Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1078 New Students

Chapter 1078 New Students

After Wang Xuexin made arrangements for the "La 5" factory, he returned to his headquarters in Dishipo.

The chief of staff and Alexei are busy on the production line, so there is no need for Wang Xuexin to worry about it.

In fact, Wang Xuexin couldn't worry about it even if he wanted to worry about it... Wang Xuexin didn't know anything about specific technical matters, and there was nothing in organization and management. Whenever he came across documents or personnel management, he would have a headache.

Therefore, Wang Xuexin still decided to devote more energy to the direction of Dishipo and the steel plant.

The iron and steel plant is also well-known under the management of Li Yunlong. To be precise, Zhao Gang is running it. Li Yunlong only knows how to fight wars. Whenever he hears about a war, he screams like a chicken blood. When it comes to other things Just drowsy and completely out of state.

Zhao Gang is different. He deserves to be educated at Yenching University. He manages the iron and steel plant in a very good way. Of course, the bigger reason is that the Eighth Route Army is a teacher of benevolence and righteousness and won the support of the people. Otherwise, even if Zhao Gang boasted about it, not many people would believe it.

With the good reputation of the Eighth Route Army, Zhao Gang just did some propaganda, and soon organized the common people and Mongolian people in the Daqingshan area to participate in the work and transportation of the steel factory.

Usually, the devils used bayonets and leather whips to coerce the people to do it, whether they were mining iron ore or coal.

Although progress is being made, the common people are forced to do so, and even sabotage secretly. Thinking about it again, these steels are smelted to make guns to fight against Chinese people, so they have no enthusiasm for production.

Steelmaking by the Eighth Route Army was different. It produced bullets to fight devils. Even if they didn't need wages, they would rush to do it as long as they could talk and talk.

The former is passive, the latter is active, and the efficiency of the two is completely different, so it is reasonable to increase steel production.

On Dishipo's side, what Wang Xuexin did during this period was mainly to train new students.

These new trainees are preparing for the future production of "La 5"...

The Eighth Route Army has its own aircraft production line, and in the future it will take off at a rate of twenty aircraft per month, but these aircraft must be driven by someone!
Therefore, it is imminent to train new students.

Wang Xuexin believes that in this regard, we should not rely too much on Yingjiang's Wanxian Airport.

One is because Wanxian Airport trains the "Hawker 81" fighter, and it needs to be familiarized again when flying the "La 5".

The second is because the direction and method of training pilots in Yingjiang are not suitable for "pull 5"...

Eagle Sauce aims at long-term training, and if you don't practice for a year or two, you won't be able to fly into the air.

But "Pull 5" requires instant success.

If every pilot has to practice for one or two years before joining the war, then the aircraft produced by the "La 5" production line will be rusted in the warehouse.

Obviously, the Eighth Route Army couldn't wait. This was forced by the situation and required by the war.

Therefore, the Eighth Route Army once again used the intelligence network to recruit a group of high school and college students from all over the country, especially from the areas controlled by the recalcitrant army, to join the air force.

The reason why we searched from the area controlled by the stubborn army is because for quite a long time before, the area controlled by the Eighth Route Army could be pierced by devils with a single shot... Even the commander's headquarters had to be moved around. The army is fighting against the devils in the mountains, how can this situation retain talents?

There are indeed talents, but very few of them are those who have firm beliefs and believe that the Eighth Route Army can save China.

Most of the talents are in Chongqing...they moved to Chongqing along with the university.

But at this time, it is quite difficult to search for these talents.

It's not that the recalcitrant military is strictly controlled.

Even if the recalcitrant army is strictly controlled, the Eighth Route Army can still mobilize talents to join the Eighth Route Army through underground staff.

The reason is that the recalcitrant army at this time is also mobilizing a large number of student soldiers... In the past, the recalcitrant army did not require students to join the army, because they also knew the importance of talents.

However, Ying Jiang formed the New China Expeditionary Force in Asanna, and they emphasized the need for high-quality talents to join the army.

This makes sense, because Yingjiang's troops are all equipped with a full set of American weapons, and they are quite advanced, not only machine guns and artillery, but also cars, tanks and even airplanes.

It takes talent to operate these devices, right?

To realize step-tank collaboration, talents are needed, right?

To achieve infantry coordination and air-ground coordination requires talents, right?

Only when high-quality personnel enter the army can they learn to use them as soon as possible and give full play to the power of these equipments to finally form combat effectiveness.

Therefore, Yingjiang's plane brought in the supplies that the recalcitrant army was in short supply from the hump route, and on the return journey, he took the educated student soldiers from Huaxia to Ah San to be incorporated into the new expeditionary force.

As a result, there are not many talents that the Eighth Route Army can grab.

The result is that the conditions have dropped again and again, from the original college students to high school students, and then from high school students to high school students.

In the end, among the more than 100 new students, there were still more than [-] students who had only junior high school education, and half of them failed to graduate.

Such a foundation is used to train pilots, which is a nightmare for modern times.

Especially in terms of physical fitness, they have not been screened, such as whether they have congenital diseases, whether they have scars, whether their physical fitness is qualified, and so on.

If you really provoke someone, I'm afraid there will be a dozen or so at most among the more than 100 new students.

Therefore, Wang Xuexin told himself over and over in his heart: This is the age of war, and the culture of junior high school is already quite good, and it doesn't matter if the body is a little short, as long as you can fly into the sky to fight, anyway...

Anyway, Wang Xuexin didn't dare to think about the latter.

Just like Mao Xiong has no high requirements on the engine life of the "La 5", because they think that the "La 5" will not be able to use up the life after it flies into the sky...they will most likely be shot down before flying for 50 hours.

So, what is the difference between a 50-hour lifespan and a 500-hour or 1000-hour lifespan?

If this is true for airplanes, is it true for pilots as well?
Therefore, when Wang Xuexin looked at the students on the reviewing platform who were still childish but whose eyes were full of yearning for war, he couldn't bear it.

Wang Xuexin even thought that this was harming them and being irresponsible to them. He trained them hastily and then went to face the vicious and skilled devil pilots.

This is not fair!

But after thinking about it, Wang Xuexin calmed down.

Because, Wang Xuexin thought, the whole of China is on the verge of life and death at this time, and every common people has the responsibility to fight against the devils, and also has the responsibility to bear the risk of war.

If they don't fly to the sky to fight the devils, are they safe?
Do not!
They will most likely die a much worse and worthless death.

Therefore, Wang Xuexin only said one sentence to the new students: "Comrades, you only need to learn one thing from now on, and that is to defeat the devils and survive!"

(End of this chapter)

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