Sheng Fu

Chapter 553 Is the silt flower blooming?

Chapter 553 Is the silt flower blooming?
After the meal, Yu Wenjun returned to Mengdu Mansion, and as soon as he left, Qiu Yu arrived on the back.

Bai Xiaowei paced back and forth in the courtyard, gently rubbing his small belly with his right hand, like a rich man strolling in the courtyard.

After Qiu Yu arrived, he took the lead in saluting and said, "I have seen you, Prime Minister."

There are two prime ministers in the human race, the mansion is directly opposite, and the real power is suspected to be [-]/[-]. In terms of prestige, Qiuqing is even better.

Therefore, none of the officials of the Spirit Race despised Bai Xiaowei because of his position as Deputy Prime Minister.

Among the civil servants of the human race, Bai Xiaowei's martial arts cultivation is unique.

Bai Xiaowei smiled honestly, clasped his fists in salute and said, "I have seen Mr. Shang Shuling."

With a slight thought, the servant came out of the house with tables, chairs and benches. It would be more delicious to drink morning tea in the open-air courtyard.

The two sat down, and Bai Xiaowei honestly poured Qiu Yu a cup of black tea.

The more simple and honest a person is, the more he thinks in his heart.

Honest people have a clear account in their hearts.

Qiu Yu felt that the cup of tea was a bit heavy, and it almost collapsed the corner of his table.

The tea is steaming, and the tea is red and black.

On the spur of the moment, Qiu Yu said, "I want to have a hand-to-hand conversation with my lord, but I don't know if my lord can teach me a thing or two."

Bai Xiaowei calmly said: "Okay."

With a slight wave of his hand, a chessboard flew into the room, and two boxes of chess pieces landed on the table firmly, seamlessly stitched together from beginning to end without making a sound.

In the matter of hands-on discussion, whoever settles first will have the first-hand advantage.

The two looked at each other, and the whole courtyard fell into a brief silence.

After a while, Bai Xiaowei said first: "Children like to gamble, and they like to guess fists. Why don't we also guess fists like children. Although it's a bit of a joke, luck is always fair."

Qiu Yu remembered that Tang De was drinking tea in his mansion when the sky was slightly bright, and commented on the excellent craftsmanship of the pastry chef in Shangshu Mansion, and then brought His Majesty's oral order.

This matter is enough to prove that Qiu Yu himself recited today.

Even Qiu Yu himself thinks so.

Simply put it bluntly: "The guest is up to the owner, and the prime minister will settle first."

Bai Xiaowei was slightly taken aback, his brows furrowed for the first time, and then quickly flattened out.

Taking advantage of the upper hand and winning, a little bit of invincibility in victory, dissatisfaction with the loser, resentment in the heart, endless right and wrong at the moment.

Concisely said: "It's better to guess the boxing game, it's fairer."

Qiu Yu smiled wryly and said, "Your Excellency is indeed old-fashioned and warm-hearted, with the air of a saint."

Bai Xiaowei followed his kindness and said: "It's too good."

The two posed with their feet, and the void froze slightly.

After a while, Qiu Yu used scissors and Bai Xiaowei made fists.

As Qiu Yu expected, in recent days, the idea has been relatively poor.

Bai Xiaowei touched his chin, and said apologetically, "If that's the case, I'll make the move first."

Qiu Yu straightened his spine, and said in a full-fledged manner, "Please."

Talking by hand is the most important thing. In the past, Ji Caiyin had a hand-talk with Yu Wenjun, but he was at a disadvantage. Afterwards, Yu Wenjun took the upper hand in many things.

Today's hands-on talk, Qiu Yu thought that he would lose, but it depends on how he loses.

In private, Qiu Yu seldom talks with people, but with Tang De, he has not fought for 20 years, and occasionally plays chess with His Majesty Lingdi.

In terms of chess strength, Qiu Yu is not weak, at least above Jicaiyin.

After half a stick of incense, the situation on the chessboard gradually became clear.

Bai Xiaowei's chess moves can be described as gathering wind and thunder, a random move is as heavy as a thousand junctures, wherever it goes, it will naturally form a defensive posture, both offensive and defensive, impeccable.

Like a tiger with wings.

Qiu Yu's chess moves are like the Yangtze River, with one wave after another. Occasionally, a wave will extinguish life in a flash, but after the wave, there will be an even bigger wave.

There is no end to the momentum.

After a stick of incense, fine beads of sweat oozed from the foreheads of both parties.

Bai Xiaowei still had the upper hand and suppressed Qiu Yu slightly.

Although Qiu Yu was suppressed, he still had more energy left, and could be angry at Xiao Han at any time.

Before I knew it, two hours passed.

The late autumn sun is not too harsh, and when the two played chess, they both felt a little bit of coolness that had not been seen for a long time.

However, Qiu Yu's son ended up a little casually.

