Sheng Fu

Chapter 578 Beads in the Black Sand

Saibei City, a camp in the outskirts.

In the tent, Zhang Benchu, Wu Mi, Guo Shenghe, and Gao Zhi gathered together, Hengchang's army was seriously injured, at most they could participate in two more battles, and they would lose all their vitality.

Wu Mi paced back and forth in the camp, this time Wu Mi did not dictate any of Zhang Benchu's decision-making, military and political affairs, big or small, were all dominated by Zhang Benchu, who took the lead many times, big or small, and fought several tough battles. The style of famous generals.

In the past two days, they mainly took care of the wounded. Fortunately, when Guo Shenghe came, he brought a lot of Guo family's children, and Wu Mi came again later, and brought some doctors. Otherwise, relying on the original number of military doctors , I really don't know how many Zhang Benchu's army will die in battle...

The nature of the Hengchang army in this battle is between icing on the cake and giving charcoal in a timely manner.

In terms of casualties, Yue Bo's subordinates suffered the most casualties, and many famous generals fell in the tide of beasts.

Occasionally, Zhang Benchu ​​had to send some military doctors to support Yue Bo.

Zhang Benchu ​​took a sip of water, frowned and said: "The turning point will be in the day after tomorrow. In the day after tomorrow, Jiuyouque will probably launch the final onslaught, and will start a protracted infinite war."

Although the Wuji strongman is strong, as long as there are many returning masters lined up, not to mention killing the Wuji strongman by force, at least they can contain them so that they cannot show their sharpness.

After a series of bloody battles, both sides suffered heavy casualties. Obviously, many Guiyuan powerhouses have returned to the Nine Heavens.

At present, the backbone of the human army is weakening day by day, and the restraint on the Wuji strong is becoming weaker and weaker.

Gao Zhi asked in a low voice: "Could it be that King Zhen'an really doesn't intend to make a move? According to gossip, that one is in Wuji and is known as a majestic mountain."

Wu Mi, who was pacing back and forth, heard this, but responded calmly: "Unless it is really a matter of life and death, that one will definitely not make a move. He is the first and last barrier of the coalition forces."

"Think about it, let's figure out how we eat next."

Wu Mi was quite satisfied with Zhang Benchu's performance on the battlefield this time, and the blood-drinking sacred weapon was barely sufficient. Hengchang's army had suffered heavy casualties, and they had pierced through several beast hordes.

It is understandable to retreat at this time, such a record is enough to block the mouths of the people in the temple.

But if he retreats at this time, it will inevitably appear opportunistic and ugly.

Fight another tough battle, and the Hengchang army will return to an extremely tragic end.

This is also something that Zhang Benchu ​​was hesitant about.

He is no longer the young man he was back then, he knows the pros and cons of advancing and retreating, if it was just him, he would not have cared about dying in battle, but now he has many followers under his command, he has to give an explanation based on emotion and reason.

Thinking of this, Zhang Benchu ​​really didn't know how to explain to those widows.

Suddenly, a guard outside the camp came in and said: "General, there is a woman outside, holding the token of Hao'an City, asking to see you."

Zhang Benchu ​​was slightly surprised, Wu Mi sensed that dragon aura seemed familiar, and immediately responded, "Let her in."

The guard quickly retreated, and after a while, Qing Yu came.

Wu Mi was very surprised to see Qingyu coming, but he also confirmed instantly that someone had appeared in the king's capital of the monster clan at this moment.

"I've met His Highness Wu Mi, General Benchu." Qing Yu saluted earnestly and bowed.

Wu Mi smiled peacefully and said, "No need to be too polite, what kind of news did he bring?"

Qingyu pointed at Zhang Benchu's forehead together as a sword, and a large section of golden scriptures poured into Zhang Benchu's forehead.

"I don't know the details, I'm just here to deliver a message." Qingyu replied truthfully.

No one knows which route Qingyu used to come to this tent, and Wu Mi didn't intend to ask about it, and Qingyu didn't intend to stay here for a long time.

