Sheng Fu

Chapter 583

Dawn broke, the sky was endlessly gloomy, there was no heavy snow, and it was cold and silent.

In the yellow sand desert, yesterday's snowflakes suppressed yesterday's blood, and it was a vast expanse of whiteness, as if nothing had happened.


The wind blows and the snow falls.

The gate of Saibei City opened, Yue Bo controlled the black tiger, held Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, and led a group of Wuji and Lingxiao powerhouses towards the north at a leisurely pace.

The north wind whistling, mighty and continuous, a magnificent momentum filled the world, as if to create a perfect world in the next moment.

I don't know how long it took, but someone from the north came.

Holding a spear in his hand, Jiuyouque led a group of Ling Xiao and Wuji strongmen to meet Yue Bo head-on.

In today's battle, it is meaningless for the lower ranks to participate.

The soldiers on both sides had indifferent expressions, like sculptures or portraits.

It is perfectly integrated with the breath of heaven and earth here, but it will soon be a stormy sea.

Jiu Youque's eyes are as calm as an old well. He has a great advantage over the twelve Wuji experts on his side and the ten Wuji experts on his opponent.

As for Yue Bo, there are five more Ling Xiao powerhouses than the opponent.

But one thing is that in Saibei City, there is also a prince from the Spirit Race.

Whether King Zhen'an will play today is something that many people are curious about, and it is also something that has kept Jiuyouque awake for the past few days.

But when the situation really reached this point, Jiu Youque didn't care whether the prince of the Spirit Race would come today. Today, he has the belief of invincibility.

"Come on!" Yue Bo said bluntly, looking straight at Jiuyouque.

Fang Tian's painting halberd paused in the snow, and suddenly surged with surging energy, and rushed straight to Xiaohan.


Countless thunder and lightning exploded in the sky, and the golden-purple thunder and lightning lay across the sky, as if the entire sky would collapse completely in the next moment.

The infinite powerhouses entered the deep space battlefield in this instant.

On the ground, terrifying auras erupted suddenly, and a human swordsman charged towards the opposite monster general with lightning speed.

A sword stabbed out, and the blazing sword energy was like a round of scorching sun steaming up, and then it exploded with a loud bang. The snow in a radius of hundreds of miles instantly turned into boiling water waves at this moment. His body was completely wiped out at this moment.

But the generals of the Yaozu didn't have the slightest fear in the face of this blazing sword. A general held a single mace in his hand, and suddenly stepped forward, stirring up infinite qi, wherever the qi went, overwhelming mountains and seas, and suppressed it in an instant The sword energy of this human swordsman.

The battle between Ling Xiao and the strong is about to start.

In less than a moment, the entire barren desert was raging with endless wind and waves, and countless lightning flints and blazing runes were intertwined in the midair.

The exquisite sword energy traverses the mountains and rivers, and the ultimate ultimate move is like the water of the Yangtze River.

It's like a battle between immortals.

On the city wall of Saibei City, Zhang Benchu, Wei Mo and others found a place with a good view to watch the fierce battle in the desert. Several times on the way, there was residual sword energy shooting towards Zhang Benchu. Zhang Benchu ​​also used it decisively. The sacrament-breaking sacred weapon blocked it, and just blocking it forced Zhang Benchu ​​to spend nearly half of his true energy.

If the weapon in his hand hadn't been breaking wasteland, Zhang Benchu ​​would probably be gone.

In the most central position, King Zhen'an looked at what was happening at the moment, and immediately clasped his hands together. The surging true energy turned into a sky-covering net, covering the entire Saibei City. risk.

In the desert of yellow sand, the real essence was boiling, changing the terrain on a large scale, and within a short period of time, several abysses with no end in sight appeared on the ground. In the abyss, the sound of sand collapsing was even more rumbling.

In such a battlefield, the lower-level soldiers will go and die.

In the deep space battlefield.

Nine Nether Sparrow stabbed with a long spear, as fast as lightning, and each blow had the power to break the ground. After a close confrontation, it was difficult for Yue Bo to completely swing the Fangtian painted halberd in Yue Bo's hand, so he could only be passive. block.

Spears and halberds fought for the front, stirring up thousands of lightning and flints. Every time Jiuyouque made a move, it was a killer move, leaving no retreat for Yue Bo, nor did it leave a retreat for himself.

Once the combo is interrupted in the middle, a huge flaw will be revealed.

But this flaw will not appear in a short period of time. Every time Yue Bo blocks, there will be a strong tingling sensation on his back and arms, and the true essence in his body will also be slightly disturbed.

Normally, it only takes a moment to enter the peak state, but at the moment, Jiuyouque will never give Yue Bo such a moment, as long as the pressure continues, Yue Bo will be in a hurry sooner or later.

