Sheng Fu

Chapter 584

After the turmoil, Jiuyouque's face was pale, blood was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and dense bloodshot eyes appeared. This blow was stronger than Jiuyouque imagined.

Also because of this blow, the situation in the deep space battlefield has undergone subtle changes. The morale of the monster generals has been affected to a certain extent, and the original advantage has been weakened a little bit, which has given the human generals some respite.

Jiuyouque looked at Yue Bo incredulously, and said with a sneer, "I never thought that you would be so extreme."

This blow was a blow that Yue Bo had done his best in a single battle. After the blow, Yue Bo himself felt uncomfortable. The blood in his body was overwhelmed, and his true energy showed signs of drying up. If he continued to fight, he would be exhausted alive. and died.

But it was a good deal, Jiuyouque was injured more seriously than him, if he continued to fight, Yue Bo might really kill Jiuyouque, even then, he would pay the price with his life.

But one-for-one is not a loss-making deal.

This moment is definitely not the time to cherish life.

If this is the case, Yue Bo is destined to go down in history.

Become the most colorful dan character among the infinite generals.

Nine Youque let out a roar, and the generals of the monster tribe instantly entered a state of frenzied blood.

Crazy blood, the power to mobilize the blood, in a short period of time, the combat power will soar, of course, it will also pay a high price. Afterwards, it will either be severely injured for a lifetime, or fall to the realm, and there is no possibility of recovery.

But right now, victory must be achieved.

This is a battle that no one can afford to lose, and whoever loses will be a sinner through the ages.

Yue Bo's eyes widened, and a trace of fear appeared on his face. He knew that the Yaozu had mad blood, but this time the mad blood was completely different from the past.

Jiu Youque sneered and said: "The mad blood specially prepared for us by the king contains the power of the blood of the ancient giant monster. I thought that I would not pay such an expensive price. You can push us to this point. A great honor."

On the wall of Saibei City, the Lord of the Spirit Race was keenly aware of this scene, and immediately revealed a powerful breath to Wei Mo, and said in a deep voice: "Next, you will be in charge of the three armies. If I don't return this time, it will be If you don't come back, don't feel sorry for me, my daughter will be completely handed over to you in the future."

Wei Mo's heart sank like a mountain.

Zhang Benchu, Guo Shenghe, Xu Huanshan and the others also showed unimaginable expressions. With their cultivation base, they naturally couldn't detect the specific details of the deep space battlefield.

But King Zhen'an's intention to make a move means that they will most likely lose this battle.

Panic began to spread from the center of the city wall like a hurricane.

Just when King Zhen'an made up his mind to never return, he suddenly stopped.

A loud voice shook the mountains and rivers.

"General, your blow was good."

Zhang Benchu ​​felt that this voice was somewhat familiar, but for a while, he couldn't remember who it was.

But following the appearance of this sound, a mighty purple radiance emerged from the yellow sand desert. The radiance was blazing and bright, just like the first ray of light when the world was opened.

Under the radiance, the blood power of the monster generals was immediately suppressed, while the human generals suddenly felt that their internal organs were filled with a huge amount of true energy, and even their bones and tendons were sublimated and baptized. more and more powerful.

From the pavilion outside Saibei City, this majestic middle-aged man came out, with a golden-purple holy light shining all over his body, and the holy light gradually turned into the unparalleled human emperor armor.

Human Sovereign's footsteps are very slow, but every step he takes can shake mountains and rivers.

After three steps, His Majesty the Emperor appeared in the midair of the Yellow Sand Desert.

Seeing this scene on the city wall, the soldiers of the human race were so excited beyond words. Zhang Benchu, Xu Huanshan and others widened their eyes.

The golden-purple radiance contained infinite power, and wherever it went, it dispelled all the haze.

The temperature of the earth rose, and the cold winter soon turned into early spring.

The white snow in the barren desert began to melt, and the sand slowly surged. Many places turned into oases at a speed visible to the naked eye. Plants and trees grew towards the sun, as if they were reshaping the world.

In an instant, all the soldiers of the human race who saw this scene on the city wall kowtowed.

Even Zhang Benchu, Guo Shenghe and others knelt down devoutly.

"Your Majesty's ten thousand years, the human race's ten thousand years..."

Every hot-blooded man bows down to His Majesty the Emperor from the bottom of his heart.

Most of the veteran generals in the army burst into tears.

When King Zhen'an saw this scene, his eyes were a little dazed, and he said to himself in a little confusion: "Is this the unparalleled demeanor of the Emperor?"

The Human Sovereign climbed high above the sky, folded his palms together, and saw nine golden and purple scorching suns appearing in the depths of the sky.

At the beginning, the scorching sun was only as big as a grain of dust in the eyes of everyone. Gradually, infinite golden-purple brilliance fell from the depths of the sky.

