Sheng Fu

Chapter 552 Undercurrent After Undercurrent

Chapter 552 Undercurrent After Undercurrent

At night, the starry sky is bright, with a slightly melancholy sentimentality.

Lingdu, in the station.

On the tea table, Wenwan jewelry was placed, and Bai Xiaowei began to plate hickory nuts, but the craftsmanship was far from that of Xie Yiming, and the fragrance of black tea was still Bai Xiaowei's favorite.

Drinking tea and being idle are Bai Xiaowei's current main business.

I have been to Jiucai Lake, and I have also been to Shanhai Garden. The scenery is not bad, but after all, I am imprisoned in Lingdu, and I have not seen the wild elegance.

"Where should we go tomorrow?" Bai Xiaowei muttered to himself.

As a traveler, one must behave like a traveler. Secondly, all the expenses of Bai Xiaowei and others in Lingdu will be borne by the officials, so there is no harm in taking advantage of them.

While thinking about it, the door of the room was slowly pushed open, and a middle-aged man with a luxurious bearing walked in. His azure blue eyes revealed a sense of deepness, and the Prime Minister Tang De came.

Seeing this, Bai Xiaowei hurriedly stood up to greet him and said, "I don't know if my lord came to visit late at night, I'm not far away, please forgive me."

Tang De smiled peacefully, glanced at the Wenwan jewelry on the tea table, and said softly: "It was I who disturbed your elegance, and it was my fault to say it."

Invited by Bai Xiaowei, Tang De took his seat slowly, and after a while, a glass of Jiangshanhong was placed in front of Tang De.

Tang De tapped the corner of the table slightly to show his respect, took a sip, and found that the tea was rich in aroma, warming the heart, refreshing the mind, but not affecting sleep at night.

He said with emotion: "It's a pity that the water and soil of my Spirit Race make it difficult to produce high-quality black tea. Over the years, I occasionally drink some black tea, but compared with the tea water of adults, my black tea is really tasteless."

Bai Xiaowei smiled subtly and said: "But my human race also has the best white tea. The best white tea I've ever had in the past is Qianqiu Baishui. Unfortunately, my friend is stingy and doesn't want to give me more tea."

"In the past two days, I have had enough fun, and I drank black tea again tonight."

Tang De then replied: "I'm ashamed to say, can you share some of this tea with me?"

The Prime Minister of the Spirit Race had a reserved and slightly shy expression on his face,
Bai Xiaowei calmly opened the magic weapon of space, took out a large pot of black tea and put it on the corner of Tang De's right-hand table, and said, "This amount is enough to drink for three to five months."

Tang De smiled from ear to ear, and praised: "Thank you for your generosity, my lord, this is a real treat."

"I don't have anything else to do tonight, I just came here to have tea with my lord."

After speaking, Tang De raised his teacup and drank half of it in one gulp.

Bai Xiaowei smiled modestly: "It's a good relationship. Drinking tea alone is always lonely. If you don't mind, you can come to me for tea every day."

Tang De smiled brightly and said, "Okay."

The two chatted about Wenwan jewelry, chess and kendo, and when they got excited, they also talked about women and horses, but they didn't talk about political affairs.

When Tang De walked out of the post station, it was already midnight.

In the middle of the night, Bai Xiaowei sent Tang De out of the post with a lantern.

Outside the post station, a luxurious chariot has been waiting for a long time.

Tang De did not return to his mansion in the chariot, but went straight to the palace.

In the Hall of Pure Heart, His Majesty Lingdi sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and meditated, and the surroundings were soft, giving the whole Hall of Pure Heart an extra dusty aura.

After a long time, His Majesty slowly opened his eyes. Outside the main hall, Tang De maintained a posture of bowing deeply with both hands.

"Come in and talk." Lingdi's voice was very soft, but it made Tang De's ears shake slightly.