Before the waves hit the waves, Bai Xiaowei's son fell, although Qiu Yu was not defeated, but after the third son passed, Qiu Yu had no chance.

"Why?" Bai Xiaowei raised his head and asked in confusion.

The servant brought black tea and some melon and fruit snacks again. The small kitchen was busy with lunch. Today Qiu Yu came.

At least the ingredients were brought by Bai Xiaowei from the human world.

Qiu Yu took a sip from his teacup and said with a soft smile, "It will take at least three days to decide the winner between you and me."

"It's even possible after half a month."

"By then, I'm afraid the day lily will be cold."

Bai Xiaowei thought about it again, and it made some sense, but Bai Xiaowei felt that the winner would be decided before dark, but he didn't say this, maybe what Qiu Yu said was true.

"King Zhen'an's bravery is far above that of the human Yue Bo. In my opinion, what should King Zhen'an be as the commander-in-chief?" Qiu Yu cut to the chase.

Bai Xiaowei leaned back slightly, leaning his back on the chair.

"Yue Bo has quite a lot of experience in fighting against the monster army, so he should be on the safe side for being handsome." Bai Xiaowei said.

Although this negotiation will not involve Bai Xiaowei's future career, it will involve whether this move can win the favor of the military.

Yue Bo is worthy of deep friendship.

However, His Majesty is naturally worried about the collusion between civil servants and generals.

Bai Xiaowei was in a complicated state of mind, he was an envoy of the human race, and he had to do something for the human army.

It is not impossible for the two commanders in the army to stand side by side.

But this time it was the human race borrowing troops, not the coalition forces of the two races.

Qiu Yu thought it over and said, "It might as well be a contest between the two of you, and whoever wins will be the coach."

Bai Xiaowei shook his head slightly, and said with a simple and honest smile: "This is even more inappropriate, no matter what the outcome is, it will always make the loser's army feel dusty, and it will be difficult to use their hearts on the battlefield."

"Yue Bo and Jiu Youque fought several battles, and they are more familiar with each other. Naturally, they are more familiar with the formation of troops."

"It's a big taboo for military strategists to change commanders just before the battle."

Qiu Yu picked up the teacup and took a sip, but fell into silence without replying.

People have to get used to silence and embarrassment.

Bai Xiaowei also remained silent, and suddenly felt that the tea he often drank was more flavorful.

After a long time, Qiu Yu asked curiously: "You see people's hearts with the way of chess, what do you think of me?"

Bai Xiaowei was slightly puzzled, and thought deeply: "My lord has an upright temperament, which is similar to the mean, but has the demeanor of a warrior. A person who is proficient in civil and martial arts is naturally good, and his morals are like bamboo."

Qiu Yu smiled wryly and said, "To be honest, I've followed the order this time. If I can't settle the deal, I have to go to the palace to get a hundred army sticks."

"I don't know who made these one hundred military sticks, but according to my estimation, my best end is hemiplegia."

"Could it be that my lord has the heart to see a man of such moral character end up with a hemiplegia?"

Bai Xiaowei paused, not knowing how to answer the words.

If you talk about important military affairs and don't talk about personal relationships, it seems unreasonable.

If you say that you love gentlemen, you will miss the important military affairs.

The difference of a few millimeters is the most difficult to grasp.

After thinking about it, Bai Xiaowei was very confused: "It's better to continue guessing fists. If you lose the first time, maybe you can win the second time."

After Qiu Yu heard this, he gradually opened his mouth wide, and then laughed loudly: "My lord's words are light, if I lose, I will serve you with a hundred army sticks, if my lord loses, I will return to the human temple, and my official career will be as usual, as long as King Zhen'an leads an army to enter At the moment of the human race's boundary, the lord has made great achievements."

"I have a heavy burden on my shoulders, and I dare not take risks."

"In these years, I have never been to a casino, and I have never participated in the so-called small gambling during the holidays."

"Is there any other compromise, my lord?"

Bai Xiaowei picked up the teapot, slowly added tea to Qiu Yu, and said, "I can't compromise, I am as light as a swallow, and my lord is having a hard time moving, why don't you change to someone as light as a swallow, and play boxing games with me?"

Qiu Yu frowned slightly and said, "At present, in my Spiritual Race temple, no matter who is facing you, my lord, it is difficult."

"Perhaps it's because my lord's sword is too sharp."

Bai Xiaowei said slowly: "There is no hurry, we can be silent together and wait for the flowers to bloom."

Qiu Yu: "..."

"Flowers will bloom anyway, and the flower that blooms earlier will wither earlier."

Dream capital.

Today's lunch is quite sumptuous, with [-] hard dishes, [-] soups, some snacks, and a large table, which can barely accommodate it.

Today, Mengdu Mansion welcomed a guest. This guest had horns on his head, purple-blue eyes, tall and burly, and he was a hero of a generation.

King Zhen'an is here.

Yu Wenjun and Gu Cheng personally accompanied him.

