Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1010 Modification Plan

Chapter 1010 Modification Plan
Alexei soon gave another modification plan for the half-track armored vehicle.

Even Wang Xuexin was amazed by this modification plan.

"Use 10MM thick steel plates for the side armor!" Alexey pointed to the design drawing and said, "Because the side is the main defense direction for armored vehicles, we are likely to be attacked by enemy light machine guns and small-caliber heavy machine guns. The 10MM steel plate can deal with the attacks of these equipment very well!"

Wang Xuexin has no objection to this. 10MM steel plate is definitely not good against large-caliber heavy machine guns such as Maoxiong's 12.7MM Deshka machine gun, but it can basically meet the requirements for dealing with devils' light and heavy machine guns.

Alexey even gave the data, he handed a handwritten document to Wang Xuexin, and said in a familiar way: "Currently, devils most often use Type 92 heavy machine guns, which use 7.7MM bullets. Devils are usually not equipped with armor-piercing bullets when fighting the Chinese army. Without armor-piercing bullets, they cannot penetrate 10MM steel plates at any distance."

"Then..." Wang Xuexin asked: "What if it is equipped with armor-piercing bullets?"

Wang Xuexin is not afraid of ten thousand but only in case.

Moreover, half-track armored vehicles did not fight the devils. After fighting the devils today, they knew that the Eighth Route Army was equipped with such vehicles, and the heavy machine guns would be equipped with armor-piercing bullets next time.

Alexei took out a separate document and handed it to Wang Xuexin, saying: "Type 92 heavy machine gun armor-piercing bullets can penetrate 500MM steel plates at a distance of 8 meters, and 200MM steel plates at a distance of 10 meters!"

Wang Xuexin nodded in satisfaction.

In other words, the half-track vehicle can withstand the attack of the Devil 92 heavy machine gun at a distance of 200 meters when using armor-piercing projectiles.

And 200 meters... the soldiers on the half-track vehicle could already find the Type 92 heavy machine gun mounted like a cannon.

In addition, there is not much need to thicken the steel plate.

Because the most powerful heavy machine gun most commonly used by devils is the Type 92 heavy machine gun, another three-year heavy machine gun uses 6.5MM bullets, which is even worse than the Type 92 heavy machine gun.

If you can defend against the Type 92, you can basically be immune to the devil's light and heavy machine guns and rifles.

In this case, thickening the steel plate... has no benefit except adding weight to your own half-track car and reducing performance.

Alexey continued: "I shortened the body to reduce weight. Originally, the half-track vehicle could carry 25 people, but I think...the loading capacity of 2+8 is more suitable for the Eighth Route Army. What do you think?"

Of course Wang Xuexin has no problem with this.

2 refers to two drivers, 8 refers to soldiers, and the total of 10 people happens to be a squadron of the Eighth Route Army.

Therefore, a half-track vehicle is the force of a squad, and each vehicle is commanded by a squad leader. Every three squads is a platoon, and the third platoon... This is completely consistent with the organizational system of the Eighth Route Army. The convenience of the Eighth Route Army in combat.

In addition, Alexei also used inclined armor at the front of the half-track car to design the front of the car into a wedge shape.

Alexey explained: "The half-track vehicle has a front engine, and the front is easily attacked by enemy fire. The inclined armor can increase the defense strength without increasing the thickness of the steel plate. At the same time, the armored vehicle needs to collide under special circumstances. The wedge shape is good for that!"

Immediately, Wang Xuexin had a picture in his mind: If this kind of armored vehicle with a file head was used to hit the devil's tricycle, what kind of scenery would it be?
These are just cosmetic modifications.

Alexey also disassembled many things on the original car.

Like bumpers.

Armor protection is already installed on the front, no need for a bumper of course.

Like the front brakes.

This is the fault of Maoxiong's R&D personnel. When designing this half-track vehicle, Maoxiong's R&D personnel simply combined the car with the track device, and almost copied the front part of the car.

But if the track is installed at the rear, the braking device of the front wheel can be said to be useless or even dangerous... If the track at the rear is running and pushed forward while the front wheel brakes, it will not only fail to brake but also damage the front wheel cause considerable damage.

So this has become a harmful and unhelpful component, and it can be removed to reduce the load.

Another example is that the pedal is changed from steel to wooden:
The steel pedal is conducive to mass mechanized production, and Maoxiong has retained this design for the sake of production.

Wooden pedals can not only replace steel pedals but also reduce weight. The disadvantage is that most of them need to be handmade and time-consuming, but this is not a problem for the Eighth Route Army at all.

What made Wang Xuexin look at Alexei most differently was that he added a vertical bracket to the main beam of the half-track vehicle. This bracket allowed the soldiers to mount the squad machine gun on the bracket to become a vehicle-mounted firepower... At this time, the squad machine guns of the Eighth Route Army usually used the Czech type.

In addition, several locks are installed on the rear cabin, which can buckle the chassis of the mortar.

Needless to say what it is used for, the mortar is directly buckled on the rear compartment, and the soldiers can also shoot the mortar behind when the half-track vehicle is advancing.

This is very practical.

Because the trajectory of the mortar is curved, you don't need to worry too much about being blocked by your own people in front of you when you launch it in the rear cabin of a half-track vehicle.

It's just that Wang Xuexin didn't dare to use the [-] small artillery of the Eighth Route Army.

Because the failure rate and bombing rate of the [-] Small Cannon have always been high... There is no way, its positioning is to pursue quantity rather than quality.

If it is used in ordinary troops of the Eighth Route Army, there is no problem. If it is used in mechanized troops or even on half-track vehicles, if the chamber blows up in the rear cabin, it will blow up ten people and even detonate the car. Loaded ammunition and petrol.

Of course, if Alexei's ability is only like this, then he will be underestimated.

One week after the arrival of the half-track vehicles, the first batch of 26 T[-]s arrived at Wangxing Airport smoothly.

Wang Xuexin felt very troubled by this batch of T26s, because they were rusty and lacked maintenance, and they almost dropped parts on the ground. It was lucky to be able to drive to Wangxing Airport in that condition, and they were going to be driven to the battlefield to fight?

But that doesn't seem surprising.

For Mao Xiong, this tank is already facing elimination. Even if Mao Xiong lacks tanks, he is not willing to drive them to the front line to fight... Mao Xiong also lacks qualified tank soldiers. Putting T26 on the battlefield is no different from committing suicide , that is an unreasonable consumption of the scarce tank soldiers.

In this case, the situation of T26 is certainly not optimistic.

What makes Wang Xuexin speechless is that many parts need to be replaced but Mao Xiong can't provide them, because they also lack these parts...

At this moment, after observing the batch of tanks, Alexei patted his chest and said, "Comrade Battalion Commander, it's on me. We can produce the parts we need!"

Wang Xuexin let out an "uh" and thought to himself: You are indeed the deputy director of the Stalingrad Tractor Factory.

(End of this chapter)

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