Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1076 Production Line

Chapter 1076 Production Line

Mao Xiong does have the conditions to do the test again, and if there is a prototype machine to refer to and then use the power of the whole country to do the test, the time is likely to be much shorter than that of Hans.

The problem is that Mao Xiong is in a war at this time, and it is still a war that threatens to "destroy the country".

Then Mao Xiong will consider a question: Is money important, or is it important to win and keep the country?
The answer is self-evident, of course, it is important to win.

Because if the war fails, all the money, people, and land will become Hans' "property".

So Mao Xiong gritted his teeth and proposed a new condition to Wang Xuexin: "If you can provide us with 2 pieces of X5 and ensure a stable subsequent transaction, we are willing to exchange with [-] skilled technicians. These technicians plus The production line will allow your army to realize the production of 'Pull [-]' in a short period of time!"

When Wang Xuexin heard it, is there such a good thing?
In times of war, technology, equipment and talents are indispensable.

Wang Xuexin has technology... This is nothing to Wang Xuexin. The system has all kinds of technology, which is guaranteed to be more advanced than Eagle Sauce and Mao Xiong. These techniques can be used sharply.

Equipment can be imported from Yingjiang and Maoxiong. This is a question of how much equipment to replace.

Talents are different... Just like pilots, they can't be cultivated in a short period of time. He needs a long-term training process, primary school, middle school, university, plus the experience accumulated at work... To say the least It will take ten years.

The Eighth Route Army does not mean that there are no talents in this field, such as He Zhimin and Professor Su who have returned from studying abroad.

But the Eighth Route Army actually has too few talents in China.

On the other hand, Wang Xuexin also considered that the Eighth Route Army also urgently needs to "pull 5".

This is a decision made after discussions between Wang Xuexin and the head of state.

At the meeting, the chief and other commanders believed in Wang Xuexin's speculation.

In fact, for Wang Xuexin, that is not speculation, but the inevitable development direction of devils.

The chief of staff said: "Since we know that the devils may shift their strategic focus to China in the future, how can we deal with it?"

These words stunned all the commanders and fighters present at the meeting.

The Eighth Route Army seems to be unable to do anything, that is, what it should have done before and what it is doing now, that is, there is no difference between knowing and not knowing the strategic direction of the devils, which is obviously wrong.

This is mainly determined by the Eighth Route Army's overall strategy at this time is defense: a complete line of defense has just been established, and the next stage should be to concentrate on development and wait for an opportunity.

But at this time the devil made another big move.

What can the Eighth Route Army do?


Certainly not, the devils are probably deploying troops to focus on the frontal attack at the moment. If the Eighth Route Army attacks first, it will kick at the steel plate.


Too passive!

The point is that the Eighth Route Army doesn't know how the devils will attack, so they don't know the direction of defense.

After thinking about it for a while, Wang Xuexin said: "I think we should complete the establishment of the 'La 5' production line as soon as possible, and try our best to realize the production of 'La 5' before the devils attack!"

The chief agreed with this: "Stay the same for all changes! Air supremacy is the most important thing. Having it is equivalent to jamming the throat of the devils, making the devils not know how to fight with our army. Therefore, you can build your own aircraft. , and training enough pilots is the right way!"

Then the chief turned his attention to the chief of staff and asked, "How is Mao Xiong? Can the production line be delivered as scheduled?"

The chief of staff replied: "There is no problem with the delivery of the production line on schedule, because the bear has tried X1 and X2 and knows their value. The problem is..."

The chief of staff frowned as he spoke: "Although we require that the 'Pull 5' production line be equipped with technicians, judging from the technologies assigned to us by Mao Xiong in the past, they all belong to the state of 'shoddy'! "

After a pause, the chief of staff added: "Or it can't be said to be 'substituting the best', but the situation of Mao Xiong itself is like this, and they also use such technicians to produce equipment!"

The chief nodded, he was more in favor of the latter.

For example, the "La 5" pilots given by Mao Xiong are all novices who have only trained for a few months.

Can you say that these pilots are not good or that they are not kind?
Mao Xiong's situation is that a large number of experienced pilots have died in battle. They are all using this kind of training for pilots who have been on the battlefield for a few months. What problem does China have?
Technicians are about the same.

At this time, Mao Xiong was in a state of shortage of resources and equipment, even rifles and bullets... A large area of ​​territory ahead was captured by Hans, the arsenal was captured by the enemy one by one, and his factory was transferred to Siberia. At this time, only part of it was put into production, but he had to equip a large number of troops, so this situation occurred.

Under such circumstances, Mao Xiong and even the common people organized to produce bullets, grenades and even assemble firearms at home.

Therefore, it seems that there is no problem in using a group of irregular and unskilled technicians to support Huaxia "by shoddy".

Mao Xiong would say: "Technicians like this are considered good in our country!"

The chief of staff said helplessly: "Because we don't understand these technologies, it is difficult to distinguish which technicians are 'shoddy'. We have to start everything from scratch, look at the drawings, make, study, and discuss, and then dare to It will take at least a few months to get into mass production."

Commanders and fighters understand this truth.

Because this is the production of aircraft, not sloppy at all.

Mao Xiong just handed over the production line to the Eighth Route Army, and made no promises about quality control.

If the Eighth Route Army doesn’t learn and understand the principles, it will rely entirely on Mao Xiong technicians to produce and then send pilots to drive to fight...then it’s no different from courting death.

Therefore, several months of preparation time are considered less.

But how could the devil wait for a few months?
However, this problem was quickly solved because of Mao Xiong's demand for X2.

A familiar mechanic for an X2... so what are you waiting for?

Being able to produce "La 5" is the most important thing. If it can be produced quickly and in large quantities, the Eighth Route Army can also allow pilots to undergo training in actual combat and grow into excellent pilots, just like Mao Xiong in history.

So Wang Xuexin didn't even think about it, and immediately agreed to Mao Xiong's conditions.

But Mao Xiong is required: These skilled technicians must be worthy of the name, otherwise there will be no guarantee for the follow-up X2.

After this, Mao Xiong didn't dare to play tricks anymore.

After all, on the battlefield, especially when fighting for air supremacy against an opponent like Hans, a hundred X2s are definitely not enough.

(End of this chapter)

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