Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1084 Blackout

Chapter 1084 Blackout
Wang Xuexin quickly analyzed the current situation in his mind:
Is it because he invented the V1 missile first, so that Hans' V1 research and development progress has also been advanced?
Because of the V1 missile, the difficulty is not the missile itself, but the data that the gyroscope controls the wing changes.

Therefore, even if a few "high fire" of the Eighth Route Army did not explode or even fell into the devil's hands intact, it would be difficult for Hans to obtain accurate data from them, just as Mao Xiong could not do this and needed raw data.

This is also the main reason why, at the end of World War II, Yingjiang and Maoxiong both got the actual V1 missile, but Hans scientists still need to develop and improve it.

If Hans couldn't advance the development progress of V1, why did the devil develop V1?

You must know that the devil's technological level and industrial level are much worse than Hans's.

But the reality is... the devil does have V1, and he is even on his way to the airport at this time, and he will smash it hard on the airport in a few minutes to create a disaster!
Then Wang Xuexin thought of it: the devils use people, that is, these V1s are not controlled by gyroscopes, but controlled by pilots.

It is not surprising that Wang Xuexin thought of this, because for Wang Xuexin, there are precedents for devils to do this: such as the cherry blossom bomb, the return to the sky torpedo, and the so-called "Kamikaze Special Attack Team".

These bombs and torpedoes, including flying a fighter plane towards the Yingjiang warship, are actually due to the lack of technology of the devils to develop missiles that can automatically fly to the target, so they frantically use the lives of the soldiers as weapons for suicide attacks.

But of course, these are "precedents" for Wang Xuexin, but they have not yet happened in the eyes of others.

Then, Wang Xuexin quickly thought: If the devils used "human-operated missiles", then these "missiles" should be able to turn and attack more valuable targets under the control of the pilot.

At this time, if the airport scrambles to take off fighter jets as Yu Ping thought, wouldn't the airport have to be brightly lit to provide the enemy with the target position?
Thinking of this, Wang Xuexin immediately ordered: "Everyone is there, the lights are blacked out, no fire or light is allowed! At the same time, no sound is allowed!"

"Yes!" Chen Songyong responded and issued the order.

The soldiers hurriedly took off the red lanterns under the eaves and extinguished them. All the flashlights and oil lamps in the barracks and dormitories were extinguished. In an instant, the surroundings were pitch black, so quiet that even a needle could be heard falling on the ground.

Yu Ping whispered anxiously: "Battle Commander, if it's a 'high fire', can blackout do the trick?"

No wonder Yu Ping has this worry.

If it is the "high fire" of the Eighth Route Army, the blackout is really useless... The "high fire" is played according to the set track, and it is the same with or without lights.

But Wang Xuexin insisted on his own judgment. He calmly said to Yu Ping: "Whether it works or not, we will know later!"

Soon, there was a whimpering sound like a mountain wind blowing through a cave in the sky... At this time, Wang Xuexin was sure that this was the unique sound of the V1 missile pulse engine.

When the pulse engine is working, the airflow rushing out and squeezing the normal air will cause a loud low vibrato, which is completely different from the sound made by the fighter engine.

Wang Xuexin has heard this sound countless times when he improved "High Fire" and adopted a pulse engine, so of course he is very familiar with it.

The people around all held their breath, not daring to make a sound.

Only then did Wang Xuexin realize how stupid the command "everyone is not allowed to speak out" just now was.

Even if the devil's V1 missile is manned, how can the pilot hear the movement on the ground under the low vibrato of the missile and at an altitude of several hundred meters?Unless the bottom is beating gongs and drums!
The sound became louder and closer, and Wang Xuexin even felt that the Devil's V1 missile was lowering its altitude.

But in the end, there was still no explosion, and the devil's V1 missile roared past the crowd.

Wang Xuexin couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and the commanders and fighters around him also cheered.

At this moment, Yu Ping couldn't bear it any longer, and asked: "Battle Commander, why... can the blackout really work? This 'high fire' devil can still see the lights?"

Wang Xuexin replied: "Do you think devils can develop 'High Fire'?"

Yu Ping was taken aback: "But... just now, then..."

Yu Ping was a little dazed when he heard Wang Xuexin's words. Wasn't it "Gao Huo" who flew over his head just now?
If so, why did the devils "can't develop 'high fire'"?
Wang Xuexin explained: "The devil's 'high fire' is different from ours. They can't develop it, so they simply use people to drive it!"

As soon as he said this, Yu Ping was so surprised that he couldn't speak for a long time.

Although he had heard many times that devils were ruthless in fighting wars, and they were also ruthless to the enemy and themselves. There were countless devils on the battlefield who rushed into the enemy's trenches with explosives.

However, Yu Ping has never heard of using people as flying bombs like this.

Then Yu Ping became nervous again: "Battle Commander, if these 'high fires' are controlled by humans, does that mean they may turn around?"

Wang Xuexin nodded and said, "So, our danger has not been lifted yet!"

After thinking for a while, Wang Xuexin asked Chen Songyong: "Where is the third reconnaissance company?"

Chen Songyong replied without thinking: "Camp at Songluo Lake!"

Songluo Lake is a lake with a length of more than 2000 meters and a width of 800 meters. It is as large as a rectangle, and it looks very similar to an airport at first glance.

If it was in the past, the lake was easy to distinguish, because the lake water reflected the white clouds in the sky, and it was dark under the lights at night, so you could tell it was lake water at a glance.

But now, under the severe cold of minus [-] degrees in the north, the lake has long been frozen and covered with a thick layer of snow. In addition, it is flat, vaguely looking like an airport runway.

Wang Xuexin immediately ordered: "Order the third reconnaissance company to separate several runways with a flashlight, as if instructing the fighter planes to take off! Let them take it easy and don't act too exaggerated!"


When the Eighth Route Army's third reconnaissance team was busy working, Captain Kojima Sabo, the captain of the first death squad flying in the sky, was heartbroken.

Captain Kojima Sabo carried out this mission with a heart of mortalism, so he did not wear a military cap on his head, but only a white cloth belt with a picture of the rising sun.

He thought the task this time would be easy.

As Neiji Okamura told him: "You don't need to worry about taking off, you just need to keep flying in the same direction and calculate the distance. When the distance is about the same, you will see the lights of the airport below, which is your destination!"

The problem is... when they reached the so-called "almost" distance, they didn't see any lights below them at all.

(End of this chapter)

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