantic forest sea.

In the gazebo under the mountain gate, Jing Hanqing, Gao Zhi, Guo Sheng and three sat around a table with a pot of herbal tea and four teacups on the table.

The three of them were dressed in green shirts, like those young people who are wanton and flirtatious.

In the eyes of the number one general in the south, the three of them are really young people.

Guo Shenghe no longer had the loose style of the past, and sat upright on the bench. Although he had recovered a lot from his injuries, his face was still pale visible to the naked eye, and his body was short of energy and blood.

Gao Zhi on the side was much better, with a rosy complexion and strong blood, but his eyes were slightly sunken, his whole face was a little smaller, and he had also grown a beard, adding to his weathered look.

Seeing this, Guo Shenghe joked: "In late autumn, you appeared alone in the northern desert, dressed in rags, with an unshaven beard, a wine gourd on your waist, and a long sword on your shoulder. It will be a scroll handed down from generation to generation.”

Gao Zhi was speechless and said: "At this moment, are you still in the mood to joke?"

Guo Shenghe said: "The look of wind and frost on your face is a bit unsightly. I wanted to tell you earlier. It can be seen that your mood is unstable, so you didn't open your mouth. Now I have heard the sound of horseshoes coming from the south. If we look tidy, we can also leave a good impression on Chen Xuan."

Chen Xuan, the number one general in the south, has no record yet.

However, regardless of the northern and southern armies, they all praised Chen Xuanli highly. It is said that in the early years, Yue Bo had the idea of ​​marrying Jinlan with Chen Xuanyi, but later he was worried that the officials would confuse the public and the emperor would be suspicious, so he lost this idea.

Some old people in the imperial capital still remembered that every time Chen Xuan came to the imperial capital in those years, he would be entertained by dignitaries, and His Royal Highness Prince Ping even invited Chen Xuan to enter the mansion several times.

Although there is no record in hand, but there are no worthless soldiers under his reputation, this person is not bad.

If it weren't for the old man in the south who didn't let Chen Xuan go north in the early years, perhaps today, he and Yue Bo will become dazzling twin stars shining on the human army.

Jing Hanqing said: "I think that one south and one north echo each other, which is quite artistic, and the history books of later generations may deliberately write a few words about this matter."

The sound of horseshoes was getting closer and closer, like the drums of war in my heart.

Gao Zhi flashed his long sword, and a gentle sword energy swept across his lips, and the stubble was wiped away. Guo Shenghe said it well, since he is a young man, he must be more energetic. After Chen Xuan saw it, he would also If you have a little vitality, you will be motivated when you go to Beihai.

"It may be possible, but unfortunately, it will be a long time later. It is a pity that we will not be recorded in the history books when we appear here today."

Jing Hanqing said with a relieved smile: "Follow your heart, why do you want to leave a name in history."

dong dong dong...

The foundation under the gazebo vibrated, but the supporting beams and pillars were buried very deep, and the lid of the gazebo did not shake at all.

The three young people got up and walked outside the gazebo. Jing Hanqing stood at the front, and the two behind him were holding a teapot and a cup.

In the field of vision, a general wearing a blue-gold tiger armor and riding a purple amberjack came slowly towards them.

Chen Xuan opened the way himself, and a long purple spear was hanging beside the purple amberjack, with a sharp purple aura from the tip of the spear, like the eyes of a fierce beast fighting back before dying.

Getting closer and closer, the army behind us marched northward with overwhelming momentum.

Jing Hanqing made a bow with both hands, earnestly performed the ceremony of holding the sword, and said truthfully: "Jing Hanqing, together with Guo Shenghe and Gao Zhi, met the general."

Seeing this, Chen Xuan showed a bright smile on his face. He glanced at the sky today. It was clear and clear, and it was a good time to take a look at the flowers and march on the road.

Dismounted lightly, walked slowly to Jing Hanqing, held up Jing Hanqing's arm, and said with a soft smile: "I have heard of your reputation at the Bagu Banquet a few years ago, but unfortunately I have never seen your face, but your family I have met the suzerain, Wu Mi and Zhang Benchu."

