Chapter 1062 Choice
This is a gift from Wang Xuexin to the "Self-Defense Army"... Ten "La 5" with more than 100 rockets went straight to the steel plant and solved the urgent need of the independent regiment at a critical moment.

Compared with "Hawk 81", "La 5" does not carry many bombs.

This is due to several factors:
The "Hawk 81" has a metal shell and the wings can carry heavier loads, while the "La 5" has wooden wings.

On the other hand, "La 5" puts more emphasis on flight speed, so that it can compete with Hans fighters. If too many bombs are mounted to carry out ground combat, the original intention of research and development will be lost.


But this doesn't have much impact on the rocket launcher, because the seven rockets plus the launch tube are only more than 140 kilograms.

It's just that Wang Xuexin redesigned the rocket launcher...

In the previous rocket fighters, the rocket launch tubes were simply modified and then hung under the wings. The launch tubes were even arranged in a cuboid.

Now, in order to reduce the resistance and the flight performance of the fighters as much as possible, Wang Xuexin designed them in the form of a cylindrical rocket nest, which is not only convenient for transportation and mounting, but also minimizes the negative impact.

Because Wang Xuexin did not dare to challenge the load of the "Pull 5" wing... After all, it is something produced by Maoxiong, so the quality and data are not accurate. 150 kg and 143.5 kg are too close.

What if the "La 5" is lifted into the air with rockets hanging on it, and the wooden wing breaks while flying?
Therefore, Wang Xuexin reduced the seven rockets to six.

There is not much difference in carrying one less rocket on one wing, but the safety of "La 5" has been greatly improved.

Therefore, one "La 5" can carry 12 rockets, and ten "La 5" is 120 rockets.

These 120 rockets hit the "Self-Defense Forces" rushing forward like ants in front of the steel plant in one breath, and there was a "boom" sound and then burst into flames...

This time "La 5" was carrying incendiary bombs, which turned into a sea of ​​flames before hitting the steel plant, and more than 2000 "Self-Defense Forces" rushing to the open ground outside were engulfed in flames in just a moment.

After the flames passed, only figures with flames were left dancing and shouting while running and jumping inside. Some rolled crazily on the ground, but the incendiary bomb was getting more and more prosperous.

Finally, everything became quiet, and the Pyromen fell down one after another, and some of them half-supported the ground and became a humanoid "firewood" knelt on the ground and continued to burn.

Not to mention the other "self-defense forces", even the soldiers of the independent regiment were stunned by it.

Although they knew that there were incendiary bombs and even used them before, it was the first time that so many incendiary bombs had burned so many people at one go. The open ground outside the line of defense became a hell on earth.

Needless to say, the surviving "Self-Defense Forces" had already been frightened by this scene, their feet became weak, and they fled in all directions with a cry of exclamation.

Qiu Chengzuo saw this scene through the telescope, but didn't react for a long time.

After a long time, he finally said: "The Eighth Route Army already has such capabilities. This firepower... I'm afraid it's not inferior to the devils!"

The staff officer also turned pale and said: "Commander-in-Chief, I'm afraid even the devils can't match. No wonder, there were rumors that the Eighth Route Army defeated the Devils Air Force before. I didn't expect it to be true!"

There is a reason why the staff said it was "rumor".

On the one hand, the information in this era is relatively closed, especially for guerrilla troops like the "Self-Defense Forces" in the Daqingshan area.

On the other hand, it was the recalcitrant army and devils who deliberately blocked news from the "Self-Defense Forces".

Both the stubborn army and the devils are worried about the "self-defense army", and they will choose to join the Eighth Route Army after hearing that the strength of the Eighth Route Army has greatly increased... So they did their best to brainwash the "Self-Defense Army", saying that the Eighth Route Army Air Force defeated the devils The news about the Air Force is all fake news released by the Eighth Route Army.

The "Self-Defense Army" has always believed, to be precise, they firmly believe that the devil is the strongest, and there is no army in China that can match it.

Therefore, it is natural to believe the devil's words.

Only now did they discover that the so-called "rumors" were all true.

The staff officer chattered his teeth, and said to Qiu Chengzuo inarticulately: "Chief... Commander-in-Chief, withdraw, if you don't withdraw, it will be... too late!"

"Withdraw?" Qiu Chengzuo replied, "Where can we withdraw?"

This is getting to the point. Daqing Mountain is located in the northern part of China, and not far to the north is Mongolia where Mao Xiong is stationed. The northeast and east are controlled by devils, and the south and west are the territory of the Eighth Route Army..."Self-Defense Forces "Originally they were "fighting guerrillas" behind enemy lines. It is normal to be in such an environment, but they do not have the ability of the Eighth Route Army to enter the mountains for guerrilla warfare, so now they find that they have nowhere to go.

"Unless..." Qiu Chengzuo said, "Unless we cast devils..."

"No, Commander-in-Chief!" The staff officer thought for a while, and then analyzed: "If the Eighth Route Army's firepower today, plus the devil's war with Yingjiang in the Pacific Ocean, it will be a matter of time before the devil retreats. If you want to vote, you should vote Only eight roads..."

The staff officer was interrupted by Qiu Chengzuo before he finished speaking: "Commander Liu, you seem to have forgotten how we hunted down the Daqingshan detachment in the first place. You and I have already been on the blacklist of the Eighth Route Army. We voted for the Eighth Route Army... Are you having a good time?"

"Commander-in-Chief!" said the staff officer, "But the Eighth Route has a policy, and they give preferential treatment..."

"Stop talking!" Qiu Chengzuo raised his hand to stop Staff Officer Liu: "That's it, contact the devils, and attack the steel factory together when they come!"

The staff officer answered "Yes" helplessly, and then passed on the order.

Staff Liu was wondering when he was passing on the order. Now that the situation is clear, it will not be a good life to follow the devils. Why did Qiu Chengzuo choose to vote for the devils?
Is it really because of being on the blacklist of the Eighth Route Army?
As the commander-in-chief of the "Self-Defense Forces", Qiu Chengzuo knew that the policy of the Eighth Route Army was to never hold captives accountable.

Even if Qiu Chengzuo, as the commander-in-chief, led the troops to vote for the Eighth Route, it is very likely that not only will he not be liquidated, but he may even make meritorious service for it.

After all, this is the "Self-Defense Army", and it is regarded as a local snake in the Daqingshan area.

Although the ground-headed snake had been shot seven inches and only half-life remained, the centipede was dead but not stiff, and the Eighth Route Army still welcomed Qiu Chengzuo's surrender.

After thinking about it in detail, Staff Officer Liu understood that Qiu Chengzuo was reluctant to part with the wealth he had gained from the common people and the recalcitrant soldiers and devils over the years.

(End of this chapter)

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