"Actually, right now, the bargaining is still going on." Yu Wenjun gave King Zhen'an a piece of braised pork and said.

King Zhen'an has not been in a relaxed mood these days, nor is he heavy.

This time, the leader came back.

Tomorrow morning, I will enter the palace to meet His Majesty Lingdi.

"I guess tomorrow morning, can there be a concrete result?" King Zhen'an looked at Yu Wenjun and asked curiously.

Yu Wenjun shook his head slightly, it is not easy to speculate on this matter.

Bai Xiaowei has never failed, and the officials negotiating with Bai Xiaowei are by no means ordinary people. This negotiation is really sharp.

"Flowers will bloom naturally." Yu Wenjun said calmly.

Gu Cheng on the side poured wine for the two of them slowly, and said in his mouth: "In February and March next year, the flowers in the Shanhai Garden will be in full bloom, and there will be countless young people visiting and watching the scenery."

King Zhen'an grinned and said, "If you don't speak, you still look like a serious person."

Gu Cheng pretended to shut up, slowly put down the jug, and took a bite of vegetables to eat.

Afterwards, the three raised a glass together.

King Zhen'an asked curiously: "It is said that your wife has been to the imperial capital once, and she never got off her horse in front of His Majesty the Emperor. Is this true or false?"

Yu Wenjun rubbed his temple with one hand, wondering: "I haven't asked carefully, maybe it's true, the rumors have gone to a foreign country, even if they are false, they have become true."

King Zhen'an suddenly asked solemnly: "I led the troops to the human race, do you need me to mediate for you about the Beihai matter?"

Warmth appeared in Yu Wenjun's heart, and then he vetoed: "No need, my wife is a stubborn girl, even my husband, I often can't grasp it."

"It's better for her to support Beihai's gate alone."

"However, if the prince becomes the deputy commander, what should he do?"

King Zhen'an drank heavily, ate a large piece of meat, and said casually: "That's okay, this time, the human race borrowed soldiers and became the deputy commander, to do the duty of some minions. The battlefield is too dangerous and vicious, so there is no need to go to battle in person , and can win a real favor, wouldn't it be great."

A bold person is just bold, not stupid.

The king of Zhen'an, who guards the northern border, has always been a rough and fine person, but the civil servants and nobles in the capital always feel that this prince is a bit rude and can't be considered elegant.

Yu Wenjun asked again: "What if you become the coach?"

King Zhen'an smiled contemptuously and said: "Then let's make a big splash. After all, breaking the city of the human race is not a good thing for our spirit race, but it is also thanks to you, killing several Wuji strongmen in the God Realm, causing the demon army to stare at the current God Realm. Started pushing the bulls and gave us a break."

"Speaking of which, after Chen Xuan led the army to Beihai, you are a wealthy idler. Do you really plan to stand by and watch the battle after winter?"

Yu Wenjun picked up a grape and fed it into his mouth, without taste: "I'm also thinking about it, but my Hengchang army is also seriously injured, intentional but powerless."

"However, the chief generals will still lead the army to Saibei City."

"If there is a chance, it will make a military exploit. If there is no chance, it will be a beautiful decoration."

King Zhen'an laughed and said, "Compared to joining forces with Yue Bo, I would rather join hands with you. Maybe we are more familiar, maybe it's because the relationship between me and Yue Bo is more formal, and I always feel that it is less human."

Yu Wenjun smiled implicitly and said, "I can strategize and win a decisive victory thousands of miles away."

"You can also prepare a banquet, and wait for the return of the prince."

King Zhen'an said in a bad mood: "White knives go in and red knives go out, you have to do it anyway, some things are beyond your control."

Only then did Yu Wenjun realize that King Zhen'an came today to drag himself into the water.

"This is a big matter, let me think twice." Yuwen Jun said.

King Zhen'an said meaningfully: "I am not a patient person. If the flowers will only bloom in February and March next year, then I will never enjoy flowers again from now on."

Yu Wenjun took the jug from Gu Cheng's hand, filled it for King Zhen'an, and then filled it for himself.

"Emotionally deep, I will appear on the battlefield." Yu Wenjun said helplessly.

King Zhen'an clapped his hands and said in admiration, "Just waiting for your words, do you think I have tricked you?"

The relationship between the Dragon Clan and the Spirit Clan is better than the relationship between the Spirit Clan and the Human Clan.

Yu Wenjun always wants to give this generous prince some convenience, because in the future, this generous prince will also give Yu Wenjun some convenience.

"If I had known this, I should have returned to Beihai, but I also felt that since we haven't seen each other for a long time, we must have a drink once."

After King Zhen'an heard this, he said with a smile that was not a smile: "You can return to Beihai after the meal. Anyway, you stay in Mengdu Mansion, and there is nothing important to do."

Yu Wenjun sighed: "I think so too..."

(End of this chapter)

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