Chapter 1039
Feradlov is just a mechanic, and he is not sure whether the two suggestions put forward by Wang Xuexin are practical for "La 5", but he believes that another person must know.

So, after Feiladlov separated from Wang Xuexin, he immediately went to find Yaroslav, another hairy bear consultant.

Although Major Yaroslav came with the logistics force, he is a scientific researcher, and also a technician who will assist China in establishing the "La 5" production line in the future.

In fact, there are not many technical problems in establishing a production line for "La 5", because this fighter has been finalized and entered the mass production process in Maoxiong.

What's more, this kind of wooden fighter is very cheap, and its main purpose is to win by numbers, so what if there are some minor problems?

For example, Yaroslav knew that the engine life of the "La 5" was very short... This fighter uses the bear's M82 air-cooled radial engine, which only passed the 4-hour engine test in April last year.

High-level officials estimated that its 100-hour engine test could be completed in June last year, but because of the sudden outbreak of the war with Hans, various facilities were bombed and then urgently transferred, so it has not been completed until now.

In fact, that was just the test situation of the M82 engine, which is much more severe than the data shows.

Because Yaroslav has participated in the testing of several "La 5" engines:
The first one failed to operate after 35 hours of operation due to damaged pistons.

The second one ran for 48 hours and had to suspend the test due to oil leakage.

Although the third one ran for 70 hours, which greatly exceeded expectations... But Yaroslav understood that it was a cheating method: the test conditions were carried out when the cylinder head temperature was only 170 degrees, and the actual flight of the aircraft Cylinder head temperature is about 240 degrees.

In short, the battlefield requires the "La 5" to fly at a sprint speed of [-] meters, but during the test, it is in a walking state to calculate how long it can run.

Yaroslav has always been troubled by this problem. Can such an aircraft defeat the enemy in actual combat?

At this moment, Feradlov called a report outside the door.

"Come in!" Yaroslav said without looking up.

After entering the office, Feradlov saluted Yaroslav and said, "Comrade Major, the Chinese Battalion Commander is here!"

Yaroslav just said "hmm" and asked, "You came here to tell me this?"

Yaroslav didn't take the Chinese battalion commander to heart, although he knew that the Chinese battalion commander had invented many things.


Aircraft is different. It is not something that can be participated in with a little cleverness or imagination. It requires extremely rigorous demonstrations, experiments, test flights and modifications.

"No!" Feiladlov replied: "He made two improvements to 'La 5', which I think should be reported to you!"

Yaroslav doubted what he heard. He raised his head, looked at Feradlov with disbelief, and said, "Comrade Captain, this doesn't seem to be something you want to consider. You don't even have a mechanic. Not at all, you are a pilot, I hope you can remember your current identity!"

"Understood, Comrade Major!" Feradlov answered boldly.

Yaroslav thought the conversation was over, so he turned his gaze back to the design drawings.

But he waited for a while, and found that Feiladlov was still standing by the side and had no intention of leaving.

This time, Yaroslav's eyes were a little angry: "I think it must be that the Huaxia Battalion Commander gave you something, right?"

"No, Comrade Major!" Vladlov replied, "But I still think you should listen to him!"

"Okay!" Yaroslav spread his hands helplessly.

Although he is a major, as a researcher, he actually has no authority to command a pilot like Feradlov...

Mao Xiong's system is a bit strange. They do have military ranks, but they are not commanded completely according to their ranks on the battlefield.

For example, the commander of the Ministry of the Interior can in principle command ordinary officers with higher ranks.

As for researchers like Yaroslav, their military ranks are more of a false title. In terms of real power, of course they are direct front-line commanders like Feradlov.

That's why there is the current situation. On the surface, Feradlov is reporting to Yaroslav, but in fact... Yaroslav can't do without listening to this report.

Feradlov had already prepared it. He took out a drawing of "La 5" from his bag and placed it in front of Yaroslav, saying: "Comrade Major, this is what he said: one, put the engine hood The split pieces are all integrated into upper and lower opening parts, which can reduce the surface gap as much as possible and change the gap to be horizontal.”

Yaroslav was surprised when he heard this suggestion. This seems to be a feasible solution, and it is not difficult to realize it. I just don’t know why the R&D personnel didn’t think of this... Maybe it’s because of the emergency production and they haven’t thought enough about it. Bar!
This also aroused Yaroslav's interest, and he asked, "What about the second suggestion?"

"Length the middle section of the wing!" Feiladlov said: "But he can't explain the reason, he just should be lengthened!"

Yaroslav touched his chin, and after being told by Feradlov, he also felt that the wings of "La 5" seemed a little short.


It is not easy for this guy to propose a longer mid-section wing.

Because if you want to lengthen the wings, the middle section is the easiest.

The front section of the wing is connected to the fuselage. If it is to be lengthened, it will definitely involve changes in the connecting parts of the fuselage.

Wingtips will have a great impact on the flight of the aircraft and cannot be easily changed.

Only the middle section of the wing... On the one hand, the lengthening here does not have much impact on the overall aerodynamic layout of the aircraft, and on the other hand, it can achieve the purpose of lengthening the wing.

Obviously, if it is not more expert in aircraft design, it will not specifically refer to strengthening the "middle section wing".

Thinking of this, Yaroslav said to Feradlov: "Where is he? I want to see him!"

"At the command post!" Feradlov replied: "He is reviewing the work at the airport."

When he walked out of the office, Feradlov also reminded Yaroslav: "Comrade Major, you know that this Chinese Battalion Commander has an extraordinary status and identity in China. For example, this airport is actually in charge of him. Yes, so..."

"I know, Comrade Captain!" Yaroslav rolled his eyes, flipped the major rank on his shoulder with his hand, and cursed secretly: "Fuck the rank!"

(End of this chapter)

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