The eyes of the two intertwined, and Qingyu left here after a little understanding.

The real energy in Zhang Benchu's body surged, and he soon realized it.

Immediately looked at Gao Zhi and said: "But all the generals in the army, or ordinary soldiers whose bodies have not decomposed, should be rectified immediately and sent to the Guo family of the previous state overnight."

Gao Zhi didn't understand what he meant for a while, but he didn't ask, and left the tent in an instant.

Wu Mi was keenly aware of something, her hands formed seals, and the dragon energy in her body was in full bloom. Soon, a beautiful woman in a black dress with a pair of vertical pupils came here.

When Zhang Benchu ​​saw this, he didn't need to remind him.

Wu Mi and the head of the Hades Snake looked at each other. In the early days of Wuji, although the atmosphere was not as grand as the Wuji strong on the battlefield, it still had a certain momentum.

Wu Mi secretly said: "We will transfer some of the well-preserved corpses. As for the incorruption of the flesh, I will trouble you."

The female patriarch nodded brightly, but she was surprised in her heart. This time, only ordinary generals were killed in battle, and there were even very few who made it to the top. Why did that Highness spend so much trouble.

But she didn't ask any more questions, she nodded, and left the camp without saying a word.

"What else did he explain?" Wu Mi asked Zhang Benchu.

If Yu Wenjun has the intention to withdraw his troops, then he will withdraw his troops.

Zhang Benchu ​​said: "Let me go find King Zhen'an."

Wu Mi was a little surprised, but after thinking about it for a while, she knew the intention. If Wu Mi, an acquaintance, went to find King Zhen'an, it would seem that Zhang Benchu, a general, was too worthless.

"It's a long night, go quickly," Wu Mi said.

Zhang Benchu ​​took a deep breath, arranged his clothes slightly, and walked out of the big tent.

In Saibei City.

In the south wing of the Shuai Mansion, the room is bright and clean, and it is also decorated with crystals and other accessories commonly used by the Spirit Race, creating a light and luxurious atmosphere spontaneously.

On the table, there were only King Zhen'an and Princess Yan Che. The delicious food on the table was all written by Princess Yan Che, and Wei Mo, the son-in-law, was still busy with military affairs in the military camp at the moment.

Although Yan Che is Wei Mo's wife, she is also the daughter of King Zhen'an. Naturally, father and daughter spent more time together on the battlefield. For example, Wei Mo couldn't eat this table of dishes today.

"What will the father do in the future?" Yan Che asked after filling a bowl of soup for the father.

The turning point came the next day. Not only Zhang Benchu ​​noticed this, but Yan Che also noticed it. Wei Mo, Xu Huanshan and others knew it well, and the sky in Saibei City became more and more gloomy because of this incident.

King Zhen'an remained calm as always, took a sip of the soup and said, "Then let's talk about it in two days."

Suddenly, a guard in heavy armor came in from outside the door, and said: "My lord, Zhang Benchu ​​of Hengchangzong is asking to see you."

After King Zhen'an heard about it, there was neither sadness nor joy on his face, but Yan Che was slightly moved. Zhang Benchu's bravery was obvious to all living beings on the battlefield. Both Yan Che and Wei Mo had a good impression of this man.

"Let him in." Zhen'an Wang said.

After a while, Zhang Benchu, dressed in casual clothes, came in, saluted King Zhen'an respectfully, bowed his head and said, "My junior, Zhang Benchu, met King Zhen'an."

It was the first time he got so close to this majestic prince, Zhang Benchu ​​instinctively felt a sense of oppression.

King Zhen'an glanced at Zhang Benchu, grinned and said, "No need to be polite, come and serve."

Yan Che at the side also hurriedly brought a bench and bowls and chopsticks to Zhang Benchu, as if they were reunited.

Zhang Benchu ​​sat on the left side of King Zhen'an cautiously. Before he could speak, King Zhen'an gave Zhang Benchu ​​a few pieces of good-looking stewed meat.

