Chapter 1047 Engine

The independent regiment spent ten days "secretly" transferred to Daqingshan and completed the deployment.

The "secret" transfer may not be easy for the devils, but it couldn't be easier for the Eighth Route Army.

This is not something that the people in the Eighth Route Army base areas can keep secret... In fact, there are many devils and spies from the puppet army among the people in the base areas.

The "secret" transfer was possible because Eighth Route Army soldiers could disguise themselves as civilians.

However, it is not easy to pretend to be ordinary people, because the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army are all male soldiers and all of them are strong and strong. In addition to the large number of people, such a group of people still cannot hide from the eyes of spies when they go on the road.

Li Yunlong thought of a way. He divided the army into ten parts with 300 to [-] people in each part, and then mixed them in the food transportation team to prepare for food transportation.

Then there is no problem.

The reason is that most of the food transportation teams were originally men... Food transportation is a physical labor, especially the Eighth Route Army food transportation team mostly still pushes a wheelbarrow, and then catches up with the hundreds of miles in a day, and they can't walk down without any ability.

It was just right for the soldiers of the Independent Regiment to pretend to be them, but the wheelbarrow was loaded with guns and ammunition instead of food.

During this period, Wang Xuexin has been paying attention to the movements of the devils.

To be precise, it is not Wang Xuexin who is paying attention, but the headquarters is paying attention... The intelligence network is commanded by the headquarters, and Wang Xuexin only gets information from the headquarters.

At this time, the reason why Wang Xuexin cared about the movements of the devils was because if they discovered the plans of the Eighth Route Army, such as the transfer of the independent regiment was discovered by Neji Okamura, the devils would definitely move their troops north.

But fortunately, all the information obtained from the chief showed that the devils were not aware of it.

Okamura Neiji did not notice it, his eyes were still fixed on Yuncheng, and he kept deducing on the sand table how to break through the Eighth Route Army's defense.

This is not to blame Okamura Neiji, because the cake of Yuncheng is too tempting.

In front of Ningji Okamura is not only the key point of Yuncheng, but also a series of weaknesses such as the three stores, the granary, and the airport.

As long as one of these weaknesses is breached by the imperial army, it is possible to repel the Eighth Route Army and even drive it back to the mountains to fight guerrillas.

At this time, Neiji Okamura couldn't help sighing in his heart: A year ago, the imperial army hoped that the Eighth Route Army would go out of the mountains to fight the imperial army face to face. Now, the imperial army already hopes to drive the Eighth Route Army back to the mountains.

However, no matter how Neiji Okamura deduced and planned, he found that it seemed impossible to break through the Yuncheng defense line formed by the Eighth Route Army.

"Why did this happen?" Neiji Okamura asked Shinta Kono: "Mr. Kono, does that mean that even if we reorganize the mechanized troops and even train the paratroopers, we will not be able to raid the Eighth Route Army's weaknesses?"

Kono Shinta thought for a while, then sighed reluctantly, and replied: "Your Excellency, this is not a problem of mechanized troops and paratroopers."

"What's the problem then?" Okamura Ningji asked.

"The mechanized troops and paratroopers are for 'blitzkrieg'!" Kono Shinta said: "However, the Eighth Route Army also seems to know about 'blitzkrieg', and they are using 'blitzkrieg' to counter our 'blitzkrieg'!"

So Okamura Ningji understood.

This is indeed the case, the devils have mechanized troops, and so does the Eighth Route Army.

Even the mechanized units of the Eighth Route Army are stronger than those of the Imperial Army... The Eighth Route Army is a mechanized unit formed with half-track armored vehicles, but so far, the Empire can only be formed with satchels.

Not to mention that the 95-type light warfare is not as good as the T26 of the Eighth Route Army, and the armored vehicles of the Eighth Route Army are basically looking for death.

As for the airborne troops... The Eighth Route Army is the defender. In principle, as long as the Eighth Route Army has enough mechanized troops, the airborne troops of the Imperial Army will die no matter where they jump.

Neiji Okamura gritted his teeth and said, "So, we seem to be introducing half-track armored vehicles!"

Kono hesitated for a while, and then replied: "Your Excellency, the point is actually the air supremacy... If we can get the air supremacy, we can use the air force to attack the enemy's mechanized troops, so that our army's mechanized troops will be useful !"

This is actually a kind of "asymmetrical warfare".

If the enemy and the enemy are not much different in all aspects, a stalemate will easily form.

But if there is an absolute advantage, it will be developed in this way to form a comprehensive advantage.


Neiji Okamura said distressedly: "Kono-kun, it's not like you don't know that the Eighth Route Army owns X1, and they can at least have air supremacy in their airspace!"

"I know!" Kono Shinta said, "So, Your Excellency! Isn't what we want to introduce fighter jet engines? Or fighter related technologies? One day, if Hans' X1 is also successfully developed, it will be able to completely suppress the Eighth Route Army Already!"

These words seemed to wake up Okamura Ningji.

Shinta Kono was right. At this time, it is very difficult to introduce technology from Hans, and the opportunity is very rare.

Such a rare opportunity, of course, requires "good steel to be used wisely".

Therefore, instead of introducing half-track armored vehicles, it is better to introduce aircraft engines and their technology.

(Note: In history, Devils did cooperate with Hans on aircraft engines, and Devils developed an improved follow-up model of "Zero War")
You must know that Hans' aircraft is much stronger than the "Hawker 81" in the hands of the Eighth Route Army. At this time, Yingjiang's technical assistance was completely interrupted because of the war with the Empire, and the research and development of the Empire's fighter jet engine was basically at a standstill. If you can learn from Hans The engine technology thus improves and upgrades the "Zero War", so why not do it?

Thinking of this, Neiji Okamura immediately nodded and said: "I will report your thoughts to Tokyo immediately!"

In fact, there is no need for Neiji Okamura's report on this matter, because the Tokyo side has gradually realized that the "Zero War", which they believe to be invincible in the world, may become passive due to various reasons.

Tokyo had thought about this situation, but no one expected that it would happen so quickly, and it mainly appeared on the Eighth Route Army...

The Eighth Route Army used a batch of obviously backward "Hawker 81" fighters to fight the Empire's "Zero War" again and again. Then one day, what if Yingjiang also learned the tactics of the Eighth Route Army and even equipped with X1?
Is "Zero War" about to withdraw from the stage of history?

If "Zero War" is eliminated, the empire will face the dilemma of having no fighters available.

At the same time, this also means that the empire is doomed to fail in future wars, and there is no capital to negotiate with Yingjiang...

From the beginning to the end, the devil had an unrealistic fantasy in waging war against Ying Jiang. It believed that after defeating Ying Jiang a few times, it could force Ying Jiang to the negotiating table to make peace with it, so the war with Ying Jiang it will be over.

(End of this chapter)

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