Sheng Fu

Chapter 551

Chapter 551
Jing Peiyao asked softly, "Why did you arrange for me to go to Mengdu Mansion to handle government affairs?"

Yu Wenjun said slowly: "In the future, I will always have to walk more with the Spirit Race. The current human race temples are no longer worth getting close to."

"This move is a bit safe, a bit sloppy, but it is necessary."

Jing Peiyao came back to her senses, and said softly: "It makes sense, but I'm alone, and I'm still a little weak. I'd better go back to Mingyue Mountain and continue to take care of little Huangyue."

"If you want to go to the Demon Realm, then go."

Yu Wenjun let go of Jing Peiyao slightly, after thinking about it, it didn't matter whether Jing Peiyao went to Mengdu Mansion or not, guarding the land of Beihai, on the contrary, seemed mature and prudent, and he was reckless.


The two parted at this point, at the foot of the mountain, Gu Cheng was alone, pacing back and forth with a weed in his mouth, like a prodigal kid with nothing to do.

When Yu Wenjun came, Gu Cheng's first words were: "The wife is settled so quickly?"

"Just now, I felt a strong and ferocious aura."

Yu Wenjun glanced at Gu Cheng indifferently, and said: "We should go, first go outside Saibei City, then cross the desert and the Heihe River, and after arriving at the land of Yaoyu, choose a secret path to the Holy Spirit Mountain Range."

Gu Cheng joked: "I'm not laughing at you, don't think too much."

The next moment, the sky and the earth turned upside down, and the two of them arrived outside Saibei City, walked to the edge of the city, walked against the wind, and entered the desert. Yu Wenjun said helplessly: "I want to tell you that learning and righteousness, the way of civil and military affairs, should not be used for conspiracy and trickery. If you are in love with the wind, flowers, snow and moon, it will definitely lead to the loss of your own bones and the death of your spirituality."

"But you can be dirty in front of Sister Meng, as long as you dare."

Gu Cheng chuckled and said, "Thank you for your enlightenment, I don't have the guts."

The two evaded multiple patrols all the way, easily crossed the desert, crossed the Heihe River, and arrived at the territory of the Demon Realm. To be on the safe side, they took a roundabout route before crossing the void and reaching the foot of the Holy Spirit Mountain Range.

In recent days, the Holy Spirit Mountains are very quiet, like an old house that has been unoccupied for many years.

By the stream, there is a temporary pavilion. Although it is a temporary building, it is decorated with carved beams and painted buildings. The eaves are flying up. The furniture in the pavilion is quite luxurious, and the wine cups and tea cups are full of jewels.

On the side of Guangliju, on the main seat, was a burly man wearing a black mask.

This mask is old and slightly cracked. It is an old object, but Yu Wenjun stood outside the pavilion and opened his dragon eyes, and he couldn't see what kind of face was behind the mask.

Gu Cheng didn't try, just stood quietly behind Yu Wenjun.

Seeing Yu Wenjun coming, Guangli stood up to greet him, walking softly like a graceful water snake, came outside the pavilion, smiled coquettishly at Yu Wenjun, and said, "We are here, but we have been waiting for Your Highness for many years, looking forward to the stars and the moon." , I finally waited for His Highness to visit us."

Yu Wenjun nodded slightly and said: "Then I am really honored."

Stepping into the pavilion, Yu Wenjun sat in the south seat, and Gu Cheng quietly stood behind Yu Wenjun. This is probably one of the most noble guards in the world.

Guangli began to pour tea and water, her hands were gentle, with a charming smile on her face all the time, like an old hand in business, wrong, this girl is an old hand.

"Where should we start the conversation?" Yu Wenjun rubbed his teacup lightly and said softly.

The masked man spoke up and said, "Where does Your Highness want to start?"

The sound is very thick, thicker than the entire Holy Spirit Mountains.

Yu Wenjun didn't change his face, and asked instead: "The guest is up to the host."

