Chapter 1015 Goal
After that, Li Changfu really cooperated with Wang Xuexin's training as he said.

Even more than just cooperation, Li Changfu can also be called Wang Xuexin's right-hand man.

Some things only need Wang Xuexin's order, such as a [-]-kilometer march tomorrow... Li Changfu will understand, and he will immediately divide the troops into two groups, and let the two mechanized troops set up two locations for confrontation: one simulates the devil and the other simulates the Eighth Route Army.

It's just that whoever imitates a devil is a problem, because no one wants to be a devil... People in this era hate devils to the core, and imitating devils is regarded as a shame by them, and the commanders and fighters are unwilling to say anything.

In the end, there was no other way, that is, both troops regarded themselves as the Eighth Route Army, and then regarded each other as devils.

These are not the point, the point is that Li Changfu actually has some knowledge of Butan cooperation...he stole it from Wang Xuexin. During this time, he carefully asked his subordinate Wang Xuexin's training subjects and methods, and then concluded from it The experience of step-tank synergy.

But of course, Li Changfu has only learned a little bit... If he can master it after only a few days of learning, then "blitzkrieg" is not "blitzkrieg".

But Li Changfu's idea, that is, the plan for the mechanized troops to take the initiative to attack, has really been put on the agenda.

Wang Xuexin immediately reported Li Changfu's plan to the chief, and at the same time asked Li Changfu to stay as the head of the mechanized troops.

The chief chuckled and said, "Very well, I didn't expect this wooden lump to have a day of enlightenment. Since he has become a qualified commander of mechanized troops, of course there is no need to replace him! It's just... the timing is not ripe for this initiative." Oh?"

Wang Xuexin analyzed: "Although the devils applied mechanized troops earlier than our army and have more actual combat experience, most of the devils' mechanized troops are a combination of cars and shoulders, and their mechanized troops tend to be more mobile. It's not combat. If we talk about combat, it's the 'blitzkrieg' of the latest tanks and tanks, and they are also novices..."

"I'm not worried about the devil's mechanized troops!" The chief interrupted Wang Xuexin: "The devil's mechanized troops were almost defeated by us last time, and now this group is newly formed, and it is said that they are still dispatched like last time. Elite infantry, still use the combination of slings and tanks, which is obviously different from our mechanized troops! I am worried about the devil's aviation, if there is no air supremacy... the mechanized troops have to face the enemy's bombing. It can't be unfolded!"

At this time, the chief already has a relatively in-depth understanding of air combat, and of course the combat of mechanized troops is not a problem.

Wang Xuexin replied confidently: "Reporting to the chief, the new X1 has been successfully tested on land, and it should be able to be used on fighter jets in the past two weeks. I am confident that I can overwhelm the Devils in terms of air supremacy!"

The research and development of the new X1 will be so fast because it is not difficult... The wire is ready-made by Yingjiang. Just increase the charge of X1 and add some combustible metals to increase the combustion value, which can well increase its range and rate of fire.

The reason for the test firing was because Su, He and the two were worried that the increased range and rate of fire would tear the wires.

Facts have proved that this worry is completely unnecessary... These years, the gadgets produced by Yingjiang, especially the equipment used in the military, still have quality assurance.

The chief nodded with satisfaction: "If we can obtain partial air supremacy, this plan is feasible. But... where can we set the target? I mean the target of the mechanized troops."

The chief of staff gave a few suggestions from the side: "The devil's arsenal? Or the train station!"

Both of these are optional targets. The arsenal is aimed at the devil's equipment and ammunition. Since the devil shifted its offensive focus to Yuncheng, equipment and ammunition have been continuously transported to Yuncheng.

If several arsenals can be blown up, it will have an impact on the devil's plan to attack Yuncheng.

The train station is almost the same. The train station is usually a place where strategic materials are gathered, and it is very dense. Not only can it blow up the materials, it can also destroy the important traffic nodes of the devils, and blowing up the trains will affect the traffic of the devils. It will also reduce the burden on Yuncheng. pressure.

But the chief shook his head and replied: "No, if we know the exact location of the devil's arsenal, determine the material gathering place of the devil's train station, and at the same time have local air supremacy, then bombing with rocket fighters is fine. Why not?" Do you want to use mechanized troops to go deep into the enemy's territory to fight?"

There is nothing wrong with what the chief said. If it can be done with rocket fighters, it is obviously a dangerous and inefficient way to attack with mechanized troops.

Therefore, the tasks to be accomplished by mechanized troops should be difficult for rocket fighters to achieve.


Is there any target that is difficult for Rocket Fighter to accomplish?

The chief of staff found himself in a difficult situation, because he thought about it, and it seemed that there was no such goal. Anything that the mechanized troops could carry out could be achieved by bombing with rocket fighters.

Wang Xuexin quickly gave the answer: "The devil's airborne troops and mechanized troops!"

When the chief heard this, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "That's right, airborne troops and mechanized troops, these are the targets that rocket fighters can hardly reach!"

This is indeed the case.

In fact, it's not just rocket fighters, even bombers, it's hard to achieve if you target a specific small force.

The reason is very simple, troops can be transferred at any time, it will not stay in one place like a train station or an arsenal.

The troops are here today and there tomorrow. Even the bombers were here before takeoff, and the target is in another location after takeoff.

More importantly, these mechanized units and paratrooper units are unrecognizable to pilots, and their scale is still very small, with only more than 1000 people and at most two to 3000 people.

How can such targets be found from the air and blow them up accurately?
Therefore, this kind of task that rocket fighters cannot complete is what the mechanized units of the Eighth Route Army should do.

Moreover, the devil's mechanized troops and airborne troops pose the greatest threat to Yuncheng's defense line.

An arsenal is nothing but a stockpile of ammunition.

The railway station is nothing more than a stockpile of supplies.

The enemy's airborne troops and mechanized troops are the troops that directly intersperse to the key points of the Eighth Route Army to carry out "blitzkrieg"...

If this can knock out these unformed troops, it will not be a problem of stabilizing Yuncheng's defense line, and it will also cause a considerable blow to the morale of the devils.

(End of this chapter)

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