Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 108 Sesame and Watermelon

Chapter 108 Sesame and Watermelon

What the chief said was not groundless, but because Shan Maozi was quite famous in the world.

For example, when Shanmaozi and his group were hit by a monk with two box cannons, ordinary people would have been so frightened that their legs were weak and they would have surrendered on the spot.

But in this desperation, Shanmaozi can think of using his subordinates to play a trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain.If it weren't for Wang Xuexin playing long-distance behind him, even a figure like a monk would fall into his hands.

This seems to be normal in the Eighth Route Army.

The kung fu in the hands of the monk is that five devils can fight hard.

Not to mention Xiao Dongbei, not to mention his easy-to-use head, the devil sniper also died under his gun and was disarmed.

Wouldn't it be easy for these two powerful combinations to fight a dozen little thieves with poor quality and poor equipment?
But the bandits didn't see it that way.

What the hell... Shanmaozi is a ruthless character in the Jianghu. Heiyunzhai's second head, with a dozen or so people, was taken away by two Eighth Route Army.

Moreover, one of the two Eighth Route Army is a platoon leader and the other is a guard.

The Eighth Route Army has more than 100 regiments, so how many platoon leaders and guards are there?If any platoon leader or guard can kill someone like Shanmaozi, is that okay?
What's more important is that it ended up like this if it was too late to be included. Does that mean...

Wang Xuexin thought that the matter of letting the head train for a meal was over.

Unexpectedly, this is not the case.

The news quickly reached Xu Xiufen.

During this period of time, Xu Xiufen was arranged to live with Su Xin, and was going to wait for the bandits to finish their recruitment before sending them back.

First, Su Xin heard the news from Hardware.

Hardware saw Su Xin in the factory early this morning, and said in a hurry: "Director Su, have you heard? Little Northeast has done something big again!"

"What's the big deal?" Su Xin was measuring the shells while recording the data, then raised his head and smiled and replied, "Isn't it just the tunnel?"

Although Project 035 is a secret, it is in Lujiagou after all. You can't see it when you look down.

Su Xin usually heard about it, and knew that Wang Xuexin was busy digging tunnels recently.

I thought to myself, what big things can I dig out by digging tunnels?

Is it possible to dig out a golden mountain?
Unexpectedly, Wu Jin chuckled and asked, "Then Xu Xiufen is afraid of bobcats and hides from you?"

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Su Xin was a little puzzled.

"There's no need to hide in the future!" Hardware and Proudly puffed up his chest proudly, stroking his thumbs and said arrogantly: "Yesterday, Xiao Dongbei went to Dazhai Village, what do you think?" ? Knock out the Lynx!"

"What?" Su Xin was startled, and the pen fell to the ground with a trembling hand. She froze for a moment, squatted down to pick up the pen in a panic, and said, "Uncle Wu, is what you said true? This little Why does the Northeast kill people at every turn?"

Su Xin didn't mean it literally, she was actually worried about Xiao Dongbei's safety.

Wu Jin didn't understand everything, so he said "hey" immediately: "What you said, how can this be called murder? You beat bandits, that's called killing harm for the people! The fellow villagers in Dazhai Village are indescribably grateful. Knock out more than a dozen in one go!"

"More than a dozen?" Su Xin's eyes were terrified, she couldn't imagine the scene of Xiaodongbei beating up to a dozen bandits all at once.

"Really?" Wu Jin raised his head in the direction of the headquarters: "I'm being trained by the chief at the moment!"

"Why did you get trained for beating bandits?" Su Xin was a little surprised.

"It is said that these bandits are waiting to be recruited." Wu Jin said with a wry smile, "We will talk about it right away. I didn't expect that at this moment... something bad will happen!"

Distraught, Su Xin went back and told Xu Xiufen, but Xu Xiufen refused, and went to the headquarters immediately to find the chief:
"Chief, I heard that you are going to punish Xiao Dongbei?"

"Then Xiaodongbei is a good person. I can't figure it out. Why should he be punished after beating a bandit?"

"That Shan Maozi has done so many bad things, why can't he be beaten? Only bandits are allowed to beat us ordinary people, and we are not allowed to beat bandits?"

"Isn't our Eighth Route Army the army of the common people? Isn't it just to fight bandits, traitors, and devils?"

"Chief, if you want to punish me, just punish me, I beg you, don't embarrass Xiaodongbei, okay?"


This tossing caused a headache for the chief and the others.

Because this matter is indeed a little unclear, especially with fellow villagers who don't understand discipline, have no culture and brains, and can't turn around, it may even become darker and darker.

After all, Xu Xiufen was finally persuaded to go back. Xu Xiufen turned around and found Wang Xuexin, and then knelt down in front of Wang Xuexin with a "plop" and called her benefactor.

Wang Xuexin quickly helped Xu Xiufen up, and then ran away as if he had something to do to escape.

Others didn't know that what Wang Xuexin did had nothing to do with Xu Xiufen, and what he really saved was the monk.

At this time, the tunnel had begun to take shape, and the chief of staff called up the guard company for an exercise. One team pretended to be devils and the other pretended to be Balu.

As soon as he saw Wang Xuexin coming, Chen Fujun, the commander of the guard company, greeted him and asked, "Comrade Wang Xuexin, long time no see!"

As soon as Wang Xuexin looked up and saw that it was Chen Fujun, he asked suspiciously: "Company Commander, you are..."

"Oh!" Chen Fujun explained: "Doesn't tunnel warfare require combat troop exercises? Isn't it us!"

This surprised Wang Xuexin.

Chen Fujun's guard company is a force to protect the chief and the headquarters, how could it be sent to cooperate with the tunnel warfare exercise.

It was only later that I realized that this was an opportunity that Chen Fujun asked for and fought for with all his strength.

What the hell is "going all out"?
And Chen Fujun's reason is very good: "We are the troops defending the chief and the headquarters. Should the chief enter the tunnel in an emergency? If he wants to enter the tunnel, should our guard company train tunnel warfare? If we want to train tunnel warfare, Isn’t this exercise just an opportunity? Why can’t we be allowed to do it?”

This is quite reasonable.

Anyway, you have to train, so late training is definitely not as good as early training.

Chen Fujun coughed a few times, and said: "Comrade Wang Xuexin, yesterday's battle was fought beautifully! Didn't you receive any punishment?"

For some reason, Chen Fujun, the commander of the guard company, was still a little nervous in front of Wang Xuexin, the platoon leader.

"It's nothing." Wang Xuexin replied, "I was criticized and educated by the chief!"

"Hey!" Chen Fujun said: "Criticism is criticism, and the bosses behind it are so happy!"

"What?" Wang Xuexin looked at Chen Fujun in disbelief: "Happy? Didn't I break the big event of incorporating Heiyunzhai?"

Chen Fujun looked around and said in a low voice: "Comrade Wang Xuexin, your vision should be wider, understand?"

"What?" Wang Xuexin still didn't understand.

Chen Fujun said "ah": "You are smart in everything, why are you confused about this matter? The chief is just pretending. After this incident, do other bandits dare to mess with our Eighth Route Army? Do you dare to bargain on the issue of inclusion? ? Do you still dare to procrastinate? We only need to yell at them, 'Hey, are you going to be included?', and they all come here one by one!"

As he said that, he smiled and patted Wang Xuexin on the shoulder: "I lost a small sesame seed, picked up a big watermelon, and by the way helped my fellow... What a beautiful thing?"

Wang Xuexin was dumbfounded, and he was scolded all morning because he acted it out for others?

(End of this chapter)

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