Sheng Fu

Chapter 577 A little negligence

The king's capital of the demon clan.

In the early morning, the courtyard is full of fireworks.

This morning Jing Peiyao steamed buns and boiled millet porridge. Although it was a bit simple, it was the handicraft of the empress's successor. Yu Wenjun dared not say more, and Pu Weiqing was used to this kind of breakfast a long time ago.

Vaguely, it seems like a dream that this girl is still in Bailu Academy.

dong dong dong...

Outside the courtyard, the door knocker was knocked, and the sound was slightly hurried.

Yu Wenjun and Pu Weiqing looked solemn at the same time, their thoughts moved slightly, the courtyard door opened, and Qingyu came to the three people's dining table in an instant, and presented a scroll.

"The battle situation in Saibei City." Qingyu said.

As a spy who was placed in the demon realm a long time ago, Qingyu is very careful. She knows that Yu Wenjun came to this demon king's capital and will not participate in that battle, but she still cares about every move on the battlefield .

Because there, the Hengchang army participated in it.

Yu Wenjun said in a slightly heavy voice, "Thank you."

Qingyu bowed slightly and stepped back slowly.

Yu Wenjun suddenly felt that the steamed buns his wife steamed were not so tasty, so he picked up the bowl and drank the millet porridge in one gulp, then opened the scroll.

After taking a closer look, Yu Wenjun closed the scroll.

Tie Heng, Han Dong and other generals under Zhang Benchu's command were killed.

Several cousins ​​of Guo Shenghe were killed in battle.

In this battle, the Hengchang army did not lose face, but it was extremely miserable.

This is not how war should be done.

If Zhang Benchu ​​was a little bit smarter and not so brave and good at fighting, Xing would be able to preserve his vitality to a great extent.

In this battle, the Hengchang army completely withdrew from the battlefield, even Zhang Benchu's mount, Ming Chao, was almost broken. Yu Wenjun was a little annoyed, and gritted his teeth slightly: "This Ben Chu, don't you know how to work around it?"

Then he casually handed the scroll to Jing Peiyao, after Jing Peiyao looked at it, he also sighed deeply.

There are not a few people who steal and play tricks on the battlefield, why can't it be Zhang Benchu, they are young and inexperienced, and it is reasonable to avoid their edge occasionally.

Jing Peiyao frowned and said, "Fu Hun and others were killed in battle, Xiao Nan was half dead, this battle was more intense than you and I imagined."

"The bloody battle has lasted for so long, both sides are exhausted, and a turning point is about to occur."

"King Zhen'an is the obvious backup of the human army, but I don't know what kind of skill Jiuyouque has."

Yu Wenjun's thoughts moved slightly, and Qing Yu, who had already walked out of the gate of the courtyard, came back soon after.

"Send me a letter and it will arrive in the hands of Zhang Benchu ​​in Saibei City." Yu Wenjun said.

Immediately pointing to the sword, a piece of rune poured into Qingyu's soul, and Qingyu couldn't decipher the rune. When this rune poured into Zhang Benchu's mind, Zhang Benchu ​​would naturally understand.

If it was in the past, Yuwen Jun could still send messages in the void, but the Xingchen Terrace in the king's capital of the monster clan would not give Yuwen Jun an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Qingyu didn't think much about it, although Zhang Benchu ​​was a general, but this general was not enough to change the situation of the battle.

Immediately turned around and left. Of course, she would truthfully tell the princess about these things.

In fact, Zhang Benchu ​​was not tactful enough to be seen by the naked eye, and this letter would not attract too much attention from the princess, and Yu Wenjun was a little disturbed.

He still doesn't think about some things.

Before leaving, Dang explained to Zhang Benchu ​​in private, but he wanted Zhang Benchu ​​to be more independent and develop a handsome talent.

Now it seems that although actual combat can sharpen one's skills, it also consumes too much capital.