After entering Qingxin Hall, Tang De knelt down on the futon slowly, and said in a slightly heavy tone: "Bai Xiaowei is not in a hurry, he started tossing Wenwan jewelry, tasting tea alone, and gave me a can of black tea."

After Lingdi heard this, his eyes were slightly surprised, and he smiled with great interest: "He really treats himself as a guest, and he has brought enough tea that he often drinks, but he is sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai."

"It seems that the human race is not so empty."

Tang De frowned slightly, and said cautiously: "Maybe it's just an illusion. Bai Xiaowei is a swordsman, and he is expected to ascend to the realm of infinity in the future. He has a calm mind, which is different from ordinary politicians, and it is reasonable."

Emperor Ling slowly closed his eyes, and said softly: "The Emperor entrusts Bai Xiaowei with such a heavy responsibility, which means that Bai Xiaowei will not miss it. Who is better at bargaining, you or Qiu Yu?"

Tang De was slightly taken aback and fell into deep thought.

After a while, Tang De said cautiously: "Qiu Yuzu, a merchant, was good at verbal disputes and bargaining."

Emperor Ling said with a half-smile, "You know how to be a man."

Tang De half bowed his head, his heartbeat was slightly disturbed.

"Tell Qiu Yu that tomorrow morning, go to the post station and bargain with Bai Xiaowei. The focus is that after King Zhen'an entered Saibei City, he will be the commander-in-chief, and the human Yue Bo will be the deputy commander."

"If this cannot be achieved, a hundred army sticks will serve you."

Tang De kowtowed heavily and said, "Observe the order."


The next day.

When the sky was slightly bright, Tang De drank morning tea at Shang Shuling's house, paired with pastries and fruits.

The slight tiredness on Tang De's face was evident in Qiu Yu's eyes.

As far as I can remember, Tang De's spirit has always been good. It is rumored that Tang De is good at the way of life and long-term vision, and seems to be proficient in intercourse. He is full of energy all year round and rarely tired.

Today's morning tea probably won't bring the Prime Minister back to his spirits.

Even Qiu Yu felt that the Prime Minister would infect him with this exhaustion.

Tang De picked up a piece of pastry and fed it into his mouth, chewed it carefully, and said, "The pastry chef in your house is skilled enough to set up his own business in Lingdu. How much do you pay him a month?"

Picking up the teacup, Qiu Yu said angrily, "Digging the root of a wall is not an elegant thing, it's against the character of the prime minister."

Tang De pursed his lips and said with a smile: "I just think that this cake is very sweet, and there is no other intention."

Qiu Yu didn't bother to play riddles, so he added a cup of tea to Tang De, and said, "I know you didn't sleep well last night, so you came to drink tea with me so early, there must be something difficult to tell me."

"Also ask the adults to make it clear."

Tang De picked up another piece of pastry and fed it into his mouth, apologetically saying: "There is a purpose."

Qiu Yu's shoulders twitched slightly, he brushed off his sleeves, and was about to kneel down to receive the order.

Tang De said: "You don't need to be so formal, please go to the post station and negotiate with the human politician. We have to make our King Zhen'an the head coach and the human Yue Bo the deputy commander."

The coach will hold absolute real power.

Qiu Yu suddenly felt that his shoulders were as heavy as a mountain. He stared at Tang De with wide eyes, and asked, "I knew this was your bad idea. After eating my cake, you still hurt me?"

Tang De said with a half-smile, "Your Majesty's heart is unpredictable. I thought it was me to bargain. I never thought that Your Majesty thought of you. If you lose, the punishment will not be too heavy."

Qiu Yu narrowed his eyes, and if he was a beast that was about to go berserk, he asked softly, "What is the punishment?"

Tang Deyun said calmly: "It's just a hundred army sticks, not a lot."

Qiu Yu took a deep breath, and suppressed, "It won't hurt your back to stand and talk."

