Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1077 Factory Manager

Chapter 1077 Factory Manager
In fact, it cannot be said that Mao Xiong dare not play tricks, Mao Xiong will do something tricky at any time, after all, in Mao Xiong's view... the Eighth Route Army does not understand the production details of "La 5", whether it is a skilled craftsman or not Let Mao Xiong decide?

Some of them rely on rote memorization and stuffing some seemingly high-end terms into their heads before they come. When the time comes, "blah, blah", will the Eighth Route Army be able to tell the difference?
If you fish in troubled waters for a while at work, is the Eighth Route Army capable of finding these people?

Not to mention, Wang Xuexin really couldn't close this.

Because although he can get the technology from the system, he can't be specific to the production process, so he can't tell which ones are skilled technicians and which ones are fake.

But this problem was quickly solved by Wang Xuexin.

Without further ado, Wang Xuexin transferred Alexei from Yuncheng.

Wang Xuexin was originally worried about whether Alexei was qualified for this task, because he used to work in a tractor factory and seemed to have nothing to do with airplanes, and the technologies of the two were not related...

But as soon as Alexei heard the question, he patted his chest and answered confidently.

"Don't worry, Comrade Battalion Commander!" Alexey said, "I know a little about aero engines, which is enough for me to recognize whether they are really skilled technicians!"

After Alexey's explanation, Wang Xuexin knew:

Mao Xiong's tractor factory is also the place where tanks are produced.

And the 34-cylinder V12 engine equipped with the T2 tank is modified from an aero engine... This is one of the reasons why the life of the T34 engine is very low. The biggest defect of Maoxiong's aviation engine is its short life.

Therefore, as the deputy factory director and also in charge of tank production, he also has a deep understanding of Hangfa.

Coupled with Alexey's many years of production experience, it is naturally not a big deal to identify whether a technician has real skills.

So Wang Xuexin handed over the task of identifying technicians to Alexei with confidence, and later even handed over the production of "La 5" to him.

In this regard, the chief of staff in charge of the production line hesitated. He asked Wang Xuexin: "Little Northeast, it's not that I don't trust Comrade Alexei. I believe that the person you fancy can be qualified for this job and is worthy of trust. But they are all Mao Zedong. Xiong, if it is based on national interests... it is normal to make some small moves in this, I think we should seriously consider this matter!"

Wang Xuexin replied: "Chief of Staff, as the saying goes, 'you don't need to be suspicious', Alexei is indeed a bear, but he has a weakness, that is, he is afraid of death. People like him are not tolerated by bears." With the casualty rate of Mao Xiong's domestic battle with Hans at this time, he will never want to return to China. Therefore, if he wants to live longer, he should try his best to stay in China. And if he wants to stay In Huaxia, you should try your best to do some practical things for us instead of continuing to please the bear!"

The chief of staff was taken aback, and said, "Is there such a thing?"

Wang Xuexin nodded, then explained Alexei's background and experience to the chief of staff, and added: "Sometimes, people like Alexei are more trustworthy, because they are very I know that I have no future in Mao Xiong, only in China can I have a future!"

The chief of staff thought for a while, then nodded and said, "It makes sense, and from the perspective of national interests, it is also in Mao Xiong's interest. Even if Mao Xiong knows that Alexei is guarding us, they dare not say anything more!"

There is nothing wrong with the chief of staff's analysis.

Because if Mao Xiong turns his face directly, the next thing he will face is that he will not be able to get X2.

If X2 cannot be obtained, it is likely to affect Mao Xiong's victory in the civil war.

Therefore, it is in the interests of the two countries to pretend that they don't know anything and continue to cooperate. Otherwise, it will not hurt the Eighth Route Army, but it will almost affect whether the country will be destroyed if it is Mao Xiong.

In the face of such great interests, what can an Alexei be?What is a hundred skilled workers?Not to mention that if the Eighth Route Army can produce "Pull 5" to hold back the devils, it will be of great benefit to Mao Xiong himself.

So the chief of staff no longer hesitated, nodded immediately, and replied: "Okay, let's do it like this! Anyway, we don't understand anything, why don't we just trust Alexei and hand over the production line to him!"

Facts have proved that Wang Xuexin's choice is correct.

After Alexey was reused to be responsible for the establishment of the "Pull 5" production line, it can be said that he devoted himself to death. Not only was he very strict in the selection of talents... more than [-] "skilled technicians" were returned as soon as he came up.

You must know that Mao Xiong only sent a total of [-] skilled technicians, and more than [-] people are one third.

This made Mao Xiong half dead, but every technician who was returned had a detailed explanation, and also asked the Eighth Route Army, so he didn't dare to say anything and sent additional personnel to make up for the vacancy. .

Then to the airport site selection, assembly, production materials, warehouses, parts, fuel, etc., all are operated by Alexei.

At this time, Alexey perfectly utilized his organizational, coordinating and commanding abilities as the deputy factory director. The total number of people in a huge factory is more than 3000, and there are countless machines and equipment. To use a generator guarantee.

But for such a complicated matter, Alexey arranged it in an orderly manner.

Only one and a half months before and after, "La 5" was put into production smoothly.

So there is no such thing as good or bad character, only suitable or not.

A cowardly person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, don't let him go to the battlefield to fight!
He can't do it in battle, but it doesn't mean he doesn't have other advantages. As long as he is placed in the right position, he can shine.

The problem of Mao Xiong at this time is that the political command requires all the people to be brave and fearless, and they can all become heroes who fight against the enemy on the battlefield.

But this is obviously impossible.

Forcibly doing so will not only fail to achieve the desired effect, but will also bring many side effects... In the early and middle stages of Maoxiong's battle with Hans, a large number of Maoxiong soldiers chose to betray, and many soldiers killed political workers and surrendered , There are even generals who surrendered with their troops as a whole.

In order to stop this trend of surrender, Mao Xiong had to issue Order No. 227, which is an unimaginable continuous system in modern society: once someone becomes a traitor to the country, the country will deprive the traitor's relatives, children, etc. All power, relatives of traitors will be exiled and engaged in coolie labor.

From this point of view, Alexei was lucky.

Because he chose to side with the Eighth Route Army, he was not considered a traitor, and he could even be said to have acted according to orders.

(End of this chapter)

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