Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 109 Conditions

Chapter 109 Conditions
Chen Fujun was right. In fact, many bandits hoped to be recruited, especially by the Eighth Route Army.

The reason is mainly that the Eighth Route Army is hard to deal with.

In the words of the Eighth Route Army, "The Eighth Route Army is an army of the people who come from the workers and peasants, and is connected with the people by flesh and blood."

This may not sound like much to outsiders, it is just a propaganda slogan.

But the bandits trembled and frightened when they heard this.

You must know that bandits rely on robbing the people to survive... With the bandits' guns, if they can't steal them with hard ideas, they may be retaliated against.

Normally, no one cares about the life and death of the common people, and the life of the bandits is pretty good.

But now that a "people's army" has come to stand up for the common people, the life of the bandits will be difficult!
The bandits can't survive these days, and there are people with guns in their hands. Don't you just hope that the Eighth Route Army can recruit them?
But on the day when the Eighth Route Army talked with them about their inclusion, they were sitting on the ground and raising prices and pretending to be hypocritical. It's such a joy to open conditions and make papers!

Even the bandits will compare each other: what conditions does a certain cottage have for inclusion, why don't I have one?Look down on people or what?I also have to meet these conditions, otherwise I will be happy on the mountain!
This once made the Eighth Route Army very passive:
Promise, bandits, one by one, one by one, the Eighth Route Army is not well-off, so it will make the situation worse.

Don't agree, the value of the people and guns in the hands of the bandits far exceeds those conditions, not to mention transforming the bandits who murder and rob goods into disciplined Eighth Route Army soldiers, no matter how bad they are, they will be watched under the nose so that they cannot commit crimes. No matter how it is considered, it is a good deal!

So usually I just grit my teeth and agree to all the conditions.

For example, Xie Baoqing from Heiyunzhai offered Kong Jie the following conditions:

One: Maintain the establishment of Heiyunzhai, and set up an independent brigade in the new second regiment.

Two: Xie Baoqing served as the captain of the independent brigade, and the second, third, and fourth leaders served as the deputy captains.

Three: Distribute military pay according to regular army standards.


Then there are four, five, and six...a total of more than a dozen conditions are listed.

At that time, only three divisions of the Eighth Route Army were formally organized and able to receive military pay. The remaining nearly one hundred regiments, including Li Yunlong, an independent regiment with great military exploits, had to be self-reliant and strip their clothes and shoes from the devils.

How old are you in Heiyun Village?
How many years have you been a bandit?

Actually want military pay and still maintain the establishment?

Isn't this going to continue to be a bandit in the Eighth Route Army?
But in order to take the overall situation into consideration, and at the same time not give up any forces that hope to unite, the superiors decided to agree to these conditions after discussion.

In the words of the chief, it is: "First recruit and then talk about it, and you can educate it slowly in the future! The issue of military pay... Let's tighten our belts and bring him together, just an independent brigade!"

The problem is that it's not just Heiyunzhai who is asking for prices, there are also several bandits bargaining there!Everyone is as awesome as the king of heaven!

This is good, these guys all fell silent after Xiaodongbei made such a fuss.

Because they will think so in their hearts:

This matter should not be that simple, it is probably the Eighth Route Army who killed chickens to scare monkeys!

If you really want to fight, the Eighth Route Army doesn't need to go up the mountain to encircle and suppress like the National Army.They are workers' and peasants' army, and it is not a big deal to send a few people to live in the surrounding villages for ten days and half a month.

More importantly... when they come, there will be one or two, and a team will be able to be pulled up in a few months. How will we live by then?
So those who negotiated good conditions were afraid that the Eighth Route Army would go back on their word, and went down the mountain as soon as possible to "be good".

If the conditions are not negotiated, immediately lower the standard and negotiate, the sooner the negotiation is completed, the better!

If you were still hesitant at first, don't delay now, it will be too late when the knife rests on your neck later!

In just a few days, more than a dozen groups of bandits were recruited, many of whom failed to negotiate after more than a year.

This made Heiyunzhai feel that it was meaningless to be alone there.

Chen Fujun's side was actually a drunken man who didn't want to drink. He handed Xiao Dongbei a cigarette, looked in the direction of the tunnel, and boasted: "Comrade Wang Xuexin, this tunnel really looks like that. What are you doing?" Thought-of?"

Wang Xuexin replied: "Company Commander, just tell me what you have to say, and I will help as much as I can, and our own family will not make this detour!"

Chen Fujun smiled awkwardly, leaned forward and said, "I feel at ease with what you said. Brother, isn't this... worried about the Devil's Secret Service? You know that my task is to protect the chief and the headquarters. I can't stand it." Living in the devil's secret service team is empty, and when I feel empty, I can't sleep well or eat well, can you help my brother think of a way?"

"Aren't there landmines?" Wang Xuexin asked back, "I told you last time!"

"This landmine is indeed a good idea!" Chen Fujun nodded and said, "That's how we do it. But what if the devils use grenades to clear the mines?"

Wang Xuexin nodded.

Blocking the position with landmines can only solve the early warning problem, but it is impossible to block the Devil's secret service team.

Chen Fujun frowned and said: "During this period of time, my brother thought about it and thought that if he wanted to stand up to the devil, he had to fight hard with the devil, but... he couldn't stand the devil's way of fighting!"

These words are rough and reasonable, nothing in street fighting can withstand the "grenade and submachine gun" style of play, unless you bring tanks and armored vehicles.

Therefore, there is only one way, and that is to treat the person in the same way as the person.

Wang Xuexin replied: "It's simple. We will fight whatever the Devil's Secret Service does. If we learn from them, we will be pretty much inseparable."

Chen Fujun replied in embarrassment: "Why didn't I think about this method? But what about the submachine gun? What about the ammunition?"

This is indeed a problem. In this era, even devils lack a useful submachine gun. They can only use the German MP38, let alone the Eighth Route Army.

But Wang Xuexin had other ideas.

"We don't necessarily have to use a submachine gun!" Wang Xuexin patted the box cannon hanging on his waist, and said, "Here, a 20-ring box cannon, isn't it better than a long gun indoors? It's not much worse than a devil's submachine gun, right?" ?”

Chen Fujun was taken aback, then slapped his thigh, and shouted: "That's right, why did I forget about this thing, and I kept thinking about submachine guns and submachine guns... Wouldn't it be enough if everyone was equipped with a box cannon?"

Wang Xuexin raised his head in the direction of the tunnel again, and said: "At that time, you can also practice like this. One team pretends to be devils and the other guards, attacking and defending each other inside and outside several empty houses to find each other's weaknesses. Then there is defense!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Chen Fujun nodded again and again, and then tightly held Wang Xuexin's hand: "Comrade Wang Xuexin, these few words of yours have solved my heart disease that has been troubling my brother for a long time! I didn't say anything, my brother is so convinced." !"

(End of this chapter)

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