The man wearing the mask said again: "According to my speculation, the human race intends to borrow troops from the Spirit Race to resist our monster army going south. After Jiuyouque won a tragic victory, his ambition is extremely high. After breaking the city, he will massacre the city." .”

"The army of the Spirit Clan goes to fight within the territory of the Human Clan, and they will definitely be unacceptable, and they will inevitably tear up some old scars. In this battle, we, the Monster Clan, are sure to win."

"The purpose of meeting His Highness this time is to form an alliance with His Highness and divide the world of the human race equally. At that time, the Dragon Clan, the Monster Clan, and the Spirit Clan will stand as three pillars."

"I wonder what Your Highness thinks?"

Yu Wenjun was slightly taken aback, this is a bit straightforward.

Guangli said softly at the side: "I know that His Highness has plans in the human race, built Hengchang Academy, and even tried to equalize the wealth in vain. If this alliance is successful, His Highness can give full play to his talents and learning in the human race and reshape the prosperous world."

Yu Wenjun said casually: "Is there still a prosperous age today?"

Guangli changed the topic and said with a charming smile: "Where Your Highness is, the prosperous age will be there."

Yu Wenjun had no intention of drinking tea at all, and the strong tea from the Yaozu was the most throat-piercing.

"Besides this, is there anything else?" Yu Wenjun asked softly.

The masked man smiled easily and said, "Compared with this matter, other things are no longer important."

"The situation in the future depends on His Highness's thought today."

Yu Wenjun smiled and replied: "I will make a decision after this battle is over."

"After all, after touching it, many things will become clear."

Guangli smiled coquettishly and said: "Your Highness's words are justified. As far as I know, His Highness is currently guarding Beihai, and he is also quite constrained. Why not let go of your hands and feet and rebuild a bright world."

Yu Wenjun got up and stretched, and said: "I have made up my mind, there is no need to mention this matter again, I will give you an answer after the battle."

Guangli's expression was tense, and she hesitated to speak.

The masked man rubbed the corner of the table lightly and stopped talking.

Yu Wenjun and Gu Cheng left.

On the way, the autumn wind was cool, and Yu Wenjun said: "In the past, I wanted to smuggle into the Protoss to investigate some things. I lived in this mountain for a period of time, and it was then that I met the talented woman."

"I never thought that there would be a conversation today."

Gu Cheng put his hands behind his back, and said a little frivolously: "Actually, this suggestion is not bad. Dividing the world of the human race equally will save troubles. This time, the great battle will eventually destroy one family."

Yu Wenjun didn't get angry after hearing this, and said slowly: "The monster race has no civilized etiquette, no beautiful articles, and is rude and barbaric. It will always be uncomfortable to deal with such a race in the future."

"The outcome of the battle after winter is hard to predict."

"There are not a few strong monsters, but fortunately, this time it is the monsters' attack, and we have the advantage of defending the city."

"If possible, I hope you can fight in person."

"After making great achievements in battle, you can also have more confidence in Sister Meng. If you accidentally get injured, you can also trouble Sister Meng to take good care of you for a while."

Gu Cheng spread his arms, took a deep breath of the cool autumn wind, laughed loudly and said, "Good idea."

"Bai Xiaowei is still in Lingdu, still thinking about bargaining. Otherwise, you can give him some advice and give me some real benefits for the spirit clan. King Zhen'an can send troops immediately."

Yu Wenjun shook his head slightly, and said: "You can rest assured that borrowing soldiers will always be treated as a bit of humiliation. In terms of real benefits, now that the human race has experienced a disastrous defeat in the land of Montenegro, and their vitality has been greatly injured, it is estimated that they will not give much real benefits."

"At most, it is to give up a city and a place for the Spirit Race merchants to recuperate."

"Otherwise, it's just draining the national treasury and offering a lot of real money to the Spirit Race."

Gu Cheng asked back: "Since that's the case, why hasn't Bai Xiaowei made a statement?"

Yu Wenjun looked at Gu Cheng with contempt, and said: "The delay in expressing his opinion means that the human race is not as weak as imagined..."

(End of this chapter)

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