Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1079 Ability to withstand pressure

Chapter 1079 Ability to withstand pressure
The training machine that Wang Xuexin provides to new students is no longer a platform built by just a few wooden frames.

Wang Xuexin is very clear: if these new students with low quality can master the control of "Pull 5" as quickly as possible, they must be given a realistic environment.

Therefore, new trainees use props and fighters for training as soon as they come up.

They are said to be prop fighters, but in fact these fighters are almost indistinguishable from the real "La 5".

Because this is what Wang Xuexin asked the carpenter to make according to the drawings in a one-to-one ratio. Even the seats and instruments in the cockpit are real, but they can't function, that is, the pointer won't's In fact, it is an empty shell with nothing inside.

Then, a rotatable shelf is fixed under this kind of prop fighter, just like a modern rocking car, which can be pushed by manpower to change direction.

During the training, the pilot shouted his own operation, and the people below pushed the fuselage to make corresponding changes in flight attitude.

Obviously, this allows new trainees to enter the control platform of "La 5" and become familiar with its control at the first time.

The training subjects are as mentioned before, simple and clear, which is to approach the enemy plane at high speed, launch X2, and then leave.

In comparison, combat is not difficult, but takeoff and landing are difficult. For example, when landing, the speed should not be too fast and the altitude should not be too high, otherwise the plane will crash and people will die if you are not careful.

To be precise, it is not bad for the plane to crash and kill people. The fighter itself has fuel and carries X2. If it hits the hangar, ammunition depot or something, a disaster will be unavoidable.

Therefore, Wang Xuexin's training focus for new trainees is always on take-off and landing.

Over and over again, until they form a conditioned reflex and can operate proficiently with their eyes closed.

In other words, these quick pilots did not actually "learn" to fly the plane, but memorized the process, actions and key points of flying the plane.

That night, Wang Xuexin was discussing with Yu Ping how to speed up the training progress while observing the training situation of the new students in the office.

The training of new trainees has been intensified, and their progress and gains will be collected and summarized by the squad leader at the evening training summary meeting every day.

The overall training situation is still good, but there are a few pilots who are always uncoordinated with their hands and feet, or forget this or forget that.

Wang Xuexin can understand this situation.

Because not to mention the new students at this time and they are still flying airplanes. Hyundai just got a driver’s license and drove a car. I don’t know how many people will be stumped. Many people just don’t move their hands or feet, or they always use the brakes as the accelerator When braking, the most difficult thing is to change the gear when testing the manual transmission, and the engine will be turned off at every turn.

Flying a plane is more complicated and dangerous than this, and it is normal to have problems of one kind or another.

But being in the military is different from getting a driver's license.

If you fail the driver's license test, you can re-study it. At worst, spend more time practicing before taking the test next time.

The new trainees have to go to the battlefield to fly a plane, and there is an urgency in the battle situation. It is impossible for the whole team to stop and wait for them just because a few people can't learn it.

Yu Ping made a list of these people: "Wang Qiang, Fan Yongli, Gan Yiquan...a total of seven people!"

Wang Xuexin nodded, then took the list and said, "Tomorrow I will notify them and ask them about their intentions!"

Don't ask, they can't be pilots, they'll start as infantry if they want to.

Wang Xuexin thought, they are all educated soldiers, and they should be able to do some difficult arms, such as artillery scouts, tank soldiers, and automobile soldiers. If they can't, they should be radio soldiers.

Anyway, the Eighth Route Army is short of people, especially educated people. As long as they are willing, the Eighth Route Army has their place.

After making up his mind, Wang Xuexin put away the list and went back to his room.

Wang Xuexin planned to wait until dawn the next day before telling the eliminated pilots, and they had already rested by then.

But I didn't expect that it was just this difference in thought that an accident happened.

When Wang Xuexin was sleeping soundly, there was a sudden "bang" gunshot.

Surprised, Wang Xuexin immediately sat up from the bed, took out the cannon box next to the bed, and leaned down close to the ground... This is the reaction a soldier should have. Don't think about whether he is handsome or not. If you have one life, like Rambo or 007 in the movie, a hundred lives are not enough in actual combat.

Wang Xuexin thought to himself: The enemy sneak attack?No, because the enemy's sneak attack cannot be just a gunshot!
Soon, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door, and then the guard Xiao Wang reported outside the door: "Battle Commander, it's not good! Comrade Fan Yongli couldn't think about it and committed suicide!"

"What?" Wang Xuexin jumped up and opened the door, and asked the guard standing outside: "What's the situation? How are you? Why did you commit suicide?"

The guard replied hesitantly: "People have..."

Needless to say what the result is.

Wang Xuexin rushed to the scene without saying a word.

A cadet soldier fell in the toilet, a Springfield rifle was tilted aside, and the trigger was tied with a rope. The cadet soldier's head was pierced by a bullet from the chin to the entire head, bloody, leaning against the wall made of logs. superior.

"What's the situation?" Wang Xuexin asked again: "Why did you commit suicide?"

"Battalion Commander!" At this time, Yu Ping handed over a suicide note and said, "This was found under Comrade Fan Yongli's pillow!"

Wang Xuexin opened it and took a flashlight to see it, and then he understood.

It turned out that someone leaked the news last night... It was later found out that a security guard had slipped his mouth by accident, saying that some cadets who failed their grades were to be eliminated and sent back.

Fan Yongli is a very strong person. When he came out, he vowed to his relatives that he would become a pilot to kill the enemy and serve the country.

But now, not only would he not be able to become a pilot, but he would also be sent back... How would he face his family when he went back?
In the end, he couldn't think about it for a while, so he stole a rifle and ended his life.

Only then did Wang Xuexin realize one thing: Compared with the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army... or the common people in the base areas, the student soldiers still lacked in one thing, that is, the ability to resist pressure.

Although they are knowledgeable and capable, it can even be said that their brains turn faster than others.

But during this period, they can still grow up in school carefree, most of them are people from some family background, or at least it can be said that the family conditions are not too bad.

Therefore, they have not suffered much since they were young, and they have not suffered many blows and setbacks. Of course, their ability to resist pressure cannot be compared with that of the people who grew up in the base areas.

The result is... this happened with a little trouble.

Wang Xuexin regretted it too much, and at the same time realized that the training of psychological quality should also be put on the agenda.

(End of this chapter)

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