"In the last battle, you were lucky enough to save a dog's life, this time you will never have that kind of luck again." Jiuyouque shouted ferociously, his eyes were full of wild brilliance, like a very hungry tiger.

Yue Bo was unmoved when he heard about it. The last time he was able to draw, it was indeed a bit of luck, but luck is also a kind of strength. This time, Yue Bo's mentality was very stable.

He didn't want to kill Jiuyouque, but with the mentality of asking Jiuyouque for advice, he fought steadily with every move, and he was willing to fight as long as Jiuyouque could fight.

Spear and shield form a long-term stalemate.

The black tiger stretched out its wings that covered the sky and covered the sun, spawning endless black lightning, covering one area of ​​the world, helping the strong of the human race, and harassing the generals of the monster race to a certain extent.

In terms of killing power alone, this black tiger is more or less unsatisfactory against the Wuji strongman of the Yaozu.

Looking around the land of Wuji in all directions, the sword energy is vertical and horizontal, the light of the fist bursts, and the sky is cracked. In an instant, it was wiped out.

During the fierce battle, there was finally a strong human being who could not stand it anymore. He was approached by the opponent's general, and he retreated continuously. He wanted to take a breath of true energy, but the oppression became stronger and stronger, and he was about to be pierced through the throat by the opponent's spear.

A black beam of light suddenly shot at the monster general.

The spear in the hand of the general of the monster clan slammed, and it almost shattered. There were dense wounds in the general's hand, and in a hurry, this human race general took a breath of true energy, and with the long knife in his hand, he moved towards the The opponent chopped down.

The general of the monster race set up a long spear to forcibly block, and the huge force rushed in, his arms and shoulders shook violently, and there were small wounds between the bones and meridians. After one knife, the momentum of the general of the monster race was knocked down up.

But just when this strong human race was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue him, the opponent came to help, and a cold arrow carried a powerful force and shot at his throat.

In the next moment, this strong human race will return to the Nine Heavens.

Yue Bo was also keenly aware of the change in the situation. The number of strongest fighters was already smaller than that of the opponent, and the battle started not long ago. Once one of them was killed, the battle would not have to continue.

Seeing this, Jiuyouque said with a sinister smile, "You should worry more about whether you will be safe or not, and if there is only half a stick of incense left, you will reveal that flaw."

Yue Bo instantly stabilized his mind, and continued to confront Jiuyouque head-on. As for the life and death of that robed Ze, Yue Bo really had no time to care about him at this moment, and at this moment, Heihu also encountered a Wuji The pursuit of the strong, it is extremely difficult to evade back and forth in the deep space battlefield, criss-crossing left and right, once within a certain distance, this black tiger will probably die in battle.

But the general of the human race did not panic at all.

In today's battle, everyone is ready to go to justice generously.

Sometimes, knowing that there is no doubt about death, you have to go forward.

Today is a national war, and it is also a matter of life and death for individuals. Survivors can go to a higher level in the territory of Wuji in the future.

Perhaps it is precisely because this strong human race knew that he would die in the next moment, his breath became as he wanted, like a solitary boat on the sea, and then, the real energy in his body, the fighting consciousness, on the contrary, turned his head slightly, Like an antelope's horns, it was so clever that it avoided this deadly cold arrow.

Then he took advantage of the trend to fight horizontally with the sword, the light of the sword roared for hundreds of miles, slashing everything, fighting for a foothold for himself, and also bought a glimmer of life for the black tiger who was avoiding the ultimate move.

Sometimes, even if you try your best, what you get in return is just a glimmer of life.

If those dignitaries in the imperial capital saw such a tragic battlefield, they would definitely miss Gu Yong in their hearts. Gu Yong is a bit disobedient and likes to touch the interests of vested interests, but Gu Yong's fight is really the first time for the human race. A good hand.

On the walls of Saibei City, the soldiers watching the battle could only see the strong Ling Xiao fighting in the barren desert. Some generals with weaker cultivation bases could not even see the traces of the battle, but felt as if the end was coming.

Those who go up in the Great Yellow Court can really stimulate their true energy, open their martial arts eyes, and stare at the thrilling battlefield.

Just because they saw some details clearly, Zhang Benchu ​​and others' brows became deeper and deeper.

Although within the range of Ling Xiao, the strong human race has a numerical advantage, but instead of expanding this advantage, it has shrunk by one. It was the strong man who made the first sword, and that sword ignited the entire gloomy sky. The blazing fire didn't last too long before it was completely extinguished.

The powerful Ling Xiao of the Yaozu is extremely good at forming formations, and they cooperate with each other tacitly, with each move and one move, without any unnecessary movements.

At some point, Xu Huanshan came to Zhang Benchu's side and patted Zhang Benchu's shoulder familiarly. With a heavy expression on his face, he asked softly, "What did you see?"