Nine rounds of golden-purple scorching sun expanded, covering thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

"This is the legendary seal of Ziwei Emperor!" King Zhen'an widened his eyes.

In the deep space battlefield, the golden purple light is boiling, upright, and eternally invincible.

The infinite general of the human race suddenly felt that his true essence had climbed to the peak, his killing power had surpassed the limit, and he seemed to have touched the threshold of the Wanduan realm in a trance.

As for the generals of the Monster Race such as Jiu Youque, the power of their blood was extremely suppressed, and they fell into the frenzied blood, and their spirits and spirits also weakened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The combat power returned to the level before the mad blood, and the sudden change made Jiuyouque's eyes filled with bloodshot eyes, blood and tears overflowing, and the true essence in his body became even more frenzied.

There was a smug smile on Yue Bo's face, not because of the change in the battle situation.

Instead, His Majesty said that he, a great general, appreciated his good blow.

At least in Yue Bo's memory, His Majesty has never praised his realm, his killing power, or even his ability to handle major military and political affairs.

Happy like a child who eats pastries for the first time.

Jiuyouque yelled angrily: "Human Emperor, I didn't expect you to have a personal conquest!"

The Human Sovereign didn't respond to Jiuyouque, Yue Bo brandished Fang Tian's painted halberd, charged at Jiuyouque with lightning speed, and shouted sharply: "Evil barrier, this is disrespectful!"

Fang Tian's painted halberd came across the sky, piercing the void, shining bright chaotic blade light, the power of this blow was more penetrating than the good one just now.

As long as Jiu Youque dared to face the front, he would surely die.

Obviously, Jiuyouque didn't have such courage, such killing power completely made Jiuyouque lose the courage to fight head-on.

Motivate all the true essence, and cross the void backwards for a hundred miles in an instant.

The Human Sovereign watched quietly from the edge of the deep-space battlefield, and the Wushuang national general that the storyteller spoke of should be Yue Bo's high-spirited appearance at this moment...

The Infinity General of the Monster Race immediately fell into a disadvantage.

Suddenly, the void surged, and the black tide spread, rivaling the radiance of the Ziwei Renhuang seal, nibbling away step by step, and then, a black shadow surged opposite the Renhuang, and a burly man with a pale complexion appeared.

This is a middle-aged man, naked to the waist, with a gloomy and tough appearance, his skin is as pale as snow, his eyes are as black as an abyss, and his long hair dances wildly, like a demon lord who has just awakened.

Human Sovereign looked at the scene in front of him with great interest, and said with a cold smile: "The royal family of the monster race is really different."

The shirtless middle-aged man did not respond, but his hands began to form seals, and a strange and domineering true energy spread, as if a drop of rain had turned into a vast ocean in an instant.

Immediately, the brilliance of Ziwei Renhuang's seal dimmed again.

The Human Sovereign stretched out his hand, and there was a crisp golden explosion in the void, and a golden giant sword appeared in the Human Sovereign's hand. The giant sword was about four feet long and three inches wide. A touch of purple, like a distant purple sun burning forever.

"Just because you want to compete with me?" Human Sovereign smiled contemptuously.

The sound of the sword's cry pierced the nine heavens, and wherever it went, the space trembled endlessly, and this sword's sound, compared with Yue Bo and other human generals, was more like the sound of eternal war drums stirring the years, making them even more excited!

Renhuang stepped forward and killed the half-naked man.

A sword stabbed out, but a wall as black as ink suddenly appeared in front of it, and countless strange black lights evaporated from the wall, and then, a piercing roar came out from the black light, like the sound of weeping blood, If the evil spirit roars.

Rao is the emperor, and his mind is unstable for an instant, and the Ziwei's true energy in his body almost loses control.

A tiger claw that covered the sky and the sun fell from the sky very abruptly, completely suppressing the Emperor.

The radiance of Ziwei Renhuang Seal was extremely dim at this moment.

At the same time, Jiuyouque and other monster generals regained their frenzied blood again, their fighting spirit was extremely high, and they suppressed Yue Bo and others in an instant.

On the city wall, King Zhen'an, who was watching the battle, also showed an unbelievable expression when he saw this scene.

Never expected that there would be such an anomaly in the Yaozu royal family.

In his impression, the king of the demon clan had an indescribable aura that could overwhelm the past and the present, and his blood was as exuberant as an erupting volcano forever, but the result was not what he imagined.

The war lasted until now, only to realize that the master of the Yaozu royal family is someone else.

That mysterious man who was half naked was definitely not of the Tianhu bloodline.

The sky was dark, the day turned into night in an instant, and the night was like sticky ink. Zhang Benchu, Wei Mo and others suddenly lost their eyesight.