"These are pieces of meat cut from Guiyuan to the big monster. They are very nourishing. They are very suitable for young people like you who have experienced bloody battles. Don't be shy, eat them quickly."

Being treated so courteously by the King of Zhen'an, Zhang Benchu's sense of restraint disappeared, and he started to eat unceremoniously, but to some extent he restrained his eating habits. In the past, Zhang Benchu ​​always ate big mouthfuls.

But some people are rough people in their bones, no matter how carefully they chew, they will still be noticed by King Zhen'an on the side, and he said with a cheerful smile: "You don't need to care about your appearance, you just need to stutter."

Princess Yan Che beside her also couldn't help laughing.

Zhang Benchu ​​suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and showed a simple and honest smile. King Zhen'an was also keenly aware of the simplicity and perseverance in Zhang Benchu's bones.

This kind of perseverance has passed through the rock and surpassed the mother gold.

It's no wonder that Yu Wenjun fell in love with him at the beginning.

Zhang Benchu ​​didn't hide his eating appearance any longer, and began to feast on it.

Afterwards, King Zhen'an personally poured Zhang Benchu ​​a glass of Spirit Race wine, laughed and said, "There is a ban on alcohol in the army, you just need to rot this glass of wine in your stomach."

Zhang Benchu ​​tacitly replied: "I understand."

After a while, there was not much food left on the table, King Zhen'an even asked Zhang Benchu ​​if he was full, and Zhang Benchu ​​nodded repeatedly to indicate that he was full.

Immediately, Princess Yan Che began to clean up the dishes.

King Zhen'an started making tea again, and asked curiously, "Qianqiu Baishui, have you ever drank it?"

Zhang Benchu ​​replied truthfully: "It's an honor to drink with Mr. Yuwen, but unfortunately I don't know the tea ceremony."

King Zhen'an said with a playful smile, "It turns out he is your Young Master Yuwen, that's great."

"Actually, I don't understand the tea ceremony. No matter how good the tea is, it's just water. It's a pity that those literati who have nothing to do have given tea too much meaning that we, the vulgar, don't understand."

Zhang Benchu ​​didn't know how to respond for a while, so he smiled foolishly.

King Zhen'an patted Zhang Benchu ​​on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Tomorrow, you can lead an army that can continue to fight, and join forces with Beiying and Wei Mo. You are all young people, and you won't have too much trouble getting along." Gully."

Zhang Benchu ​​paused slightly: "Actually, I haven't said what I'm here for. How did you know, my lord?"

King Zhen'an was about to be amused by Zhang Benchu's honesty, and he replied calmly: "You will not take the initiative to come to my place, you can come here, of course it is your Master Yuwen who has explained, as for what your Master Yuwen explained is What, I can figure it out with a little thought."

"There is no need for too much burden in our hearts. This time we will participate in the battle. We can all see the bravery of your Hengchang army. Even if the Human Race Temple does not recognize it, our Spirit Race Temple will recognize it."

This is the truth, Yue Bo's status in the human race is far less honored than that of King Zhen'an in the spirit race.

"Thank you." Zhang Benchu ​​bowed his head and said from the bottom of his heart.

King Zhen'an suddenly asked: "Where is your Mr. Yuwen now, the battle here is so lively, but you are allowed to rush ahead?"

Zhang Benchu ​​said with a little embarrassment: "Actually, I don't know, maybe it's in the Demon Realm, maybe it's in the Demon Realm."

King Zhen'an saw Zhang Benchu's embarrassment, and said slowly: "I can understand your intentions, and I have no other ideas. It's just that before leading the army to the territory of the human race, my son Yuwen and I had a relationship in the spirit race. We met once, and at that time we discussed going fishing in the North Sea together, but due to various reasons, the fishing matter fell through, and I felt a little uncomfortable when I said it.”

"But I think your Young Master Yuwen will understand me."

Zhang Benchu ​​nodded silently.