Generally speaking, a hundred army sticks cannot kill Qiu Yu, but if the person holding the army stick is a master of Guiyuan, a strong Ling Xiao, not to mention a hundred army sticks, just one random stick is enough to seriously injure Qiu Yu's vitality, and even kill him. expire.

Tang De rubbed his eyes and said with a subtle smile: "Last night I had insomnia, I have to go back to catch up on sleep, and in another hour, my lord will have to follow orders, but the black tea at Bai Xiaowei's is top grade, you can speak more If not, you can drink more tea."

Qiu Yu: "..."

Tang De stood up and said, "Farewell."

post station.

Bai Xiaowei had already woken up, but he didn't intend to get up. The maid came to the side of the couch with a basin and washed him briefly. After that, Bai Xiaowei lay on the bed and raised his legs again. Bring me a cup of tea.

Drinking tea in bed and meditating have always been Bai Xiaowei's habit.

This habit is the least like a habit that a politician should have.

Bai Xiaowei wondered if someone would come to talk to him about some serious matters today, suddenly, an attendant outside the door reported: "My lord, Mr. Yuwen is here to visit."

Under the eaves, Yu Wenjun stood tall and tall. After returning from the demon realm, he thought about meeting Bai Xiaowei.

"You are a rare visitor." Bai Xiaowei's laughter came from the room.

Immediately afterwards, the door of the room opened, Yu Wenjun walked in slowly, and the maid inside also came out, and when passing by Yu Wenjun, she saluted slightly.

Yu Wenjun looked around at the furniture and furnishings in the room, it was a bit extravagant, and the Feng Shui location was slightly similar to that of the prime minister's mansion in Bai Xiaowei's imperial capital.

Taking his time, he came to Bai Xiaowei's bed.

Bai Xiaowei sat cross-legged on the couch, and placed the tea table in the center of the couch.

Seeing this, Yu Wenjun smiled in surprise: "In the cold northern region of the human race, the people there like to roll on the kang. You have successfully brought the northern customs of the human race into the world of the spirit race."

Bai Xiaowei said kindly, "It's mainly because I don't want to wake up. Last night, I talked a lot of official nonsense with Tang De. It's not a breach of personal morality to stay in bed today."

Yu Wenjun sat on the edge of the couch, took a sip of Jiangshanhong, and said, "Actually, it's better to drink green tea in the morning, it can refresh your mind and kill drowsiness."

"The black tea is a bit too strong."

Bai Xiaowei hummed and said, "Is this going to be prepared for you?"

Yu Wenjun shook his head slightly, and said with a wry smile: "No need, you can do whatever you want. I am here today mainly to make a living. I live in Mengdu Mansion. Although there are delicious delicacies, when you arrive in Lingdu, I should always meet you." .”

"What do you think about borrowing soldiers?"

Bai Xiaowei didn't answer in a hurry, picked up his teacup, stroking Yu Wenjun's face with his eyes, and said implicitly: "It is said that you are quite famous in the spirit clan and have a wide network of contacts. Are you going to add to the icing on the cake this time, or add fuel to the flames?"

Yu Wenjun paused, puzzled and said: "Why do you ask?"

Bai Xiaowei smiled and said, "Just curiosity."

Yu Wenjun was speechless for a while, and refilled a cup of tea by himself.

"Probably King Zhen'an led his troops to Saibei City, I just know so much." Yuwen Jun said.

Bai Xiaowei looked calm, and this time he asked curiously: "King Zhen'an is gone, what about the north of the Spirit Tribe? What if the demon wolf riders take advantage of the situation and go south? Isn't the Spirit Race going to be messed up?"

Yu Wenjun raised his glass slightly, squinted his eyes and asked, "Are you really not understanding, or are you pretending not to understand?"

"Can you be more sincere?"

Bai Xiaowei said with an innocent face: "I really don't understand, if I understand the internal affairs of the Spirit Race, it will be abnormal."

Yu Wenjun grinned, the black tea was a little hot.

But Mr. Yuwen didn't intend to answer questions, instead he asked, "What are you going to eat later?"

