Chapter 1046
Zhao Gang continued to analyze: "Old Li, think about it, why do you want to 'secretly march'? This is a regiment! Moreover, our army has developed in Yuncheng for so long, and there are already more than 3000 people. This is not a small number!"

Li Yunlong softened his tone slightly after Zhao Gang said this: "You mean..."

"Maybe there is some important task!" Zhao Gang said, "Besides, think about it again. Last time, the headquarters transferred a group of tank soldiers from the New Second Regiment to form a mechanized unit. Didn't they give the New Second Regiment a few tanks as compensation?" ? Do you remember this?"

"Of course I remember!" As soon as Li Yunlong mentioned this, he became angry: "The new second regiment was raised by his mother. He transferred a group of tank soldiers and used tanks to make up for it. Now I give him my tank battalion!"

"Hey, I'm talking about Lao Li!" Zhao Gang frowned and said, "What kind of mother-in-law's stepmother's family is raised, the army is the same. As the commander, he must consider the morale of the whole army, and it is impossible to treat one more than another, otherwise it will affect the strength of the army." Morale hurts the confidence of soldiers, you say, what good is this for the Eighth Route Army? What good is it for the headquarters? What good is it for the chief?"

When Zhao Gang said this, Li Yunlong felt that it was right. The chief can clearly be a bowl of water, so why did he do this?It's not necessary, isn't it? !

Thinking of this, Li Yunlong asked: "Old Zhao, what do you mean by this, is that the chief may also compensate us?"

"I'm not sure about this!" Zhao Gang replied, "However, I don't think it will be a loss!"

After a pause, Zhao Gang added: "Recently, Xiao Dongbei has also been transferred to carry out secret missions, hasn't he?"

"Yeah, I've been gone for more than a month, and I haven't seen anyone!" Li Yunlong said dissatisfied: "Then Wangxing Airport is still waiting for him to come back to preside over the overall situation! It would be great if this guy was here, he must know something What……"

Zhao Gang looked at Li Yunlong and smiled without saying a word.

Then Li Yunlong seemed to understand something, he nodded slightly, and said in his heart: It makes sense, Xiao Dongbei is also going to carry out that secret mission.Our independent group also went north to carry out secret missions, maybe it was linked together?Maybe it's Xiao Dongbei who did it behind the scenes!

If Xiaodongbei meant it, how could he lose money?

It's no wonder that the commander transferred the tank battalion with this order, and he didn't say anything good. I don't know if I took advantage of my feelings!Just now I was thinking about how to refuse and how to disobey, isn't that stupid?
So "hehe" smiled and said: "No problem, call back, and resolutely obey the orders of the superiors!"

Li Yunlong guessed right, his trip to the north is indeed not a loss.

Because his goal here is to occupy the Daqingshan Iron and Steel Plant.

What is Daqingshan Iron and Steel Works?
That is the devil's steel factory, where high-quality steel is produced.

With it and the machine tools seized from the devils, the Eighth Route Army could produce its own automobile engines.

With the ability to produce engines and Alexey, the former deputy director of the tractor factory, the problems of cars and half-track cars will be solved.

It's still a small thing.

You must know that Daqing Mountain is in the north, very close to NMG and Mao Xiong... At this time, Mao Xiong's army is confronting the devils in Outer Mongolia.

And the Eighth Route Army has business dealings with Mao Xiong and has a common interest in fighting the devils.

Under such circumstances, wouldn't it be a matter of minutes to buy some tanks, equipment, etc. from Mao Xiong?Still need to make trouble for a tank battalion?

This is also one of the reasons why Wang Xuexin decided to open up a new battlefield in the north.

Wang Xuexin knows that for a long time to come, the interests of the Eighth Route Army will be more inclined to Mao Xiong than Ying Jiang.

This is not just because the Huaxia Highway was blocked and could not be opened for a while.

Even if the Huaxia Highway is opened, when the Huaxia coastline is blocked by the devils, the materials that Yingjiang assists the Eighth Route Army will have to be transported from the other side of China across the entire China to North China.

Especially for this crossing, it still has to cross the area controlled by the recalcitrant army.

It was not bad at this time. The materials obtained by the Eighth Route Army from Yingjiang were used for the war of resistance, which was in the interests of the recalcitrant army to a certain extent.

If one day, the Eighth Route Army wants to fight the stubborn army, is it possible for the stubborn army to send Yingjiang's military supplies across its area to the Eighth Route Army's defense area?

It is almost impossible.

In other words, there is a stubborn army standing between the Eighth Route Army and Ying Jiang.

But the Eighth Route Army and Mao Xiong can almost be said to be seamlessly connected, and Mao Xiong's equipment is also in line with the current needs of the Eighth Route Army.

Therefore, opening up a battlefield in the north was not only a requirement for the War of Resistance, but also a requirement for the development of the Eighth Route Army.

As for the development of the independent group...

Wang Xuexin thinks this way:
The main defense in the direction of Yuncheng.

This defense force is Wanxian Airport and Jiawang Airport in cooperation with mechanized troops, plus the mobile defense of Yuncheng Tank Battalion... This defense mode can basically guarantee that Yuncheng will not be lost. Even if the devils carry out "blitzkrieg" or even use airborne troops, it will not help. .

The reason is that the most taboo thing for airborne troops is that the enemy has mechanized troops.

The characteristic of airborne troops is that they can attack special targets unexpectedly, but most of them are lightly equipped and difficult to supply.

The mechanized troops are characterized by fast speed, strong defense, strong firepower and relatively sufficient ammunition supplies.

To put it simply, the airborne troops have almost no equipment that can deal with mechanized troops, unless the devils are also equipped with "bazookas".

The mechanized troops can quickly rush to the destination and destroy the airborne troops before they gather.

In the direction of Daqingshan, Li Yunlong's independent regiment is the main force and the attack is the main force.

After taking down the Daqingshan Iron and Steel Works, they will immediately point the finger at the northeast...there is the devil's production base, such as grain factories, tank manufacturing factories, gun manufacturing factories, etc., there are everything that one expects to find, and then look back at this one What is a tank battalion?
It is said that the headquarters was a little surprised when it received Li Yunlong's call back.

Originally, the chief was a little embarrassed, because he didn't know how to explain the problem of the tank battalion to Li Yunlong... There was no reason to transfer the tank battalion from the independent regiment, which was somewhat unreasonable.What's more, the opponent is still Li Yunlong, with his personality, it is not so easy to be kind.

But the chief can't explain too much, because all of these are military secrets... The devils still don't know that the Eighth Route Army is shifting its strategic center of gravity to the north. They think that the Eighth Route Army built the road from south to north just for Luliang Mountain Supply transport for the line of defence.

Therefore, when the headquarters mobilizes troops, it always only gives orders without any explanation.

The chief originally thought that Li Yunlong was very sad, but Li Yunlong just hesitated for a few minutes, and then called back: "Resolutely obey the orders of the superiors!"

The chief couldn't help but "huh": "This Li Yunlong is different!"

How could the chief think that Li Yunlong has not changed, he just predicted that there will be more "meat" to eat when he goes to Daqingshan.

(End of this chapter)

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