Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1009 Benefits

Chapter 1009 Benefits
Therefore, not all bears are "brave". There are also people in the fighting nation who are naturally timid and afraid of death, and there are quite a few of them.

Alexei may be one of them, and his "problem" is probably related to this personality.

However, what does it matter?

There is no good or bad personality, just like extroverts are suitable for socializing, introverts are suitable for research, brave people can go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, timid and cautious people can let them engage in production in the rear... There is no conflict at all, why? Must scientific researchers and technical personnel also have the courage to fight the enemy?

This is an unthinkable question for Wang Xuexin, but not for Mao Xiong.

Wang Xuexin continued: "And, Uncle Alek, you should know that I have a lot of technology that Mao Xiong wants, and we use this to make a deal with Mao Xiong."

Alexei nodded silently, and then asked: "But, what does this have to do with me?"

Wang Xuexin explained: "You can think of it this way, since I have the technology and equipment Mao Xiong wants, I can easily switch from Mao Xiong to T26, half-track cars, or even other things..."

Wang Xuexin did not say "pull 5", because it is still a top secret so far.

But even if Wang Xuexin didn't say anything, Alexei could guess the general idea.

Because the Eighth Route Army’s rockets capable of hitting 200 kilometers have spread all over the world recently, and even unrelated countries on the other side of the world know that this unprecedented equipment was born. Know nothing.

Knowing this equipment, combined with the fact that Mao Xiong shipped a large amount of equipment to the Eighth Route Army, it is not difficult to guess the transaction between them.

But Alexei still didn't know what this had to do with him.

Wang Xuexin continued: "Since this is the case, if I want to keep someone, it shouldn't be a problem, right?"

Alexei gave a "hmm", and then suddenly raised his head to look at Wang Xuexin. He understood what Wang Xuexin meant, and "someone" was referring to him.

This was something Alexei had never considered, because it almost meant... betraying his motherland.

This thought made Alexei feel chills in his heart, and at the same time he understood why Wang Xuexin said these words in such a cryptic manner.

Wang Xuexin felt helpless.

Because this is normal for him, just to keep a talent, but this issue will involve the issue of "betrayal of the country" in Mao Xiong's view at this time.

Wang Xuexin went on to say: "Uncle Alek, what we are short of is talents... As you know, in the future, a large number of equipment will probably be shipped from Mao Xiong, and there may even be automobile and tractor factories established. You can Cultivate these talents for us, so of course we will not send you to the battlefield! On the contrary, we will work hard to protect your safety and try our best to provide you with a comfortable and even ample living environment, so are you satisfied?"

Alexei's face was uncertain, he was weighing the pros and cons.

If you only consider it from the perspective of interests, there is no doubt that it is more beneficial to stay in Huaxia.

Because people like him, that is, people with "stains" on their files, no matter how hard they try, they will not have a bright future.

Not only is there no bright future, but as the war deepens, the frontline troops become more and more tense. If Alexei returns to the country, there is a high probability that he will be sent to the battlefield to die. In the end, he still cannot escape the fate of the "punishment camp" .

But if you stay in Huaxia... According to Wang Xuexin, there will be no worries in this regard.

However, is what Wang Xuexin said credible?

Alexei thought about it and thought that there was nothing wrong with what Wang Xuexin said.

This is not to say that he believed in Wang Xuexin.

He only met Wang Xuexin two days ago. Although he knew that this Huaxia Battalion Commander nicknamed "Little Northeast" was not an ordinary person, but after all, he only heard about it, and there was no trust between them.

But Alexei believes in benefits: he has technology and experience in his hands, and these are urgently needed by the Eighth Route Army, and it can even be said to be blank.

Therefore, the Eighth Route Army has no reason not to give him safety, which is beneficial to both parties.

But Alexey also considered a question: Can Huaxia beat the devils?If he can't beat him, what ability does Huaxia have to give him safety?Isn't he going to die under the devil's butcher's knife in the end?
Wang Xuexin seemed to see through Alexei's thoughts, he said: "As for whether we can win this war, a part of it depends on Uncle Alexi!"

"Look at me?" Alexei looked at Wang Xuexin in confusion.

Wang Xuexin raised his wine bowl and touched Alexei, saying: "If Uncle Alexei does his best, and each of us does our best, do you think we will not be able to defeat the devil? Therefore, the lives of each of us are actually at stake." It's in your own hands, don't you think?"

Alexei gave an "oh" and nodded slightly in agreement.

He seemed to feel a kind of united strength, but this kind of strength was rarely seen in Mao Xiongna... It was not that Mao Xiongna didn't have it, but more of it broke out when the bottom-level soldiers and civilians rebelled against the invaders.

Before the war broke out, Mao Xiong was full of suspicion among each other, almost to the point where no one could trust each other. This was one of the reasons why Mao Xiong had so many soldiers and civilians defected and even supported Hans in the early days of the war.

But the Eighth Route Army is different. They have a very firm trust from top to bottom.

Coupled with the recent wars of the Eighth Route Army against the devils and the future situation...

Thinking about it, Alexei nodded, picked up the wine bowl and touched Wang Xuexin, and said: "I agree with you, Comrade Battalion Commander. I will try my best to do my job well, and I also hope that you can Fulfill your promise!"

"Of course!" Wang Xuexin replied.

As they spoke, the two raised their wine bowls and drank in one gulp.

After a few bowls of wine, Alexei seemed to be a different person. He laughed "haha" and said, "Comrade Battalion Commander, your wine came just in time!"

Wang Xuexin looked confused and asked, "What do you mean?"

Alexei jumped off the kang, pulled out the design drawing on the desk and handed it to Wang Xuexin, saying, "This is the modified drawing I drew according to your wishes!"

Wang Xuexin looked at it, nodded and said, "No problem, it's good!"

Unexpectedly, Alexei tore up the blueprint as soon as he grabbed it, and said, "So I say, you came at the right time!"

Alexey threw the torn design on the ground, picked up the wine jar and poured wine for the two of them, saying: "Although your idea is very good, you haven't thought about it, Comrade Battalion Commander. If we simply If you install armor, the load will approach or even exceed the upper limit without installing many things, and the engine will always run at maximum power, how far do you think this modification can make it go?"

(End of this chapter)

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