save the bachelors

save the bachelors


4612 Chapters Ongoing Status

Rajesh Kusapali hopes to find a lifelong partner; Xie Yongqiang hopes to be with Wang Xiaomeng for a lifetime; Ji Xiaolan doesn't want to live up to Du Xiaoyue's love again; Yuan Hua doesn't want to give Qiuya another hand...


Rajesh Kusapali hopes to find a lifelong partner; Xie Yongqiang hopes to be with Wang Xiaomeng for a lifetime; Ji Xiaolan doesn't want to live up to Du Xiaoyue's love again; Yuan Hua doesn't want to give Qiuya another hand...
Awaken the system, travel through all worlds, and save the bachelors in the heavens!
I'm Xiang Nan, I'm working hard!

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