Bai Xiaowei said casually: "Small steamed buns, polenta porridge, and a few small stir-fries. This time, I brought the chef from home with me."

Yu Wenjun was overjoyed, and praised: "You are indeed the prime minister."

Bai Xiaowei suddenly said: "I understand."

Yu Wenjun pretended to be surprised and said, "What do you know?"

Bai Xiaowei said mysteriously: "The throne of Zhen'an is high and powerful. It has already been crowned king. He has real military power in his hands. If he continues to guard the north, if he wins a complete victory, he will be crowned unsealed."

"So this time I borrowed troops to go to the human race, there were beatings, and there were also solid actions."

"But King Zhen'an is gone, who will take charge of the northern military affairs?"

Yu Wenjun pursed his lips and said: "In the Lingdu, there is a prince with different pupils. The man's ability to march and fight is not known yet, but if he guarantees that the north of the Lingzu will be safe within five years, he is still worthy of trust."

You can doubt the character of the spirit and the king, but you cannot doubt the ability of the spirit and the king.

Bai Xiaowei put his hands on the back of his head, looked up and said: "So that's how it is."

"However, we still hope that Yue Bo will become the commander in Saibei City. In the territory of the human race, the human race should be the commander. If King Zhen'an goes to be the commander, it will not look good."

"This matter still needs good mediation."

Yu Wenjun frowned slightly. The position of coach is indeed of great importance, and it will involve many divisions of interests in the future.

The combined forces of the human race and the spirit race can have a winning rate of more than [-]%.

King Zhen'an is the commander in chief, and the results of victory will favor the Spirit Race. In terms of trade, the human race has to give the Spirit Race a lot of profits, and even many businesses that are guaranteed to make money must also be handed over to the Spirit Race.

If Yue Bo is the coach, everything is easy to talk about.

Yu Wenjun said with a dry smile: "Before winning the battle, you think about liquidating after the fact. This is a big taboo in the use of troops."

"Furthermore, although Yue Bo gained a good reputation in the Black Mountain, he is still a defeated general, which is not auspicious in terms of geomantic omen. Although King Zhen'an is a rough man, his eloquence is good enough to make Yue Bo feel ashamed."

"Secondly, we came here to borrow troops, so we have to show sincerity."

Bai Xiaowei straightened his body, his face was neither serious nor relaxed, and he said slowly: "If I use my words to make Yue Bo continue to be the commander in such a situation, wouldn't it be a great achievement?"

"I don't want to be promoted, but as a politician, I want to reverse the situation in such an unfavorable situation."

Yu Wenjun said indifferently: "Then it depends on your ability, I bet that King Zhen'an will be the commander-in-chief."

Bai Xiaowei was slightly unconvinced and asked, "Why?"

Yu Wenjun said with a half-smile, "The King of Zhen'an has never been defeated. The affairs of the military do not lie in the civilian officials, but in the soldiers, in the spirit of the army, and in the general situation."

Outside the door, there was a maid knocking on the door.

Bai Xiaowei slipped out of bed and said, "Let's go, dinner."

In the middle hall, there was a table of hometown flavors. Yu Wenjun and Bai Xiaowei sat on the table together. The shrimp-flavored steamed buns were very tasty, which whetted Yu Wenjun's appetite.

Bai Xiaowei took a mouthful of side dishes and said vaguely: "This lobster comes from Beihai. This time, I have brought enough ingredients. To be honest, Beihai seafood is a bit expensive for you."

Yu Wenjun was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect that there would be such twists and turns behind the steamed buns, and he said casually: "It's understandable to go to the market as you go, and besides, the lobsters that arrive at your mansion have already gone through many procedures."

Bai Xiaowei was silent and buried himself in cooking.

Yu Wenjun thought for a while, but he didn't expect the reason why Bai Xiaowei said this. In fact, Bai Xiaowei has no reason at all...

(End of this chapter)

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