"It's terrible!" Some timid soldiers made such a voice in a low voice, fearing that if they made a louder voice, they would be killed by ghosts and gods in the night.

A spot of light appeared in the deepest part of the night.

The spot of light continued to expand, showing a golden-purple brilliance.

There was a loud bang, earth-shaking, and a strong earthquake was felt in a radius of thousands of miles.

In the sky, the golden-purple sun shines on everything in the world again.

Human Sovereign's sword pierced through the tiger's claws that covered the sky and the sun, and then he leaped deep and swung his sword horizontally. A huge amount of sword energy boiled and spread to thousands of miles in a radius, thousands of miles, and extended to infinity.

Even Chen Xuan, who was far away in the North Sea, saw the golden-purple sky at this moment, and the giant beast in the depths of the North Sea also surfaced, staring blankly at the direction of Saibei City.

Human Sovereign made a move, it was earth-shattering!
After a sword strike, the tiger's claws disappeared, and the entire deep-space battlefield fell into a brief silence.

At this moment, both Yue Bo and Jiuyouque were covered in blood.

What is worthy of celebration is that three generals of the Monster Race were killed in battle. Only those involved know the details of this battle.

The advantage is completely inclined to the human race.

The half-naked man showed deep eyes, and his thoughts moved slightly, and the world was once again plunged into darkness. However, this time the darkness was quite short.

When the black light disappeared, he disappeared, along with Jiuyouque and other monster generals.

The Human Sovereign glanced at the direction of the demon realm, sighed, "What a pity."

His Majesty felt a little regretful, he hadn't been able to figure out the opponent's tactics and luck during the short fight.

Yue Bo came to the Human Emperor in an instant, his emotions were agitated and complicated, he half bowed his head and said: "Your Majesty, what is the origin of that man just now, it is different from the imagined king of Tianhu."

The Human Sovereign glanced at the black tiger that had lost its wings in the distance, the crape myrtle essence surged slightly, and the infinite purple light converged into the black tiger's body. Immediately, the black tiger derived a pair of purple-gold wings. The raging crape myrtle true essence.

Yue Bo's heart was shocked, and he shouted: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Only then did the Human Emperor say: "The remnants of the ancient times have survived to this day, and the political affairs of the monster clan are more complicated than you and I imagined."

Li Hongshan had sent a secret report to the Human Emperor long ago, but the information from the National Teacher was slightly ambiguous, and now His Majesty has finally confirmed that the owner of the Demon Realm is someone else.

After hearing this, Yue Bo was shocked.

"At the moment our army has the upper hand, what does Your Majesty mean?" Yue Bo asked cautiously.

The Human Sovereign decisively issued a decree: "Capture the southern plain of the Demon Territory, and then stand still and wait for the good news."

"Strengthen the border defense offensive of the human race, choose a day, and send six Wuji generals to the North Sea to obey Chen Xuan's orders."

"If there is anyone who is greedy for merit and advances aggressively, he will be killed without mercy!"

Yue Bo responded emphatically: "Observe the order!"

As a general of the human race, he could guess after a little thought that after the Yaozu experienced this disastrous defeat, they would definitely be delighted by the ambitious Supreme God Emperor.

Thinking deeply, Yue Bo's heart felt empty again.

That day is not too far away, probably in the beginning of next spring.

At that time, what kind of situation will the Great Controversy evolve into?
How should the people deal with themselves?

What makes Yue Bo even more curious is why Yu Wenjun failed to appear on this battlefield?What does the Dragon Clan want to do?
The turmoil in the Yellow Sand Desert has returned to calm. The Lingxiao strongmen of the monster race have all died in battle, and only one of the Wuji strongmen of the human race has died. I was crushed out of breath.

On the wall of Saibei City, Xu Huanshan immediately gave the order to play the triumphant song without the order of King Zhen'an.

This battle finally swept away the previous haze.

Zhang Benchu ​​and Guo Shenghe looked at each other, smiled knowingly and said, "I won."

Wei Mo on the side hadn't recovered from the shock, and said slowly: "This time I came to the human race, I really saw the world, and it is not a loss to be able to witness the emperor's seal of Ziwei in my lifetime."

"Going back to the Spirit Race in the future, this will be an extremely brilliant talk."

Guo Shenghe laughed loudly and said: "That's not true. It is estimated that in the territory of the human race, many storytellers will talk about the hype about today's battle."

The joy of victory filled everyone's heart, even a little carried away.

But it doesn't matter, sometimes, you need to release as much as you want.

Zhang Benchu ​​patted Wei Mo on the shoulder, and said, "I'll have a drink in our camp tonight, and I still have a jar of good-quality Ban Yue wine."

Wei Mo had a look of disbelief, swallowed his saliva and said, "Okay, you can do whatever you want."

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