"It is a great honor to meet you, Uncle, and I suddenly feel that my waist and feet are more than ten years younger."

Jing Hanqing pursed his lips and said with a smile: "I saw Uncle, and it's the same."

Behind him, Guo Shenghe picked up the teapot and poured tea into the cup in Gao Zhi's hand, and said in unison: "Uncle, drink tea."

Seeing this, Chen Xuan laughed loudly and said, "The three of you are all outstanding talents. I feel very warm when you call me uncle."

Taking a closer look at these three people, he suddenly felt that the son of the north is open and unrestrained. If Chu Xiner, Xu Yuan and the others would definitely bring the elders in the family to offer tea to him.

Young people who have experienced wind and rain are really more pleasing to the eye.

But for some old people with ulterior motives in those temples, the young people in front of them are probably extremely unpleasant to the eye.

Chen Xuan took the teacup with both hands, and slowly swallowed it. The tea tasted sweet and cool, but it had a thick and strong tea flavor.

With a puzzled expression on his face, he asked, "What kind of tea is this? It's almost unheard of?"

Jing Hanqing smiled softly and said, "It's the white water of Qianqiu, the fragrance of the snow, the clear water of Longquan, the spring tea of ​​Wannian, and the wild tea from Henglong Mountain. I thought that uncle would not be used to it."

Guo Shenghe echoed: "Although the situation is complicated, it is all in the mind of the man."

Gao Zhi said solemnly: "There is a universe in the tea, with my uncle's level of tea ceremony, I can speak freely."

After Chen Xuan heard about it, he stared at the three young men dumbfounded, and said with a dumbfounded smile: "That's right, I'm very relieved, who came up with the idea?"

Jing Hanqing and the three said in unison: "North."

Chen Xuan's mind was concentrated, and he took a step back in awe. He saluted the three young men in front of him very seriously, then got on his horse, and shouted loudly: "The army is starting."

Jing Hanqing and the others took three steps back, bowed deeply, and did not get up until the southern army crossed Henglong Mountain.



In the North Sea, there is a water pavilion on the shore.

A gust of wind blew right in front of Yu Wenjun's eyes, and after taking a brief look, Yu Wenjun couldn't help admiring: "I bet, this idea comes from Jing Hanqing, Guo Shenghe and Gao Zhi are not so alert."

Hearing about Fu Cheng on the table, he was a little surprised and said, "What's on your mind?"

Yu Wenjun moved his mind slightly, and a text appeared above the desktop, like smoke rising from it.

Fucheng said with a lot of emotion: "Compared to this, I, the leader of the Seven Laws, seem to be a little less interesting."

Yu Wenjun smiled and said: "Not bad, at least after they come, they can live near the sea. Although the house is a bit crude, at least it has all internal organs, and there is such a sea view as a companion."

"You, the leader of the Seven Laws, have fallen into reality. The three of them can be called clever and smart at best."

Chen Xuan headed north all the way, deliberately passing through various states and counties, which gave Fucheng enough time to build houses and military dormitories on the coast, 300,000 troops, and [-] mounts. This is a big project.

If you want to complete the project as soon as possible, you have to spend a lot of money. Now the project is halfway through, and [-] coolies are rushing to work around the clock. The North Sea coast has become a bit of a city-state climate.

It's just that this move has almost dried up the treasury of the Helian family. Behind the scenes, Fucheng was often stabbed in the back by some family juniors intentionally or unintentionally.

But Yu Wenjun comforted him: "Fortunately, Chen Xuan has brought enough food, grass and supplies when he came this time, and he might be able to restore [-] to [-] percent of your blood."

Fucheng said arrogantly: "There is no reason for the friendship of the landlord to be returned."

Yu Wenjun smiled and said nothing, he also remembered the expense in his heart, and made up for it later.

(End of this chapter)

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