Chapter 1038 Design
"However!" Wang Xuexin said: "I think it has a few places to be improved!"

"What?" Feradlov looked at Wang Xuexin in disbelief. This ignorant Chinese battalion commander actually wanted to challenge this fighter jet?

Although Feradelov didn't think "La 5" was so good, he still didn't think the battalion commander in front of him could say anything.

Bears are mostly straightforward, and so is Feradlov.

"Save your energy, Comrade Battalion Commander!" Feradlov laughed: "With this time and energy, you might as well ask for two bottles of wine for us! Do you have any wine?"

"Yes, of course!" Wang Xuexin replied, "But..."

Wang Xuexin stared at the fighter plane, and then said thoughtfully: "Look at this engine cover, it is made up of at least seven parts, isn't it?"

Feradlov did not deny it, and he replied impatiently: "It's thirteen parts, Comrade Battalion Commander!"

Wang Xuexin said: "We should change this hood to an overall design, do you agree with this, Comrade Captain?"

Feradlov held the cigarette between his fingers and was about to put it into his mouth, but he stopped when he heard this, and asked, "Why do you think so?"

"Because the overall design will make its shape smoother and more flat!" Wang Xuexin said while touching the dents on the assembled parts, and explained: "Don't underestimate these inconspicuous gaps. When the fighter plane flies at high speed, they There will be a lot of resistance. If you are a mechanic, you should understand this!"

Feradlov's expression immediately became serious, because he knew that what Wang Xuexin said was right. The outside of the fighter plane should be as smooth and smooth as possible. Any small gap or protrusion will increase the resistance or even malfunction of the fighter plane... The place of resistance will continue to be stressed, which is not a good thing for the body of the wooden structure.

But after thinking about it, Feradlov replied: "Maybe you are right, Comrade Battalion Commander. However, our current design is the best design because it saves time and effort. You have other methods, Can it be integrated with less time and effort?"

Feradlov is right. The overall design is usually only possible with a metal casing. Because the metal casing has castability, it is relatively easy to form an irregular and approximately cylindrical shape to cover the outside of the engine.

If the wooden engine cover is also made into this approximately cylindrical shape and requires a whole... unless it is hollowing out the middle of a whole big tree.

Not to mention that such a big tree is difficult to find, and its production is also quite troublesome, and the size is also difficult to be accurate.

If this can be done, it might as well be made of metal.

"Maybe!" Wang Xuexin pointed to the hood and replied, "Why don't we divide it into upper and lower parts and fit them together? I mean, we can turn the vertical gap into a horizontal gap as much as possible. Little resistance?"

Hearing this, Vladlov was stunned.

As a mechanic, he immediately knew that Wang Xuexin's proposal was correct.

The vertical gap is the flight direction of the vertical cut fighter, that is, the wind resistance will directly act on the gap.

But if it is a horizontal gap... the wind resistance will disappear along the gap, that is, it will be reduced as much as possible.

Feradlov scolded in his heart: "Damn, these scientists, how could they not think of this!"

But even though he admitted in his heart that he was even shocked by Wang Xuexin's words, Feradlov still pretended to reply calmly: "You are right, Comrade Battalion Commander! You know, this is a new fighter, maybe... They (scientists) are already thinking about reducing wind resistance!"

On this point Vladlov was right.

Because what Wang Xuexin proposed is actually an improvement plan for "Pull 7".

"La 7" and "La 5" are very similar in appearance, even so similar that Hans pilots can't tell the two models of "La 5" and "La 7".

The biggest difference is that "La 7" is mostly made of metal instead of wood like "La 5"..."La 7" was put into production at the end of the war, when Mao Xiong's resources were relatively abundant.

Other improvements are in some small details.

For example, the engine cover proposed by Wang Xuexin just now.

However, this improvement was not developed by some scientists... In fact, it can be said to be, because it is a part of the performance calculated by Maoxiong scientists who put "Pull 5" on the wind tunnel and then calculated it to improve the performance of "Pull 5". Series improvements.

Feradlov's performance was within Wang Xuexin's expectations.

After all, Mao Xiong is a big country at this time and Huaxia is a weak country.

How could a mechanic from a big country lose face in front of a battalion commander from a weak country like Huaxia?

In particular, Feradlov is still a pilot consultant, and he was taught by a Chinese battalion commander how to improve the plane as soon as he came up...Do you want Mao Xiong's face?

This is a bit like Sun Erwei's mentality at the beginning, but now Sun Erwei has no temper at all.

Wang Xuexin didn't take it seriously, he continued to look at "La 5" with his head probed, and then said pretendingly: "The middle part of the wing, I think it should be adjusted, it should be longer. Don't ask me why, it's just a personal feeling." ...Maybe I just don't like it!"

Wang Xuexin can only say this, he can't say that this is the result of blowing out of the wind tunnel, can he?
Feradlov didn't take this seriously, thinking it was Wang Xuexin who was talking nonsense.

But not long after, when a fighter plane produced according to Wang Xuexin's intention flew in the air, Feiladlov didn't think so...

It is not difficult to achieve this, because Mao Xiong started to set up a factory to produce "La 5" on the side of the Eighth Route Army.

Since it is produced by the Eighth Route Army itself, it is of course possible for Wang Xuexin to make some small changes.

At that time, the technicians of Feiladlov and Mao Xiong strongly opposed it, because they all believed that Wang Xuexin was going his own way and making random modifications.

Feradlov also said angrily: "This Chinese Battalion Commander, does he think that the longer the wings, the better? Then why not make the wings longer by tens of meters?"

However, when Wang Xuexin's improved fighter plane flew into the sky, everyone fell silent.

Because although it has increased some weight, its flight speed and load capacity are much larger than the prototype.

This result made Feiladlov and all the technicians of Maoxiong couldn't believe it.

"How did he know about this improvement plan?" Feradlov exclaimed, "Is it really just relying on imagination?"

Wang Xuexin replied: "It's not all about imagination! We also have excellent aircraft design experts!"

Wang Xuexin refers to He Zhimin.

He is one of the best pot throwers!
(End of this chapter)

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