Pu Weiqing saw that Yu Wenjun's brows were getting deeper and deeper, and comforted him softly: "It is reasonable to suffer heavy casualties in such a battle. Although Zhang Benchu ​​will not become famous this time, he already has a place in the hearts of the human army. Good thing."

Yu Wenjun nodded slightly, without explaining too much, he just hoped that Qingyu could deliver this letter to Zhang Benchu ​​sooner.

Suddenly, Yu Wenjun's heart calmed down.

Because of Wu Mi, the patriarch of the Hades clan, might appear around Saibei City at this moment.

The hanging heart finally let go.

As long as those corpses are well preserved, Lord Yuwen can use the law of the soul to revive some people, but if the corpses are too rotten, even Lord Yuwen will be unable to return to heaven.

However, these things are ultimately unseen.

The world will never know that Gu Yong was actually dead at the beginning, and it was Yu Wenjun who revived him.

Pu Weiqing quietly watched the change in Yu Wenjun's expression, and he was a little relieved when he saw that his eyes gradually became firmer.

Jing Peiyao picked up a bun and handed it to Yu Wenjun: "Your appetite is back?"

Yu Wenjun hummed, a false alarm.

He is also not sure whether the members of the Hades family have arrived around the battlefield, and hopes that this letter will arrive as soon as possible.

Yu Wenjun took a bite of the steamed stuffed bun and said with emotion: "There will always be people who steal, rape and play tricks on the battlefield. If such people survive, they will be promoted to rank. They are a symbol of victory and a symbol of blood and tears. It is a bit ironic to think about it. Anyway, this kind of people will eventually sit firmly on Mount Tai, that is, the country and society will collapse, and a new group of people will come up to reshape the mountains and rivers, but those people are still among the rich and powerful."

"The so-called smart is probably just like that."

Jing Peiyao was restless and said, "The turning point is about to happen, shall we go back?"

Yu Wenjun shook his head and said: "There is no need for this. In such a situation, even if you and I go back, it will not help. Chi Yuan and Ying Long will act according to their own circumstances."

"If the human race must be defeated, then it must be defeated."

When the dean of Bailu Academy heard this, he just felt uncomfortable. After all, you are also the leader of the Eight Gus of the human race. How could you say such words, but when you think about it deeply, these words are unreasonable.

If it is doomed to fail, it is really meaningless for the Dragon Clan to intervene in this matter.

Moreover, this matter was originally a joint event between the human race and the spirit race, and the dragon race was excluded from the beginning.

Yu Wenjun took another big mouthful of steamed stuffed bun, and said: "Compared with these, I am more worried about whether the situation of the five races will undergo tremendous changes after the battle of gods and demons is decided."

"I always feel that the Demon Lord has a great chance of winning."

"If the demon lord wins, he will definitely take the time to conquer the losers between the human race and the monster race. At that time, not to mention all his efforts, at least he can quickly occupy half of the country."

"I hope His Majesty the Emperor is wise and mighty, and has the power to stabilize the country."

Pu Weiqing's heart trembled, and he asked a little nervously, "What's the situation on the battlefield of gods and demons?"

Yu Wenjun shook his head and said: "It's unknown, but their pile is really too big."

"A bigger war will come sooner or later."

"The only difference is that between the human race and the monster race, there will always be a place that will become the main battlefield. The spirit race has been hiding their strengths for many years, and the demon king will not easily attack."

"I can only hope that the battlefield is not within the territory of the human race."

Pu Weiqing thought of the Emperor Ren, he had been with him for many years, but he had never known His Majesty the Emperor, perhaps at a certain level, the so-called sophistication of the world, morality, benevolence and righteousness would not be taken to heart.

"His Majesty is not weak." Pu Weiqing said with complicated thoughts.

Yu Wenjun buried his head in his meal. Compared with these, he was more curious about another thing, which was whether the Demon Lord would have a hearty battle with the tiger from the ancient times.

If there is such a battle, Yu Wenjun will be neglecting government affairs, and he will come to the scene to see it in person.

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