Chapter 1014
Li Changfu's words completely confused Wang Xuexin at that time.

Damn, the person who originally thought about turning half-track cars into trenches, now wants to pull the mechanized troops out?
Wang Xuexin thought he heard it wrong, so he asked, "Commander Li, what do you mean by 'turn around'?"

Without further ado, Li Changfu took out the map from his pocket and spread it on the sideboard of the half-track vehicle, and said, "Look, Battalion Commander, our goal of forming a mechanized unit is within the range of 20 kilometers from Yuncheng to Wangxing Airport." It is used for the "blitzkrieg" of internal defense against devils. If calculated at a cross-country speed of [-] kilometers per hour, you can rush to any point and go into battle within ten hours. Isn't this range too narrow? It's too passive, devil If we don't do it, we just wait like this?"

Wang Xuexin cast a surprised look at Li Changfu. At this time, he was sure that Li Changfu wanted to pull the mechanized troops out to take the initiative to attack.

It's not that Wang Xuexin never thought of taking the initiative to attack, but the Eighth Route Army's mechanized troops have only been formed for less than half a month, and they are not even familiar with the equipment. Wouldn't it be a mess to take the initiative to attack?
But Li Changfu has a different opinion.

"Battalion Commander Wang!" Li Changfu said, "Our mechanized troops do have insufficient training, but is the devil's mechanized troops trained enough? In addition, the devils have equipment for mechanized troops or are they mentally prepared to deal with our army's mechanized troops? If not, why don't we give the devils a 'blitzkrieg' instead? Didn't you say that offense is better than defense? Why don't we be on the offensive side but on the defensive side?"

Hearing this, Wang Xuexin couldn't help but gasp: "It's ok, Commander Li, I'll see you with admiration after three days!"

Li Changfu was praised by Wang Xuexin, so he laughed "hehe", and replied embarrassingly: "Where is it, isn't this... all learned from Battalion Commander Wang?"

It should be said that the plan Li Changfu mentioned is indeed feasible.

Because the devils are indeed not psychologically prepared for the mechanized troops of the Eighth Route Army... The transactions between the Eighth Route Army and Mao Xiong are strictly confidential, especially the transaction of half-track vehicles.

The reason why the transaction of half-track vehicles has a higher level of secrecy is because the T26 transaction between the Eighth Route Army and Maoxiong is no longer a surprise. Even if the T34 is traded, will you care about how many T26s?

But the half-track car is more sensitive.

Because this is a new piece of equipment, once the devils get the news that the Eighth Route Army has purchased half-track vehicles, they will definitely feel strange: Why does the Eighth Route Army need half-track vehicles instead of cars?
Then, if you think about it in detail, and you have Hans as an advisor, you can easily guess that the Eighth Route Army has the intention to form a mechanized unit.

Therefore, the T26 transaction still passes through Xi'an... There are stubborn troops stationed in Xi'an, and any transaction passing through Xi'an has almost no secrets for the devils.

However, the half-tracked vehicles did not pass through Xi'an. Before arriving in Xi'an, they stopped and unloaded on the way, and then drove to the base of the Eighth Route Army in the dark.

Under such strict secrecy, the devils generally do not know that the Eighth Route Army is forming a mechanized unit.

I didn't know that the Eighth Route Army formed a mechanized unit, so it would naturally be unprepared. For example, there would be no landmines on the roads, there would be no anti-tank trenches in front of the trenches, and the troops would not be equipped with a large number of anti-tank equipment.

Even Wang Xuexin knew that not only did the devils not know that the Eighth Route Army had mechanized troops, they probably never even dreamed that the Eighth Route Army would counterattack from land and give them a "blitzkrieg".

Taking a step back, even if the devils knew that the Eighth Route Army had mechanized troops, what equipment would they have to deal with it?

Anti-tank grenades?

Type [-] anti-tank stabbing mine?
Or a pack of dynamite?

Devils are notoriously weak in anti-tank equipment.

So, why not attack the devil's weakness and attack, but hide in the defense line of Yuncheng and wait for the enemy to come?

Wang Xuexin thought about it for a while, and then asked: "Commander Li, do you know that mechanized troops need air support and even air supremacy the most?"

Li Changfu nodded. After studying for so many days, if he didn't even learn this point, it would be a waste of time!
"I have considered this issue!" Li Changfu said: "But I heard that our air force can control the air within a limited range. If we set a target close enough, for example, more than ten kilometers in front of Yuncheng, we will suddenly launch an attack. After a successful blow, return quickly... The entire battle was controlled for about an hour, and our air force may be able to guarantee their safety!"

Wang Xuexin had a new understanding of Li Changfu, and this guy actually thought of this.

This may be what some people often say about going to extremes. Another way of saying stubbornness is going to extremes, and it is not easy to change.

But once they change their minds, they often go to the other extreme.

The devils' invasion of China is roughly the same kind of extreme mentality: the devils originally worshiped Chinese culture and belonged to the Confucian cultural circle, but when they were convinced by European and American culture, they immediately denied all Chinese culture.

Seeing that Wang Xuexin was silent, Li Changfu thought that the plan was difficult, so he asked, "Is the aviation team... unable to guarantee the air supremacy for more than an hour?"

Wang Xuexin knew that was not the case.

If we talk about the past, the aviation team may not be able to guarantee it.

Because Wang Xuexin didn't know what new tactics the Devils would use to deal with X1, so to attack rashly was to let the pilots in short supply of the Eighth Route Army take risks.

But after the X1 upgrade, Wang Xuexin is very confident about this.

Even Wang Xuexin believes that it may not be just an hour, but in front of the upgraded X1, there will probably be a "vacuum period" of several days for the devil's air supremacy.

And the "vacuum period" of the past few the best time for the mechanized units of the Eighth Route Army to perform.

The problem is that the mechanized units of the Eighth Route Army are too fragile, and they don't know how to cooperate.

As a result of fighting indiscriminately on the battlefield, the devil's infantry may wipe out the entire mechanized army.

Therefore, Wang Xuexin didn't think too much, he straightened up and said: "Commander Li, continue to train the troops! The mechanized troops have not formed, everything is a castle in the air!"

Li Changfu was overjoyed. What Wang Xuexin said meant that his plan was feasible, but the quality of the mechanized troops was not enough.

Damn, this is a big profit, and this is going to take the army to the devils... Which army has such an honor!
What Li Changfu didn't know was that if his words just now hadn't proved his understanding of the mechanized army, he would have been dismissed as the head of the mechanized army.

(End of this chapter)

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