Chapter 107
It was already dark when Wang Xuexin returned to the arsenal.

Although Wang Xuexin’s residence is a few rooms away from Zhang Wanhe’s house, the horse has to be returned...the cowpen where the horse is tethered is next to Zhang Wanhe’s house, and the horse has to be fed, otherwise it will take a day to run away. Also, if you are hungry, you will lose weight.

When he walked into the bullpen, Wang Xuexin tiptoed, and at the same time kept patting the horse's head to comfort him, worrying about disturbing Zhang Wanhe.

As a result, there was still some movement when feeding grass.

There was a light in the room, and Zhang Wanhe came out with a flashlight in his clothes.

"The factory director, it's me!" Wang Xuexin reminded him while feeding the fodder: "Xiao Dongbei, I just came back!"

Zhang Wanhe said "Oh", with a slightly blameful tone: "Why have you talked with your regiment commander for so long? Next time, hurry up. The chief of staff will come to ask in the afternoon, and I will tell him that you have something to do when you return to the army! Tomorrow Remember to report to the staff!"

"Hey!" Wang Xuexin replied, "Go and rest, I'm here!"

"Go back and rest early after feeding!" Zhang Wanhe confessed: "Tomorrow is busy!"

"Don't worry!" Wang Xuexin replied, "I can handle it!"

Zhang Wanhe nodded and went back to sleep. He didn't notice the blood on the horse's hoof and horse's feet, let alone the box cannon on Wang Xuexin's waist.

The next day, Lujiagou was fried.

Before dawn, the chief of staff came to Zhang Wanhe and knocked on the door: "Old Zhang, old Zhang... get up and open the door, there is something urgent!"

Zhang Wanhe put on his shoes slowly, and responded in his mouth: "Come on, come on... You have to catch your breath even if you hang yourself!"

As soon as the door was opened, the chief of staff asked with a stern face, "Didn't you say that Xiao Dongbei returned to the army with Li Yunlong yesterday?"

Zhang Wanhe was taken aback, and asked in puzzlement, "What's wrong? Something happened?"

The chief of staff let out a "ah" and said, "What kind of army is he going back to? He went to Dazhai Village, and beat up a dozen bandits with the monk, and they all filed complaints to the headquarters! The chief is losing his temper, and I Speaking of can you cover up for Xiaobei?"

"I..." Zhang Wanhe said angrily, "What kind of cover should I cover for him? Well, let's go find Xiaobei together!"

"What are you looking for, Little Northeast!" The chief of staff shook his hand and gestured in the direction of the headquarters: "He was called away by the chief!"

Xiaodongbei was indeed at the command center at this time, and the chief was furious at him: "What are you doing! Is there any organization and discipline, and ran to kill a dozen people without saying a word..."

"Chief, we are walking horses..."

"Don't be glib with me, you're not honest at all!" The chief was so angry that he pointed at Wang Xuexin's nose and scolded, "I learned from your regiment commander. How did Li Yunlong lead the soldiers? They are all thorns! Can't you report anything to your superiors? The superiors will make overall arrangements from the overall situation, this is good, and you will screw up in two or three times!"

What the chief said is true.

It's not that the superior didn't deal with the matter of Dazhai Village, but considering that Heiyun Village will be incorporated soon, and the Eighth Route Army has also established a communication mechanism with Heiyun Village, they plan to resolve it through dialogue.

The idea of ​​the superior is this: notify Kong Jie first, then ask Kong Jie to contact Xie Baoqing, the leader of Heiyunzhai, and then ask Xie Baoqing to deal with it.

It's just that there are many links in the middle, and the time to come and go is delayed.

After finally making it to the last step, Xie Baoqing sent someone to call Shanmaozi back, but before he sent out, he heard that Shanmaozi was gone.

This time, Xie Baoqing couldn't lose his face.

Damn it, I've already relented and agreed to be included, and you killed the second leader in a blink of an eye. If I still pretend that nothing happened, how will I, Xie Baoqing, gain a foothold in the Jianghu?
So all the things that were promised before were all invalidated, not only continued to be a bandit on the mountain, but also vowed to avenge the second leader.

This made Kong Jie very angry, and he sued the headquarters.

Kong Jie also called Li Yunlong: "I said, Lao Li, you are not being kind! Your people have come to my territory to pick trouble, and this hand is too long!"

Li Yunlong replied: "There is such a thing? Why don't I know, tell me which bastard did it, and I will punish him immediately!"

Kong Jie yelled angrily: "Stop pretending to be confused with me. Your independent group is capable. The two of you killed more than a dozen..."

"What? Did someone die?" Li Yunlong exclaimed, and then said "Oh": "I heard from the monk that he and Xiaodongbei did kill more than a dozen people, but how did I hear that they did it?" Is it a bandit? I said Kong Er is a fool, this is your fault... You are also a member of our independent group, and they beat the bandits for you because of your face! Not only did you not say thank you, why did you mention it all? Isn’t it here? Feelings, this bandit is still a member of your new second regiment?”

"You..." Kong Jie was speechless.

After all, it is really hard to tell who is right and who is wrong if this matter is really told. I happen to see that the bandits are doing evil, and it is wrong to take action to eliminate harm for the people?

If you want to talk about discipline, it means killing prisoners.

But this prisoner was killed by the common people...

Knowing that he had nothing to say to Li Yunlong, Kong Jie hung up the phone angrily with a "bang".

Here Li Yunlong and the monk laughed until their stomach hurt.

Li Yunlong smiled and praised the monk: "There is a real way, this thing is done so seamlessly, there is no clue left, if you don't become a robber, it will be a delay!"

"Head, this has nothing to do with me!" The monk said, "This is all the idea of ​​Xiao Dongbei!"

"I know!" Li Yunlong immediately teased the monk: "Only your head is still perfect? ​​You have exposed your naked buttocks to others a long time ago!"

The monk's face darkened, and he replied: "If you have the ability, you can compare with Xiao Dongbei! I don't think you are much better!"

"Go, go, go..." Li Yunlong was not angry, but smiled cheerfully: "I'm not that stupid! Competing with Xiaodongdong's head, isn't it the same as fighting with your monk?"

The monk liked to hear these words, he stroked his head and laughed, secretly thinking that there was finally one thing he could do, he could stand side by side with Xiao Dongbei, and he also had a long face!

They are happy here, but Wang Xuexin is miserable.

The chief scolded the political commissar for education, and the political commissar finished educating the chief of staff to do his job, and then Zhang Wanhe came and went again, and it was not enough, so there was another round...

But Mingmian was scolding Wang Xuexin, and when Wang Xuexin was finally released, several chiefs who were still angry suddenly laughed.

"This little Northeast!" The chief shook his head and sighed: "It's really fucking two-handed. If you go out and go around, you will make a big deal. This battle is relieved! Play the momentum of our Eighth Route Army! I'm afraid it will kill other bandits. They were all shocked!"

(End of this chapter)

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