This was the first time that Xu Huanshan took the initiative to ask Zhang Benchu ​​for advice. This sentence did not mean the slightest probing. It was roughly at this moment that Zhang Benchu ​​really felt that Xu Huanshan regarded himself as a classmate with no difference in status, status and morality.

"The strong monsters share the same vision and the same mind. They seem to be formed by a group of people, but the situation presented is more like a single person." Zhang Benchu ​​said.

Xu Huanshan nodded slightly, they could all see the biggest advantage of the monster Ling Xiao powerhouse.

The robes of the human race can naturally be seen.

But even if they can see it, it doesn't make much sense. In a short period of time, they can't crack it. Also in a short period of time, the strong Ling Xiao of the human race may be killed again.

Once a strong human race is killed again, the war on the ground will completely form a one-sided situation.

Zhang Benchu ​​tightly grasped the holy artifact in his hand to break the wasteland, and the veins on the back of his hand were even more violent.

However, Wei Mo on the side said calmly: "Your wasteland is indeed a rare magical weapon, but a fierce human race may not be able to adapt to your wasteland immediately, and he comes into contact with your wasteland. At the moment of desolation, a flaw will be exposed, although that flaw is not very big, but at this moment, we cannot tolerate the slightest risk."

Out of the corner of Zhang Benchu's eyes, he glanced at King Zhen'an in the center of the city wall. This majestic man had no waves on his face, and the calmness in his eyes seemed to have nothing to do with him in this battle. relation.

In fact, this time, the spirit clan also had a general in the Lingxiao realm who died in battle, but only one. Since then, the spirit clan has been better at guerrilla warfare, and has never taken the initiative to fight head-on with the monster army. Most of them are to create opportunities for the human army to kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds.

This is in line with the interests of the Eldar, and morally and strategically, it is irreproachable.

According to the development of this trend, the battlefield on the ground, at most, will have a scene of incense sticks, and a human general will be killed again.

The young generals who saw the way were worried to the extreme at this moment.

They watched bad things happen, but they were helpless. Even if they rushed up at this moment, it would only be a waste of help.

In the deep space battlefield.

A large swath of blood surged, Yue Bo's mount, the Black Tiger, had a wing cut off by a blade of light, and a shrill roar of the tiger shook the entire deep space.

Screaming will only attract more bloodthirsty bats.

It was a close call, but no help came.

Whether it can survive can only depend on the good fortune of this black tiger itself, and the rest of the human race's Wuji powerhouses are all in dire straits and have no time to care about them.

Heihu was hunted down again.

Yue Bo was keenly aware of this, his heart was extremely complicated, but he couldn't feel uncomfortable at all, and he didn't have time to feel uncomfortable, because as Jiu Youque said, he was about to reveal a flaw.

Nine Nether Birds didn't open their mouths to provoke Yue Bo, as before, they attacked Yue Bo fiercely, and their spears shuttled back and forth, forming an airtight field, preventing themselves and Yue Bo from being exposed to the wind.

He knew that Yue Bo was very dangerous right now, if he was not careful, he would unleash unexpected killing moves.

In fact, something unexpected happened in an instant.

Yue Bo didn't choose to continue to confront Jiuyouque head-on, but took the initiative to reveal his own flaws, which surprised Jiuyouque.

"Are you courting death?" Jiuyouque shouted angrily.

Jiuyouque was completely insane, he never thought it would be like this, and he didn't make such a preparation, so Yue Bo took the initiative to leak the opening, but Jiuyouque failed to catch the blood and seal his throat immediately. Opportunity.

Right now, Yue Bo quickly distanced himself from Jiuyouque.

A flaming steel needle spewed out from its mouth, and shot at the huge bat that was chasing and killing the black tiger.

Yue Bo was a little relieved, he didn't expect that the black tiger's ability to struggle was so strong, but unfortunately, even if Yue Bo shot out this flaming steel needle, he won a chance for the black tiger to survive, but the other wing, It was also cut off by another saber light, and endless blood rained down in the sky.

Nine Youques charged again, not giving Yue Bo a chance to help Heihu.

"It's just a mount, why is it so much trouble!"

With a single shot, it shines in the deep space, and the infinite vigor is like the sea water pouring down.

Yue Bo held Fang Tian's painting halberd with both hands, without the slightest fluctuation in emotion, and a quiet life-and-death fight was a feat that many people dreamed of but failed to achieve.

At the moment, he is striving to achieve such a feat.

Fang Tian's painted halberd slashed down vertically, and it was a blazing sun emerging from the depths of the dark clouds.

Spears and halberds strike the front, generating endless waves of true essence, which continue to expand, forming an indestructible trend, sweeping across the wilderness and wilderness. This move, Yue Bo, did not leave a way for himself, and used his strength to travel through time and space to suppress everything!
After such a long stalemate, Yue Bo only had this move. After the first move, he felt that Jiuyouque would not be safe...

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