Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1083 Night Attack

Chapter 1083 Night Attack
Neji Okamura guessed right, the radar of the Eighth Route Army could not detect the V1 missile.

Neiji Okamura even made a test. He let the Imperial radar detect a V1 missile flying in the air... The Imperial radar could not detect it, and Maokuma's radar was also at a similar level, so Neiji Okamura Don't worry.

It's just that the cost of this test is a bit high: the V1 missile does not have a landing procedure, and the V1 missile used by the devil is directly driven by a human, which means that a pilot is wasted for no reason.

Neiji Okamura prepared the pilot for skydiving, but because the hatch of the V1 missile cannot be opened at will... The V1 missile actually has no hatch design at all, and this kind of disposable consumable does not need a hatch.

The reason why the V1 used by the Devil has a hatch is that it was temporarily modified.

In order not to affect the aerodynamic layout of the V1, the hatch is designed to be very small, that is, a small door is opened on the side, which can only allow the pilot to lean in and get in, and then lock it from the inside.

This door can still be opened when it is on the ground, but when the air pressure is different inside and outside when flying at high speed in the air, no matter how hard it is inside, the door will not move at all.

In the end, the pilot Okamura Ningji tried to rescue fell to the ground along with V1.

Neiji Okamura's idea was to bomb the Eighth Route Army's Dishipo Airport with fifty V1 missiles in the first batch, and it was carried out at night.

The reason why we chose to do it at night is because fifty V1 missiles are not a small number, and the flying altitude of the V1 missiles is not high, so they can easily be spotted by the intelligence personnel of the Eighth Route Army along the way. If they provide early warning to the Eighth Route Army at that time, it will not meet expectations bombing effect.

There is no problem in this aspect when launching at night. Although the flying altitude of V1 is only more than 700 meters, it is not easy to find them in the dark night.

In this way, neither the radar nor the naked eye can detect it, which means that the V1 missile will arrive at Dishipo Airport silently and without any warning. Needless to say, what will happen then, Ning Okamura The scene of fifty V1 missiles blowing up the Eighth Route Army airport into ruins flashed in my mind for the first time.

If the Dishipo Airport can be razed to the ground and the Eighth Route Army Air Force suffers heavy losses, then the powerful offensive of the imperial army will be launched smoothly under the air supremacy.

At that time, what if the mountains are blocked by heavy snow in winter?The imperial army can still sweep Daqingshan and regain the steel factory that originally belonged to the empire!

However, Neji Okamura underestimated the intelligence personnel of the Eighth Route Army.

Or it can be said that Ningji Okamura is not familiar with the V1 missile... Although the body of this missile is invisible to the naked eye in the dark, the flames from the tail engine are very obvious.

If it was just one V1 missile, it might not have attracted the attention of intelligence personnel, but if fifty of them were launched in a swarm, it would be densely packed with flames in the sky.

And the flame is very obvious, because the engine of the V1 missile is a pulse engine, which ignites 42 times per second.

Although the change cannot be detected by the naked eye, the fuel used for each ignition is different, so the length of the flame is different, jumping from time to time like the tongue of a poisonous snake.

When the intelligence personnel saw this situation, they felt that the situation was wrong, and immediately reported it to their superiors.

At this time, the Chief of Staff Na had actually received the information, but he didn't know that it was a new type of "high fire" from the devils, and he didn't even realize that it was a "high fire" flying to Dishipo Airport. The chief of staff thought it was The devil's night fighter, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

Until an artillery scout saw these V1s flying overhead, he took out the map and calculated along its flight route, and was startled...

"The devil's target is Moshipo!" The artillery scout immediately reported to his superiors: "UFO, the target is probably our airport!"

Only then did the chief of staff feel that something was wrong, and immediately issued an early warning to Dishipo.

At this time, it was less than 1 minutes before the V10 missile arrived at Dishipo Airport.

Wang Xuexin couldn't help being surprised when he heard the information. He thought the devil's target was the Daqingshan Iron and Steel Plant, but he didn't expect it to be the airport where he was.

This accident gave him an ominous premonition, because it showed that the devils were competing with the Eighth Route Army for air supremacy, and the seizure of air supremacy might herald the imminent war.

But at this early winter, the devils chose to attack at this time...

Although this season is not conducive to the devil's mechanized troops, if the devil has made sufficient preparations and the Eighth Route Army has always thought that winter is safe and has not taken corresponding countermeasures, then something big will happen.

This idea just flashed in Wang Xuexin's mind.

Because this is not the time to think about these things, the focus at this time is to deal with the enemy, the UFO flying towards the airport...

"It should be an enemy fighter plane!" Yu Ping judged: "The devil is sure that our fighter planes are not capable of night combat, so send night fighter planes to our airport to have some fun!"

Yu Ping's judgment is not unreasonable.

Because that is something flying in the sky, what else is there besides fighter jets?

But Wang Xuexin doesn't think so.

He asked several questions in succession:
"What is the approximate speed of the UFO?"

"How does the flight path change?"

"What did our military radar find?"

Chen Songyong immediately distributed these questions to several communication soldiers, and got the answer in less than 2 minutes: "Report, the speed is about 600 kilometers per hour; the flight trajectory went straight to Dishipo; our army's radar did not find anything!"

Wang Xuexin's heart trembled, and he said, "This is not an airplane, it's a 'high fire'! Devil's 'high fire'!"

"High fire?" Yu Ping's eyes widened immediately.

Wang Xuexin said "hmm": "Only the 'High Fire' can go straight to the destination without being detected by the radar, and only the 'High Fire' can not change the flight direction all the way!"

When Yu Ping heard it, he thought it was true. So, the devil has already developed "High Fire"?

Then Yu Ping became nervous: "Battle Commander, if it's 'high fire'...Battle Commander, we should take off urgently..."

As he spoke, he couldn't wait to order, but was stopped by Wang Xuexin.

Yu Ping's thoughts have their own reasons.

Because the "high fire" flew to the target by itself, there were as many as fifty of them in this wave.

Regardless of whether the "high fire" hits or not, the fighter jet is definitely right to scramble into the air anyway.

It is best if the "high fire" does not hit. If it hits the airport, it can reduce losses by scrambling into the air.

Wang Xuexin stopped Yu Ping's approach because he didn't believe that the devil could develop "High Fire" in such a short period of time, even with Hans' help.

You know, in history, Hans successfully developed and put V44 into the battlefield in June 6.

More than a year from now...

(End of this chapter)

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