But he had some dementia which was natural, and he didn't realize it at all. This majestic prince was very happy to talk at the moment, but he didn't know how to communicate with this stalwart prince.

King Zhen'an continued: "It seems that fishing can only be performed after this battle is over."

Regardless of victory or defeat, King Zhen'an will go fishing in the North Sea once. This is the former residence of Empress Fuyao and another home of Yu Wenjun. They are all good friends, so they should bring some gifts to see.

"By the way, what kind of place is your hometown?" King Zhen'an asked curiously.

Zhang Benchu ​​was slightly taken aback. He didn't expect that the prince would ask about these family matters, but this time Zhang Benchu ​​was inexplicably confident and said: "In Zhangjia Village in the countryside of Nanjun, there is poverty. In my early years, I was born with extraordinary strength. Entered the White Deer Academy."

"But speaking of childhood, most of the time I didn't have enough to eat or wear warm clothes, but my parents worked harder than me."

"I am [-]% full, and they are [-]% full."

King Zhen'an looked at Zhang Benchu's appearance with admiration. People in the world who were once poor and then became rich and successful often did not have the courage to face their past.

There are very few people like Zhang Benchu ​​who have such courage.

And most of such people are lost in the sea of ​​desire after they achieve their ambitions.

King Zhen'an smiled gratifiedly and said, "That's great. I've seen you wielding the sacrificial artifact on the city wall. You are brave and kind at the same time."

"I heard gossip that Jiuyouque was also very interested in your wasteland breaking."

After talking for so long, Zhang Benchu ​​naturally took a sip from his teacup and said, "Yes, at first I thought I was going to die in another country, but I didn't expect His Majesty the Emperor to come in person."

Hearing Zhang Benchu ​​himself say this, King Zhen'an was not surprised at all, and said peacefully: "It's normal for people like you to like people, and there is no need to burden your heart too much. If you kill a monster, it is tantamount to a disguised appearance." Saved a human soldier."

"In fact, over the past, the essence of things is the same, just do everything yourself."

"Master Yuwen, who wants to come to you, also gave you a lot of advice."

Zhang Benchu ​​said truthfully: "It is all thanks to Mr. Yuwen's cultivation that we can have today."

King Zhen'an also picked up his teacup and took a sip. In fact, he knew a little about tea ceremony, but Zhang Benchu ​​didn't understand it, and he didn't understand it either.

He said with great interest: "Your Mr. Yuwen is a strange man, young but steady like an old dog. Maybe it's your own luck that you met, but your luck is slightly greater."

Zhang Benchu ​​thought for a while, and said thoughtfully: "But I always feel that it was my luck to meet Mr. Yuwen. If it wasn't for Mr. Yuwen, I would be the local general or the county magistrate."

"Even, you may waste your studies in a place like Bailu Academy for various reasons."

"It was Mr. Yuwen who made me see myself clearly. I used to think that I was so powerful that I would become an enemy of thousands of people, but later I realized that without the cultivation of Mr. Yuwen, today, not to mention breaking through the wasteland, it is possible You can't even meet the wasteland."

King Zhen'an couldn't refute this kind of pure sincerity, he could only admire and admire it.

Such things as the dust of a bright pearl will happen no matter what kind of political system it is in.

King Zhen'an also felt a little bit of luck for Zhang Benchu.

In the long run, the former Zhang Benchu ​​was actually not a bright pearl, at most a pearl that was neither dark nor bright.



The next morning, after breakfast, Zhang Benchu ​​led [-] elite cavalry to Beiying in Saibei City to join forces with Wei Mo. This move would be particularly sensitive in normal times, but at the moment, everything is reasonable.

At most, give the officials of some good deeds some leeway to get on the line.

Yue Bo didn't ask about this matter, just kept silent.

There are not too many gossips in the army.

In the northern camp, Wei Mo personally greeted Zhang Benchu's arrival and took care of him meticulously, as if he was a reunited brother.

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