Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 110 Back Slope Tactics

Chapter 110 Back Slope Tactics

On this day, the chief of staff and Wang Xuexin fought all the way to the headquarters.

"Comrade Wang Xuexin!" said the chief of staff, "I agree with all the other issues you mentioned. But regarding this...back-slope tactics, I will never agree to it anyway! This is ridiculous, how can there be such a war! "

Wang Xuexin was a little helpless: "Chief of Staff, please listen to me first, and then object after I finish speaking..."

"Stop talking!" The chief of staff raised his hand to stop Wang Xuexin: "I have fought for so many years, and I have never heard of such a style of play! Comrade Wang Xuexin, there is no problem with daring to try, but it must be in line with common sense. It is based on basic combat principles. If it is used in actual combat, it will cost our lives! We cannot innovate for the sake of innovation, and mess around for the sake of being different!"

Wang Xuexin didn't know what to say.

The chief of staff's statement is indeed reasonable. Things on the battlefield cannot be easily changed, because once the change is wrong, it will cause heavy casualties and even affect the outcome of the entire battle.

The issue is……

What Wang Xuexin used was precisely what had been proven useful on the battlefield. It was a tactic summed up by soldiers in countless bloodshed and sacrifices, and it was recognized as a correct and effective way to fight the enemy.

The only problem is that this tactic will not be used until a few years later, and then it will be carried forward on the battlefield to resist US aggression and aid Korea.

The chief of staff didn't know this, so he had such a big reaction.

The chief happened to go out for inspection, and when he came back, he saw the chief of staff and Xiao Dongbei fighting in the headquarters, so he said "Yo", "Why do you two have time to chat here?"

"Chief, you come to judge!" The chief of staff saw the chief as if he saw a savior, and moved up with the blueprint: "Look at this... Xiaobeifei will build tunnels and fortifications on the reverse slope of the highland Go up. What do you call this? The enemy and the road are on the other side of the mountain, and we build the fortifications on this side, so the bullet of emotion can pass through the mountain and hit the enemy on the other side?"

The chief took a look at the blueprint and asked Wang Xuexin suspiciously: "Little Northeast, what kind of medicine are you selling in this gourd? With such a fortification, if the enemy does not attack, we have nothing to do. Once the attack is made, it will be easy immediately." Occupying the position on the top of the mountain and facing us condescendingly, is there such a fortification?"

The chief of staff said happily: "Yes, that's what I said too, but it doesn't make any sense, it's like a stone..."

The chief raised his hand to prevent the chief of staff from continuing, he handed the blueprint to Wang Xuexin and cast a puzzled look.

The chief is an opportunity to explain to Wang Xuexin. He knows Wang Xuexin and knows that Wang Xuexin will not make such a low-level mistake. If he does, he will definitely be able to say something.

Wang Xuexin took the blueprint and asked instead: "Sir, I want to ask first, how far can our rifles shoot, and how far can the devil's rifles shoot?"

The chief laughed: "You little guy, you want to test me!"

Then the chief replied with certainty: "Most of our army's rifles hit 200 meters, and the devil's rifle is still accurate at [-] meters, right?"

The chief is indeed an experienced veteran, and he knows the equipment of both the enemy and ours very well.

Although the Eighth Route Army has a lot of 200 big covers, but because they use reloaded bullets, the range is only [-] meters.

The devils used the original bullets, with a range of 460 meters, more than double the distance.

"Yes." Wang Xuexin nodded, then pointed to the drawing and said, "Let's assume this: the highland is 100 meters above sea level, and the slope is 200 meters long. Our army builds fortifications on the top of the mountain and hopes to block the road at the foot of the mountain with firepower. What will happen? What result?"

Speaking of this, Wang Xuexin deliberately stopped to observe the reactions of the chief and the chief of staff.

A serious look appeared on the chief's face, he seemed to understand what Wang Xuexin was going to say, but the chief of staff still frowned and disapproved.

Wang Xuexin went on to explain: "200 meters has reached the limit of the range of our army's rifles. Our army wants to hit the enemy at the foot of the mountain completely by luck, but the enemy is not like this because the rifle has a long range..."

At this time, the chief of staff interrupted Wang Xuexin: "The devils will charge us, and then our army can attack the enemy from a high position."

"Chief of Staff, let's come one by one. There is no rush." ​​Wang Xuexin pointed to the blueprint and continued: "If we fight like this, a completely asymmetrical firepower will be formed between the enemy and ourselves, even if we have more people and more There are several guns, but none of these guns are accurate, but the enemy is accurate every time, so how can we fight this battle?"

The chief nodded slightly in agreement.

This situation has always existed, but most people take it for granted that it is attributed to the difference in the quality of the enemy and ourselves.

In fact, the difference in quality cannot be so bad... The Eighth Route Army often has more troops to occupy favorable terrain and is prepared to fight unprepared, but the final battle loss ratio is astonishingly three to one or five One, even ten to one.

The reason is actually that the Eighth Route Army's bullets are not good enough, and the range is less than half that of the devils. Even sharpshooters are not accurate.

"As for what the chief of staff said, the devils will charge towards our army's positions!" Wang Xuexin continued, "That's because the devils' rifles have a long range, and with grenadiers and ghost cannons, they can easily shoot at the foot of the mountain with much less firepower." The troops can suppress our army's firepower, and at this time, we can divide our troops and charge, and we can capture our army's position in one fell swoop!"

The chief nodded in agreement.

He thought for a while and said: "We can assume that if the devils use reloading bullets like us, and the range of their rifles is only 200 meters, then they will definitely not be able to suppress our army's firepower so easily with fewer troops! So, this is where the range of the rifle comes into play! We always thought it was our army's lack of training and not feeding sharpshooters with bullets, but there were other factors!"

Then the chief asked again: "Comrade Wang Xuexin, could it be that... this reverse slope fortification can solve this problem?"

"Yes!" Wang Xuexin nodded affirmatively, pointed to the drawings and said: "If our army builds the fortifications on the reverse slope, first of all, all or all of the devil's grenadiers, ghost cannons, mortars, machine guns, etc. will be destroyed." The position is useless. The devils have to go to the top of the mountain to hit our army, but our army's reverse slope fortifications are built at a position about 50 meters away from the top of the mountain, which shortens the distance between the enemy and ourselves and makes the enemy close to our rifles. Within range!"

"It makes sense!" The chief looked at Wang Xuexin in surprise: "The reason is very simple. No matter whether the range is 400 meters or 200 meters, it is equally accurate at a distance of 50 meters. We are taking advantage! And it is also conducive to our counterattack !"

(End of this chapter)

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