Chapter 1082
The battle started in February of the following year.

The exact date is February [-]th, the Chinese New Year.

This is the second Spring Festival that Wang Xuexin has come to this world.

He remembered that he was still practicing tactics in the army last Spring Festival, and he passed it without knowing it.

This Spring Festival is a little different. Every household is decorated with lanterns, red lanterns are hung in front of the door, paper-cuts are pasted in front of the windows, and some dry goods that are usually stored are also dug out to eat.

The aviation team has no special projects, but the headquarters sent an art troupe to do a performance for the aviation team to commend the aviation team's contributions.

Wang Xuexin was also present, and the playground was densely packed with soldiers... There were bears and Chinese soldiers.

When Wang Xuexin arrived, Mao Xiong's pilot was on the stage in high spirits, dancing the Mao Xiong dance and singing "Katyusha" while dancing, which attracted cheers and applause from the audience.

"Battalion Commander!" Yu Ping moved closer to Wang Xuexin and said, "Would you like to come up and play a song?"

Wang Xuexin hurriedly refused: "What's my job, don't make fun of me..."

But before the words fell, a soldier who heard this was not too busy, stood up and shouted: "Comrades, the battalion commander wants to sing us a song, what do you think?"

The soldiers immediately booed and shouted: "Good!"

Then there was a round of applause.

Wang Xuexin's scalp was numb, he was tone deaf, he was fine in war, let's sing... just forget it!
But unable to hold back the booing from the audience, he could only bite the bullet and go on stage.

The head of the art troupe is a female soldier in her early twenties, with a very capable appearance that does not match her age. When she came to report, she met Wang Xuexin. Wang Xuexin only remembered her surname Xu, and had no impression of the rest.

Seeing Wang Xuexin coming to the stage, she hurried up to salute, then put the trumpet in her mouth, and shouted to the audience: "Comrades, battalion commander Wang is welcome to give us a show!"

There was a burst of applause from the audience.

Then head Xu handed the trumpet to Wang Xuexin... The condition of the art troupe is poor, and the singing is to use the small trumpet as a microphone.

At that moment, Wang Xuexin's mind was blank, and he secretly thought that this is a bad situation, and he will make a fool of himself in front of his subordinates.

However, a gust of cold wind blew, blowing the leaves on the mountain to "squeak", and Wang Xuexin, who was touched, suddenly sang a very appropriate song.

So he hummed a song "Green Flower in the Army" with a small trumpet.

There is no melody, only Wang Xuexin's slightly hoarse voice, and occasionally some noise from inferior speakers.

But Wang Xuexin spoke clearly, and the soldiers could hear clearly:
"Falling Leaves in the Cold Wind"

"The army is a green flower"

"Dear comrades, don't be homesick"

"Don't think about mom"


Some things in the world are just so strange, the more I persuade you to "don't think about it", the more you think about it.

After singing a song, although the singing skills are not very good, it still made all the commanders and fighters in the audience cry.

After a long time, Commander Xu also came up wiping his tears, holding Wang Xuexin's hand while sniffling, and said, "Comrade Battalion Commander, you sing very well! But, why have I never heard this song before? You can write it down?"

"Of course!" Wang Xuexin replied.

Only then did he realize that he could use this time and space, not only military and historical knowledge, but also songwriting and composition!
There are so many "red songs" in modern times, shouldn't they be used directly?
However, at this moment, a correspondent rushed over and shouted to the stage from a distance of tens of meters: "Battle Commander, there is a situation!"

Wang Xuexin's face changed, and he immediately grabbed the small speaker and ordered loudly: "Everyone is there, everyone is ready to fight!"

"Ready to fight!"

"Follow me one after another!"

"Aviation team concentrated!"


In an instant, there was only a row of wooden benches and a group of members of the art troupe who were stunned and didn't know what to do.

Wang Xuexin originally thought that the "something" that the correspondent said was about the iron and steel plant.

As he rushed back to the headquarters, he cursed: "Fucking devils, you actually launched a surprise attack at the time of our Chinese New Year!"

Wang Xuexin thought that this was probably Okamura Ningji's idea.

Because Ningji Okamura is a Chinese hand, he knows what Chinese New Year means to Chinese people.

Wang Xuexin's guess was right, this was indeed Okamura Ningji's plan.

In fact, Neiji Okamura has been lurking for quite a long time.

Because for him, it is very simple to make a "special bomb", and he doesn't even need to wait for Hans' V1 missile.

There is no reason...

If the V1 missile can bomb the enemy with bombs, can't the fighter plane?
In other words, Okamura Ningji can directly turn a fighter plane into a missile, and even this missile has much better performance than a V1 missile, because it is a real aircraft, and its flight performance is not a V1 missile This cheap "aircraft" can be compared.

At this time, the Empire still has many such aircraft that can be used, because with the "Zero War" equipment, the Empire has a large number of backward fighters that have retreated from the battlefield and will be eliminated.

The next thing Ning Okamura has to do is to load these fighters with explosives and then match them with a pilot.

The biggest cost of this is the pilot.

But of course, this pilot will not be an experienced pilot, he only needs to go through simple training... Training this kind of pilot will be more troublesome than a V1 missile pilot, because he still needs to learn how to take off.

But such a pilot is still very easy to train, and it only takes one or two months of preparation before and after.

The result was more than 50 such "bombs" ready to go.

But of course, more than 50 is not enough.

While preparing these "bombs", Neiji Okamura also prepared many V[-] missiles...

To be precise, it is not a V[-] missile, but a V[-] missile with humans replacing machines.

As for the day when the attack was launched, it goes without saying, of course it was the day of the Chinese New Year.

Neiji Okamura said: "On this day, Chinese people will gather together to celebrate each other. This is the time when their vigilance is the lowest! Launching an attack at this time is beyond their expectation!"

Neiji Okamura was very scheming, prepared the battle plan two months ago, and rehearsed it over and over again.

The most important of these was the bombing of Dishipo.

Because Dishipo is the location of the Air Force of the Eighth Route Army, there are a large number of advanced fighter planes imported from Mao Xiong.

If the airport could be blown up with V[-] missiles before the Eighth Route Army reacted, then half of the battle would have been won.

The first batch of Ningji Okamura used V1 missiles.

Because he knows that the V1 missile has a characteristic, that is, it cannot be detected by the enemy's radar... If the imperial radar cannot detect the "special bomb" of the Eighth Route Army, the radar imported by the Eighth Route Army from Maoxiong will certainly not be able to detect the V1 missile.

(End of this chapter)

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