Chapter 1063
Those wealth include legal currency, silver dollars, and gold and silver treasures... French currency is usually given by stubborn soldiers, silver dollars are given by devils, and gold and silver treasures are robbed from the hands of the people.

These properties were piled up by Qiu Chengzuo in an underground bunker and became his personal treasury.

From Qiu Chengzuo's point of view, surrendering to the devils might be a good choice.

Because he surrendered to the devil, it was impossible for the devil to confiscate Qiu Chengzuo's property immediately.

And once you surrender to the Eighth Route Army... If you don't return these things that were robbed from the common people, how can the common people be angry?And how to cleanse the heart and reform the past?How can you convince the Eighth Route Army of your sincerity in surrendering?
Qiu Chengzuo was not reconciled to the fact that the property he had plundered so hard ended up in this way.

Therefore, he was wondering if there was another possibility: to invest in the devils first, and to use the power of the devils to slow down, and if he had the opportunity, he would use the wealth to open up connections and escape abroad... At that time, he would have a wealth of money, and he would not be able to live anywhere. ?

It should be said that Qiu Chengzuo was naive to think so.

The devil has already reached the point where supplies are in short supply at this time, even if Qiu Chengzuo voted for the devil, how could the devil allow Qiu Chengzuo, a big fish, to slip away from his hands?
But things didn't get there at all.

Because Staff Liu gritted his teeth with hatred after he figured this out: This guy is abominable, he just wants money and doesn't care about his life, and he is dragging himself and so many brothers to die together!He can get promoted and get rich when he goes to the devils, and he may even think about fleeing abroad, what about himself?

Thinking that Staff Officer Liu made up his mind immediately, he turned around and sent two of his confidantes to secretly contact the Eighth Route Army...

This is a team composed of bandits. They are more able to judge the situation and choose a path that is beneficial to them in the face of danger. After all, they are for profit from the beginning.

On the side of the independent regiment, Li Yunlong looked at the scorched land and corpses in front of him, took off his hat and laughed "hehe": "This little Northeast is doing well! How many enemies can I kill with my life and death?" , and almost capsized in front of this group of little thieves, he is lucky, a rocket hit... Well, the credit is all his!"

Zhao Gang said with a smile: "Whenever you do, you still think about your merits!"

"No comparison!" Li Yunlong said: "Old Zhao, I found that there seems to be something wrong with our battle plan!"

"What's the problem?" Zhao Gang asked.

"Think about it!" Li Yunlong said: "The total strength of the 'Self-Defense Army' is only 1 people, and it would be seven or eight thousand to attack us. They can fight like this. The devil sent a brigade over, can they do the same? hit?"

This time Zhao Gang was stunned.

What Li Yunlong was talking about was, what if the devils don't attack the defense line held by the Eighth Route Army step by step?

What if the devils concentrated all their troops in one direction like the "Self-Defense Forces", and then went straight into the steel plant from the gap in the defense line?
Does that mean that the iron and steel factories will be occupied by devils?

That's a fart!
At this time, the correspondent came up with a telegram and reported: "Regimental Commander, Dishipo Command is calling!"

The telegram was sent by Wang Xuexin.

He received the battle plan from Li Yunlong, and couldn't help frowning as he watched it.

This style of play is not to say that it is impossible, Li Yunlong also knows to focus on the devil's artillery, especially the ghost cannon with a long range.

The problem is, to counterattack like Li Yunlong...

How many people are there in the independent group?
But only more than 3000 people!
The devil's mixed brigade has more than 6000 people.

Although the independent regiment at this time is not what it used to be, with well-equipped ammunition, soldiers with considerable combat experience, and fighter planes to coordinate, it is not impossible for 3000 people to fight [-] devils, and there is even a great chance of winning.


Wang Xuexin asked Li Yunlong a few questions in the telegram: "Commander, if our troops are too depleted, what if the devils send more troops to reinforce them later? We destroyed a batch of ghost cannons, and the devils reinforced another batch of ghost cannons." What should we do? Next time, the devil will use these ghost cannons to lure our army into battle, what will we do?"

A series of questions made Li Yunlong stunned for a while. All he thought about in his mind was how to defeat the devil brigade that was rushing in front of him. He never thought about what would happen if the devil came again...

But Xiaobei's question is also reasonable.

The Eighth Route Army's reinforcements were very difficult. Although the Lvliangshan defense line had troops, the devils could also attack Lvliangshan and put corresponding pressure on them so that they could not divide their troops.

However, the devil's troops in the Daqingshan area are relatively sufficient, and it is not a problem to send another brigade or two to come.

What will happen then?
"Damn it!" Li Yunlong flashed the telegram in front of Zhao Gang, and scolded, "What else can I do? He thinks I'm a god, and an independent group can withstand the attack of a brigade group, and it's enough, this kid Do you still want to block the attacks of more devils?"

Zhao Gang looked at the telegram, and then analyzed: "Old Li, you can't say that. We have to look farther. Our strategic goal is to defend the steel plant. The future battle situation is likely to be as Xiaodongbei said. , the enemy we have to face may not just be a mixed brigade!"

After a pause, Zhao Gang continued: "If this is the case, what if we fight to the death? In the end, we will lose the steel plant and fail to complete the mission!"

"The question is, who can withstand such an attack?" Li Yunlong replied with staring eyes: "After one brigade, there will be another, and then there will be another... Unless God opens his eyes and the next heavy snow blocks the road, otherwise The devil will never give up because of this steel plant!"

Zhao Gang couldn't help but frowned.

What Li Yunlong said is correct, the independent regiment only has so many soldiers, if it was in the past, it would have been very difficult for a regiment to be able to beat the devils and a brigade, but now they just pick a brigade, or even more than one...

I'm afraid it's too difficult for a strong man!

Li Yunlong was sulking: "Xiao Dongbei is capable, he can... He doesn't want to find a way? Can he keep the steel plant and stop the devil's attack? If he can do it, I will admire him!"

As soon as the voice fell, the correspondent came with a telegram.

Li Yunlong jumped up from the ground, took a look at the telegram, and couldn't help being stunned, then handed the telegram to Zhao Gang, and asked, "I said Lao Zhao, what do you mean?"

Zhao Gang took the telegram and looked at it, only to see two lines written on it: "One: Self-Defense Army. Two: Self-Defense Army."

Zhao Gang looked at it with a dazed expression. These two points are the three words "Self-Defense Forces"...why write it twice?

Li Yunlong even wondered if Xiaodongbei made a mistake.

But Zhao Gang thought about it carefully, then nodded with a smile and said: "It makes sense, a clever plan!"

(End of this chapter)

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